


Shooting of Ahmaud Arbery

On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old African-American man, was fatally shot near Brunswick in Glynn County, Georgia, while jogging on Holmes Road just before entering its intersection with Satilla Drive in the Satilla Shores neighborhood.[1]

Arbery had been pursued and confronted by two whiteresidents, Travis McMichael and his father Gregory, who were armed and driving a pickup truck.[2]

The event was recorded on video by a third Satilla Shores resident, William "Roddie" Bryan, who was following Arbery in a second vehicle.[3][4]

Shooting of Ahmaud Arbery

Map of Georgia highlighting Glynn County.svg
Map of Georgia showing location of Glynn County
DateFebruary 23, 2020
LocationSatilla Shores
Unincorporated Glynn County, Georgia, U.S.
Coordinates31.123871°N 81.556236°W
DeathsAhmaud Arbery
SuspectsTravis McMichael
Gregory McMichael
William "Roddie" Bryan
ChargesFelony murder (T. McMichael, G. McMichael, Bryan)
Aggravated assault (T. McMichael, G. McMichael)
Attempted false imprisonment(Bryan)

The Glynn County Police Department(GCPD) said the Brunswick District Attorney's Office advised them on February 23 to make no arrests,[5]while the Brunswick District Attorney's Office denied that such advice was given to the GCPD by either the Brunswick District Attorney or her Assistant District Attorneys.[6] On February 24, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill, who had not yet been assigned to the case, advised the GCPD that no arrests should be made.[7][8] Barnhill officially took over the case on February 27.[8]

Later on April 2, Barnhill again advised the GCPD to make no arrests, while announcing his intention to recuse from the case due to connections between Gregory McMichael and Barnhill's son.[8][9][10] Barnhill requested recusal on April 7.[8]
Atlantic Judicial Circuit District Attorney Tom Durden was appointed to the case on April 13.[11]

At the behest of Gregory McMichael,[12] a local attorney provided a copy of the video of the shooting to WGIG, a local radio station, who put it on the station's website on May 5.[13] The video went viral,[14]having also been posted on YouTubeand Twitter.[15][16] Within hours, Durden said a grand jury would decide whether charges would be brought, and accepted an offer from Governor Brian Kemp to have the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) investigate the case.[15][17] On May 7, the GBI arrested the McMichaels and charged them with felony murder and aggravated assault.[18] On May 21, Bryan was arrested and charged with felony murder and attempted false imprisonment.[19][20]

The fact that the McMichaels were not arrested until 74 days later, after the video went viral, sparked debates on racial profiling in America.[21]

[5]Numerous religious leaders, politicians, athletes, and other celebrities condemned the incident.

The GCPD and the Brunswick District Attorney's Office were nationally criticized for their handling of the case and the delayed arrests; Georgia Attorney General Christopher M. Carr formally requested the intervention of the FBI in the case on May 10, which the FBI granted the following day.[23][24][25]

Persons involved

Video of the shooting

A video of the incident[31] was recorded by William "Roddie" Bryan, a neighbor of the McMichaels, using his cellphone from his vehicle as he followed Arbery jogging down a neighborhood road.[4][32][33] From the camera's perspective, Arbery is seen jogging on the left side of the road when he encounters a white pickup truck that has stopped in the right lane.[32][33]Gregory McMichael is standing in the truck bed, while Travis McMichael initially stands beside the driver's door with a shotgun.[33][34][35][36] The vehicle of the person who was recording comes to a stop behind Arbery and the pickup truck.[34][35]

As Arbery approaches the pickup truck, shouting can be heard.[34]

Arbery then crosses from the left side of the road to the right side and runs around the passenger's side of the truck. After passing the truck's front, Arbery turns left.[33][35][37]

Meanwhile, Travis McMichael, holding his shotgun, approaches Arbery at the truck's front.[36][38] The camera's view of the confrontation between Arbery and Travis is then momentarily blocked.[39]

Several media accounts of the video report that the audio of the first gunshot seems to be heard before Arbery and Travis struggle with each other.[32][37][40] Some media accounts first report a struggle, and then mention the gunshot(s).[35][41] Other media accounts describe that it was "not possible" to see from the video what was happening when the first gunshot was fired,[42] or report that the truck "blocks the view of how the men first engage each other" with regard to when the gunshot is heard.[43]

Travis and Arbery grapple over the shotgun in view of the camera.[37][44]While struggling, both men disappear off camera view on the left side of the camera frame, after which the audio of a second gunshot is heard.[33][35]When they come back into camera view, Arbery appears to throw punches and tries to grab the shotgun.[35][45] A third gunshot is heard being fired by Travis at point-blank range as Arbery appears to throw a right-handed punch at his head.[33][34][46] Arbery recoils back, stumbles, and collapses in the middle of the road face-down while Travis walks away.[32][35][36] Gregory McMichael, who has taken out a handgun but not fired, then runs towards the other two men.


