各种椅子, 灯, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 moose
  • 开始时间 开始时间


For sale (in Hull): [Picures taken by web camera are available]

1.棕色绒面靠背扶手椅1套3把__$8/each; (可学习或吃饭用, steel frame, very firm, can be pied up closely, save room) see page 4

2.灰色绒面靠背1套3把__$8/each; (same as above) see page 4

3.棕红色革面吧台椅1把--$8;(64cm high)

4.木制Rocking chairs 2把, 1(folding) for $15, another$25.

5.八成新黑色折叠椅2个---$5 each;(one is soft surface,suitable for winter,another is hard plastic, good for summer)

6.白色百叶窗1个(1.15m wide)--$8;


8.花瓷台灯1个---$10; 黑瓷台灯1个---$8;


10.many English 统计.线性代数.电脑books(very new), dictionary....

11.各种不同大小的花盆---小的可用于春天育种, 大的种花种菜;
长条型花池---可悬挂于阳台外; 方型花池-----较大, 可种花种菜;
from $0.25 to $5;

12."HEAD"网球拍(含球拍套)---ceramic reinforced fram(vibration-control-system), $50 (2 years old).



15.other small stuff for study....

if wanted, send me QQH, or e-mail:happymoose88@yahoo.ca
Re: 椅子,灯, 床垫, 书, 光盘....(picures available)

1.棕色绒面靠背扶手椅3把__$8/each; (可以学习或吃饭用, steel frame, very firm, they can be pied up closely, save room)
Re: Re: 椅子,灯, 床垫, 书, 光盘....(picures available)

最初由 moose 发布
1.棕色绒面靠背扶手椅3把__$8/each; (可以学习或吃饭用, steel frame, very firm, they can be pied up closely, save room)
没电话?怎么联系你 ?这样发话,太不方便了,还有,能把你床垫子照片传上来吗?
Re: 各种椅子, 灯, 床垫, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹...(most picures available)

3.棕红色革面吧台椅1把--$8;(64cm high)
Re: 各种椅子, 灯, 床垫, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹...(most picures available)

Re: Re: 各种椅子, 灯, 床垫, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹...(most picures available)

最初由 moose 发布
Re: 各种椅子, 灯, 床垫, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹...(most picures available)

Re: Re: 各种椅子, 灯, 床垫, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹...(most picures available)

最初由 moose 发布
Re: 各种椅子, 灯, 床垫, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹...(most picures available)

8. 黑瓷台灯1个---$8;
Re: Re: 各种椅子, 灯, 床垫, 书, 花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹...(most picures available)

最初由 moose 发布
8. 黑瓷台灯1个---$8;
书: 统计, 线性代数,computer, economic...(pictures on request)
Useful English books for sell(very new;all the authors are from famous USA universities ):

1.Brief calculus with applications, 4th edition(1995)----author: larson hostetler edwards; ISBN: 0-669-39490-4

2.Introductory statistics, 4rd edition----author: Neil a. weiss & matthew j. hassett; ISBN: 0-201-17833-81733

3. Statistics for business and economics, 8th edition(2001)----author: James t. mcclave & p. george benson & terry sincich; ISBN: 0-13-027293-0

4. Statistics and data analysis from elementary to intermediate(2000)----author: Ajit C. Tamhane & dorothy D. dunlop; ISBN: 0-13-744426-5

5. linear algebra with applications, 5th edition(1998)----author: steven j. leon; ISBN: 0-13-849308-l

6. Business statistics: a first course(1998, with disk)----author: Markl.berenson & david m. levine; ISBN: 0-13-744178-9

7. Linear algebra with applications, 2nd edition (2001)----author: OTTO Bretscher; ISBN: 0-13-019857-9

8. linnear algebra with applications, 1st edition (1997)----author: OTTO Bretscher; ISBN: 0-13-0190729-8

10. Statistics for management and economics, 5th edition(1986)----author: William Mendenhall, James E. Reinmuth, Robert Beaver, Dale Duhan ISBN: 0-87150-972-5

11.Basic statistics in business and economics (1973)----author: George W. Summers, William S.Peters ISBN: 0-534-00198-X

12.Linear programming (1994)----author: James P. Ignizio, Tom M. Cavalier ISBN: 0-13-183757-5

13. Study guide and casebook-managerial economics, 2nd edition (1993)---author: Edwin Mansfield ISBN: 0-393-96286-5

14. Just the essentials of elementary statistics (1995)---author: Robert Johnson ISBN: 0-534-24246-4

15. Lotus 123 with technical applications-versions 2.2 and 2.3 (1992)
-----author: Gary Closson ISBN: 0-201-56408-4

16. Handbook of Canadian Security Analysis (Volume 2) (2000)---author: Joe Kan, CFA, Editor ISBN: 0-471-64390-4

17. The LATEX Graphics Companion-Illustrationg documents with TEX and Postscript (1997)---author: Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, Frank Mittelbach ISBN: 0-201-85469-4

18. Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 2nd edition (1995)---author: Susanna S. Epp ISBN: 0-534-94446-9

19. 英汉计算机软件与应用辞典 (1992)---科学出版社出版发行, 收编14,000词条, 并附12,000英文缩略语 ISBN: 7-03-000554-6

20. Interactions II: a Reading Skills Book, 2nd edition (1990) ---author: Elaine Kirn, Pamela Hartmann ISBN: 0-07-557538-8

21. Essay Essentials (1991)---author: Sarah Norton, Brian Green
ISBN: 0-03-922776-6
welcome to take a look.
other pictures will be attached later.