City provides update on reopening of some of its services and facilities

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The City will have COVID-related safety protocols and features in place as it prepares for the reopening of some of its facilities and services on Monday, July 6.

The City’s plan is based on guidance from Ottawa Public Health and aligns with the Province of Ontario’s plan to gradually relax emergency orders. As public health, community support and economic recovery are all connected, this phased reopening plan prioritizes programs and services that promote a safe and strategic expansion of Ottawa’s economy, with ongoing support for Ottawa’s vulnerable communities.

Client Service Centres – Ben Franklin Place and Ottawa City Hall

The safety of residents and City staff is most important. All reopened services will follow public health guidelines. Starting July 6, the Client Service Centres at Ottawa City Hall and Ben Franklin Place will be open by appointment only for the following counter services: marriage licences, Commissioner of Oaths, OC Transpo products/Presto payments, access to information requests, and Yellow Bag purchases for small business that participate in City waste and recycling collection.

Residents will be able to purchase on-street parking permits online at All other services can be accessed at 3-1-1 online.

At the same two Client Service Centres, the Building Code Service desk will also be providing the following services by appointment only: building permit application drop offs, issuance of building permits and payment. The City will continue to provide online services at for building permit applications, issuance of building permits, sign applications, zoning information, compliance reporting, and all forms, applications and fees.

Residents can also make appointments to pay new planning application fees, Committee of Adjustment, Cash in Lieu of Parkland fees and recirculation fees, or to have the planning application form affidavit commissioned at a Client Service Centre.

Effective Friday, July 3, clients will be able to reserve appointments online by visiting (same-day appointments subject to availability). If you do not have access to the internet, you may call 3-1-1 to book an appointment with a City of Ottawa agent. To book an appointment at a Client Service Centre, select option 6. For the Building Code Service desk, select option 7.

The Provincial Offences Act (POA) Court at 100 Constellation will remain closed until further notice.

Employment and Social Services (Financial Services) and Rent Supplement Program Service Offices

Limited counter and document drop-off services will be available at all four centres – 370 Catherine Street, Mary Pitt Centre (second floor, West, 100 Constellation Drive), 2020 Walkley Road, and 2339 Ogilvie Road, weekdays from 10 am to 3 pm. For all other services, staff will provide both telephone and email support from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

The Mary Pitt Centre location (second floor, West, 100 Constellation Drive) will also be the only location for limited counter and document drop-off services for the Rent Supplement Program, which will only operate from 10 am to 3 pm on weekdays. The staff will continue to provide telephone and email support on weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Safety protocols and measures at client service centres

To promote physical distancing and reduce risks for clients and staff, the following COVID-related safety protocols and features will be in place at the Client Service Centres and Employment and Social Service Centres to promote physical distancing and reduce the risk for clients and staff:

  • Plexiglass sneeze guards
  • Physical distancing signage and seat and floor decals
  • Sanitizing products in common areas for both visitors and staff
  • A Client Service Centre representative will greet visitors, help control the flow of clients, and guide them to the appropriate counter.

Service Ontario at City Hall’s Government Service Centre will be operating under its own COVID-modified protocols.

The City will also reopen all 10 Municipal child-care centres on Monday, July 6. Information for parents is available on

The Spay and Neuter Clinic at 5-26 Concourse Gate will be by appointment only, operating Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to noon and 1 to 4 pm. The clinic will be rescheduling cancelled appointments. Pet owners will remain in their vehicles and the pets will be admitted and picked up outside the clinic doors. Smaller pets must be in a carrier. Other emergency protocols will be outlined during the appointment call.

COVID-related safety protocols and features at facilities

City Hall, Ben Franklin Place and Mary Pitt Place

City Hall, Ben Franklin Place, and Mary Pitt Place (100 Constellation) will have designated entrance and exit doors into the complexes. Hand sanitizing stations will also be in place as visitors enter and exit the building. Directional arrows will be in place for visitors to follow, helping avoid intermingling with other visitors and promote physical distancing. High touch-point surfaces will be regularly cleaned and sanitized.

Help us protect you and others

Residents have an important role to play in avoiding a second wave of positive cases. The City encourages all visitors to help prevent the spread and avoid the second wave of COVID-19 by following public health measures:

  • Stay home when sick
  • Arrive alone for appointments, when possible
  • Wear a cloth mask for added protection – especially in situations when maintaining physical distancing may be difficult, such as the elevator at Mary Pitt Place (100 Constellation). Since some people who are infected with COVID-19 may have the virus and not know it, masks can help decrease the risk of spreading the virus.
  • Practice physical distancing – keeping two metres from others
  • Practice good hand hygiene – washing with soap and water or using a hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your face.

For up-to-date information, visit or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-9656). You can also connect with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
