

Chinese officials want Trump to win reelection because he is 'destroying US alliances' and won't unite to fight Beijing

Bill Bostock
13 hours ago

Trump Xi

US President Donald Trump meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, on June 29, 2019. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters
  • Chinese officials say a Trump reelection in November works for China because he is "destroying US alliances," Bloomberg reported.
  • By going it alone, the US has less power to keep China in check, the officials said.
  • A former Chinese trade negotiator told Bloomberg: "If Biden is elected, I think this could be more dangerous for China, because he will work with allies to target China, whereas Trump is destroying US alliances."
  • Trump has alienated longtime allies France, Germany, Canada, and the UK over the last year.
  • Another official said the impact of widespread Black Lives Matter protests and the coronavirus outbreak may weaken the US irrevocably from the inside out.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Chinese officials are keen for President Donald Trump to win the November presidential election because he will continue "destroying US alliances," which could strengthen China's position in the world.

Nine current and former Chinese official told Bloomberg that the US is more dangerous to China when it unites with its traditional allies — which could happen if Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden becomes president.

In the last 12 months alone, Trump has clashed with the UK and Canada over 5G contracts planned for Huawei, exchanged barbs with French President Emmanuel Macron, withdrawn funding from the World Health Organization, and shown little interest in continuing the NATO alliance.

On Monday, Trump pulled 10,000 US troops from their NATO stations in Germany.

In the eyes of Chinese officials, Trump's actions are most welcome, according to Bloomberg.

"If Biden is elected, I think this could be more dangerous for China, because he will work with allies to target China, whereas Trump is destroying US alliances," Zhou Xiaoming, a former Chinese trade negotiator and former deputy representative in Geneva, told the outlet.

Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden speaks about the economy during an event in Dover, Del., Friday, June 5, 2020. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden in Dover, Delaware, on June 5, 2020. Associated Press

Four current officials agreed with Zhou's logic, Bloomberg reported.

However, Zhou said little will change between the US and China even if Biden is elected, and that relations between the two countries will continue to slide.

"I don't think the election will change the relationship in a fundamental way. The deep feeling in the US is that the US should contain China," Zhou said. "Whether Trump wins, or Joe goes to Washington, things will get worse."

Throughout his presidential campaign Biden has heavily targeted China, particularly over its early handling of the coronavirus outbreak and actions in Hong Kong and Xinjiang, where Uighur Muslims are heavily surveilled and imprisoned.

Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping. Getty
However, Wang Huiyao, an adviser to China's cabinet, told Bloomberg a Biden administration would still have its advantages.

"He supports working on topics like climate change, WTO reform and TPP," Wang said, referring to the World Trade Organization and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, both of which Trump has publicly criticized. "There are areas where we can cooperate."

Wang also said that Trump "has destroyed a lot of goodwill" by his aggressive tactics in the US-China trade war.

"At the start of the trade war, there were a lot of people who were pro-US, but they are now sympathetic to the hard-liners."

Boris Johnson Donald Trump

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Trump at the NATO summit in London in December 2019. Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Gao Zhikai, a former Chinese diplomat and interpreter for former national leader Deng Xiaoping, told Bloomberg that domestic US issues — namely the coronavirus pandemic and protests over police brutality — are weakening the US, too.

"The US as we know it may no longer exist," Deng said.

On Monday, former Australian leader Malcolm Turnbull told Insider's Adam Payne that the US "has less influence today than it did before Mr. Trump was president."

There may be one other, more personal reason that Chinese officials want to see Biden in the Oval Office, according to Bloomberg.

A number of Chinese officials who are currently engaged in trade talks with their US counterparts want Biden to win "simply so they can spend more time with their families," Bloomberg wrote, paraphrasing an unnamed source.

The source said the Chinese trade team often "shows up to work looking exhausted," Bloomberg said.

说实话,我是真的希望特朗普当选,否则就太没意思 。
海国图智研究院院长陈定定在美國 外交家 雜誌有三篇投書,看好拜登下的中美關係。目前已出兩篇:
Why the Trump Administration Has Helped China
The Trump administration mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic and the death of George Floyd has raised the stature of China, which is now perceived as the more competent country in the world.
by Kishore Mahbubani
現在中國(疑似)押寶拜登,有點像呂布被抓之後,白門樓上的劉備。世界 (除了川粉) 都明白川普對美國的傷害。
再說中國坦誠更喜歡拜登,還可能反而讓他選不上。 :monster:
現在中國(疑似)押寶拜登,有點像呂布被抓之後,白門樓上的劉備。世界 (除了川粉) 都明白川普對美國的傷害。
再說中國更喜歡拜登,還可能反而讓他選不上。 :monster:
現在中國(疑似)押寶拜登,有點像呂布被抓之後,白門樓上的劉備。世界 (除了川粉) 都明白川普對美國的傷害。
再說中國坦誠更喜歡拜登,還可能反而讓他選不上。 :monster:
大國之間的長期戰略也是相當透明的。一帶一路、TPP 都是陽謀。
大國之間的長期戰略也是相當透明的。一帶一路、TPP 都是陽謀。
阴阳调和 :tx:
阴阳调和 :tx:
至於陰謀,可能我對 conspiracy theory 有偏見,認為那是「思而不學」的產物。