

请问,有没有作过一种叫case study的作业?如果有的话,麻烦请告知这个作业大概是要写什么,作业结构,应该注意的问题,还有你们的经验,etc。先谢谢了~!
i took it last year. the process should be like Assumption-Problems( secondary problems and primary problems)-alternatives-analysis-recommendation-implementation, if they didn't change the order of the assignment, and if wat i remember is correct.
ususally u should leave the assumption part till u start ur analysis(alternative support).read ur case several times and then come out with some problems. pick the one (usually one, but could be two)u think is the most important to the company. find out 5 alternatives dat could solve this problem. next is the analysis part. analyze those 5 alternatives one by one with ur explanation about how to do it and why, then give the advantages and disadvantages. during ur analysis, whenever u r giving some information dat is not included in the case, u should list it in the assumption part, but make sure dat they r reasonable and relative to the information u r given in the case. for the recommendation part, u just give the best solution dat can solve the primary problem and again talk about why it is the best and then tell them how to implement this solution in the implementation part.
a lil bit messy and hope it helps more or less
pretty hard.
the purpose of ADM1300 is to eliminate some students in the first year.i know last year 40% of the students in this course failed or dropped. dats insane.
最初由 sky_1016 发布
i took it last year. the process should be like Assumption-Problems( secondary problems and primary problems)-alternatives-analysis-recommendation-implementation, if they didn't change the order of the assignment, and if wat i remember is correct.
ususally u should leave the assumption part till u start ur analysis(alternative support).read ur case several times and then come out with some problems. pick the one (usually one, but could be two)u think is the most important to the company. find out 5 alternatives dat could solve this problem. next is the analysis part. analyze those 5 alternatives one by one with ur explanation about how to do it and why, then give the advantages and disadvantages. during ur analysis, whenever u r giving some information dat is not included in the case, u should list it in the assumption part, but make sure dat they r reasonable and relative to the information u r given in the case. for the recommendation part, u just give the best solution dat can solve the primary problem and again talk about why it is the best and then tell them how to implement this solution in the implementation part.
a lil bit messy and hope it helps more or less


In the Alternative Analysis part, it saids that "Your first few sentences should thoroughly describe the specific the theroy or concept behind the alternative." Does it mean the alternatives that I give should based on the concept from the book? or from my own knowledge?
最初由 菜鸟上天 发布


In the Alternative Analysis part, it saids that "Your first few sentences should thoroughly describe the specific the theroy or concept behind the alternative." Does it mean the alternatives that I give should based on the concept from the book? or from my own knowledge?

no, it doesn't have to be the concept on the book. or i say it will be good if u can relate ur alternatives with those concepts on the book, but if they just come from ur own knowledge, dat is still okey. the bottom line is dat those alternatives can solve ur primary problem(s), and u can well explain them why and how thru ur analysis part, especially the advantage- and disafvantage-part.
最初由 angelo 发布


最初由 sky_1016 发布

no, it doesn't have to be the concept on the book. or i say it will be good if u can relate ur alternatives with those concepts on the book, but if they just come from ur own knowledge, dat is still okey. the bottom line is dat those alternatives can solve ur primary problem(s), and u can well explain them why and how thru ur analysis part, especially the advantage- and disafvantage-part.

Thanx. This would help a lot.
u dunt have to drop it if u r not doing dat bad. moreover, u cant drop it rite now cuz the deadline is passes already. this is a course dat u cant get a high grade defenitely. try ur best man. good luck~~~
i heard that if u take it during summer, then u will just gonna have midterm and final.