加拿大政府没有(也不需要)甩锅:Trudeau, ministers back Dr. Tam and Health Canada after Jason Kenney attacks pandemic response



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and key federal ministers today dismissed Alberta Premier Jason Kenney's criticism of Canada's top doctor and the approval process for new drugs and equipment by Health Canada, insisting Canada will stay the course on its pandemic response.

"I understand that people can get anxious and impatient about things. But as a government we are going to remain grounded in science. We are going to remain grounded in our experts, who are doing an excellent job in ensuring that Canadians are kept safe and healthy," Trudeau told reporters Tuesday.

"We are going to continue to work with top medical officials like Dr. Theresa Tam to make sure we are doing everything we need to do, and have done every step of the way, to keep Canadians safe."

Health Minister Patty Hajdu said it's important for Canadians to know that new medical devices and treatments have been approved to ensure they are effective and do not pose a danger to the public.

"We are so grateful ... to have the leadership of Dr. Tam and [Deputy Chief Public Health Officer] Dr. [Howard] Njoo and, in fact, the entire public health team and Health Canada ... working day and night to help us as a country manage the coronavirus, COVID-19, and our response to it," Hajdu said.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Canada's two greatest strengths in fighting the pandemic to date have been co-operation between the provincial and federal governments and the quality of advice Canada has been getting from public health officials such as Dr. Tam.
Governments will make mistakes during the pandemic — and they won't be able to pin them on 'experts'

Chrystia Freeland said Tuesday that chief public health officers have become "this generation's rock stars." And as long as rock stars have existed, there have been rock critics.

Those with learned expertise rightly come to the fore in a public emergency. In a world of sickness and fear, the epidemiologist is king.
More obviously relevant (at least in theory) is Kenney's criticism of Tam's early approach to the idea of closing Canada's borders to slow the pandemic.

Dr. Tam did say publicly that closing borders is an ineffective response to a contagious disease. But she was hardly the only one saying it.

"We look at the United States, we look at Italy, for example — both countries [that] had bans on people coming into the country from certain other countries," Dr. Bonnie Henry, the chief health officer in British Columbia, said on March 3. "Those don't work."