You Won't Believe What Police Told Ahmaud Arbery's Family


GBI explains why Roddie Bryan faces felony murder charges in Ahmaud Arbery shooting



Ahmaud Arbery: Third man charged over death of black jogger

Ahmaud Arbery

Image copyrightFAMILY PHOTOImage captionAhmaud Arbery was shot dead during a confrontation on 23 February

A motorist who filmed the shooting of an unarmed black man in the US state of Georgia has been charged with murder.

William Bryan Jr was also accused of a criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment on Thursday, said the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI).

Ahmaud Arbery, 25, was jogging when he was shot dead during a confrontation with a father and son in Brunswick on 23 February.

Gregory McMichael, 64, and son Travis, 34, were charged with murder on 7 May.

Mr Bryan will be the final person arrested in connection with Mr Arbery's death Georgia officials said on Friday.

"At this point we feel confident that the individuals who need to be charged have been charged," GBI Director Vic Reynolds said at a press conference.

William Bryan Jr is being kept in the same jail as the McMichaels as they await trial

Image copyrightPOLICE HANDOUTImage captionWilliam Bryan Jr is detained in the same jail as the McMichaels pending trial

The GBI investigation is nearly finished, Mr Reynolds said, at which point the case will be transferred to district attorney Joyette Holmes - the fourth to be appointed since Mr Arbery was killed.

In the moments before the fatal confrontation, the McMichaels, who are white, armed themselves with a pistol and shotgun and pursued Mr Arbery in a pickup truck in the Satilla Shores neighbourhood.

Gregory McMichael told police he believed that Mr Arbery resembled the suspect in a series of local break-ins.

Mr Bryan's 36-second video leaked online on 5 May, generating nationwide outcry that was swiftly followed by murder charges. It was filmed by Mr Bryan from his vehicle while he was driving behind Mr Arbery.

The clip appears to show Mr Arbery running down a tree-lined street as the McMichaels wait ahead for him in their vehicle.

Travis McMichael (left) and Gregory McMichael

Image copyrightGEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONImage captionTravis McMichael (left) and Gregory McMichael have also been arrested
A tussle follows and the younger Mr McMichael appears to fire a gun at point blank range at Mr Arbery, who falls to the street.

The Arbery family welcomed Thursday's arrest, with their lawyer Lee Merritt saying Mr Bryan's alleged involvement in the killing "was obvious to us, many around the country and after their thorough investigation, it was clear to the GBI as well".

Mr Bryan is expected to be booked into the Glynn County jail, where the McMichaels are also detained as they await trial.

How was William Bryan allegedly involved?

A prosecutor said Mr Bryan had been "in hot pursuit" of Mr Arbery.

He is also mentioned in the Glynn County police report of the shooting, in which officers noted that Mr Bryan had unsuccessfully tried to block Mr Arbery's path.

However, Mr Bryan told a local TV station that he "had nothing to do with it" and was in "complete shock".


Media captionJoggers out in solidarity with Ahmaud Arbery
During the interview, he did not answer questions on why he was there or why he started recording, but his lawyer Kevin Gough said: "My client was responding to what he saw, which was someone in the community he didn't know being followed by a vehicle he recognised."

Mr Bryan has since taken a voluntary lie detector test which law enforcement had not requested, his lawyer had said in a statement on Monday.

He added that Mr Bryan had been in hiding with his fiancée because of death threats and accused the Arbery family lawyers of instigating them.

"Contrary to speculation, the polygraph examination confirms that on 23 Feb 2020, the day of the shooting, William 'Roddie' Bryan did not have any conversation with either Gregory or Travis McMichael prior to the shooting.

"Nor did William 'Roddie' Bryan have any conversation with anyone else that day prior to the shooting about criminal activity in the neighbourhood," said Mr Gough, using Mr Bryan's nickname.

