代人卖车, 1992 Taurus Wagon, 车况和车体都很好(请看所附照片).
下面是车的详细情况. $1800或最高还价. 有意者请电 : 7632656 (白天)
2710751 (傍晚或周末).
1992 Ford Taurus SE Wagon Auto Blue, fully loaded:
- Power widow, power door lock, power seat, power brake
- ABS, Air Bags
- Cruise Control, FM/AM radio
- New tires, new brakes, new starter, recently maintained
transmission system
- About 113,000 miles, runs and looks great
下面是车的详细情况. $1800或最高还价. 有意者请电 : 7632656 (白天)
2710751 (傍晚或周末).
1992 Ford Taurus SE Wagon Auto Blue, fully loaded:
- Power widow, power door lock, power seat, power brake
- ABS, Air Bags
- Cruise Control, FM/AM radio
- New tires, new brakes, new starter, recently maintained
transmission system
- About 113,000 miles, runs and looks great