In a CNN interview, Mr Bryan said he had been praying for the Arbery family and hoped his tape would help bring closure.

"If there wasn't a tape, then we wouldn't know what happened," he said. "I hope that it, in the end, brings justice to the family and peace to the family."

Asked on Friday how Mr Bryan could be charged for murder without pulling the trigger, GBI Director Reynolds cited state law stating that someone who committed a felony resulting in a death can be charged with murder.

"We believe the evidence would indicate that his underlying felony helped cause the death of Ahmaud Arbery," Mr Reynolds said.

Image shows Breonna Taylor

Image copyrightFACEBOOKImage captionBreonna Taylor was a decorated emergency medical technician and had no criminal record

There are no hate crime laws in Georgia law, but the US Justice Department has said it is examining the case to see if any federal hate crime charges are warranted.
Meanwhile, the FBI said on Thursday it had opened an investigation into the another case of a black American shot dead amid conflicting narratives.

Breonna Taylor was fatally shot eight times on 13 March by police conducting a drug raid in Louisville, Kentucky. Police say they knocked on the door and were met by gunfire from within.

But Ms Taylor's family say the officers did not knock, wore plainclothes and that Ms Taylor's partner opened fire because he thought they were burglars. The family also say the narcotics raid was targeting the wrong address.


All 3 men found guilty of murdering Ahmaud Arbery face a possible life sentence​

From CNN's Mike Hayes

Left to right: Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William Roddie Bryan
Left to right: Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William "Roddie" Bryan (Pool)

All three men who were found guilty in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery face the possibility of life in prison when they are sentenced.
Travis McMichael, who shot and killed Arbery, was convicted on all nine counts. Five of the counts — malice murder and four counts of felony murder — carry a possible life sentence.
His father, Gregory McMichael, was found guilty of all but the first count — malice murder. He faces possible life in prison for the four counts of felony murder that he was convicted on.
The third defendant, William "Roddie" Bryan Jr., was convicted on six of the nine charges. He was found not guilty of malice murder, not guilty on one of the felony murder counts and not guilty of aggravated assault with a firearm. But Bryan could still get sentenced to life in prison since he was convicted on three of the felony murders counts.
The judge did not schedule sentencing today but he said he plans to set a date in the coming weeks.
Here's a breakdown of each of the counts that defendants were charged with in the case, along with the maximum penalties:
Count 1:
Malice murder
  • Maximum penalty: Life without the possibility of parole
Count 2: Felony murder (Felony offense: Aggravated assault with a firearm)
Count 3: Felony murder (Felony offense: Aggravated assault with pickup trucks)
Count 4: Felony murder (Felony offense: False imprisonment)
Count 5: Felony Murder (Felony offense: Criminal attempt to commit a felony)
  • Maximum penalty for any of the four charges: Life without the possibility of parole
Count 6: Aggravated assault (with firearms)
Count 7: Aggravated assault (with pickup trucks)
  • Maximum penalty: 20 years
Count 8: False imprisonment
  • Maximum penalty: 10 years
Count 9: Criminal attempt to commit a felony
  • Maximum penalty: Five years

2 hr 32 min ago

Nearly all-White Arbery murder trial jury consisted of 9 women and 3 men​

From CNN’s Alta Spells and Angela Barajas

The trial jury consisting of 11 White jurors and one Black juror found Travis McMichael, his father Gregory McMichael and their co-defendant William "Roddie" Bryan Jr. — the three men accused of chasing and killing 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery — guilty of murder.

There were nine White women, two White men and one Black man serving on the trial jury, with two White women and one White man serving as jury alternates, according to CNN analysis of juror data.

About jury selection: The 12-member trial jury and three alternates were selected after a protracted two-and-a-half-week jury selection process that included summoning 1000 prospective jurors from the South Georgia costal community. Glynn County is about 70% White and 27% Black according to information from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The makeup of the jury was challenged by the state at the conclusion of the jury selection process. Lead prosecutor, Linda Dunikoski, claimed defense attorneys disproportionately struck qualified Black jurors and based some of their strikes on race.

The judge overseeing the case said, "This court has found that there appears to be intentional discrimination,” but ruled that the case could go forward with the selected jurors because the defense was able to provide valid reasons, beyond race, for why the other Black jurors were dismissed.






