Committee approves design for Barrhaven LRT

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Light-rail transit could extend from Baseline Station to Barrhaven as part of Stage 3 if funding from upper levels of government becomes available.

The City’s Transportation Committee today approved recommendations from the environmental assessment for Barrhaven LRT and rail-grade separations. The LRT would be extended by 10 kilometres and seven stations. Double tracks would be elevated between Baseline Station and the Nepean Sportsplex, transitioning back to grade and following the existing southwest Transitway alignment to Barrhaven Town Centre, where a new park-and-ride facility would be built.

The design includes three bridges to separate VIA Rail tracks from Woodroffe Avenue, the southwest Transitway and Fallowfield Road, along with interim measures to make transit more efficient and reliable along Woodroffe Avenue.

The estimated $3-billion project could be implemented in two phases. The first would cost $2 billion, extending LRT between Baseline Station and Fallowfield Station and building three bridges over the VIA Rail line. The second would cost $1 billion, extending the LRT to Barrhaven Town Centre.

As the recommended alignment of the LRT extension would affect 120 private rental units, the Committee approved a motion to create a working group to examine options on how to assist the residents who are facing future relocation. The working group, which would include multiple City departments, Ottawa Community Housing representatives from the affected communities, the Ward Councillor and the Council Liaison for Housing and Homelessness, would make recommendations to the Finance and Economic Development Committee by the end of the year.

The Committee received a presentation about how the City will support patios during the winter. Initiatives include allowing streetside patios to stay in place until Sunday, November 15, waiving patio fees for patios in the City’s right of way and streamlining the permit process and waiving permit fees for tents.

To support these efforts, the Committee approved a motion with three measures recommended in the presentation. The first extends to the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development the delegated authority to allow temporary road closures until April 1, 2021. Draft Budget 2021, which will be tabled at Council on Wednesday, November 4, would eliminate the daily encroachment fee for patios in the City’s right of way. The City would also provide $150,000 in grants to business stakeholder groups for small capital improvements and beautification initiatives that encourage economic activity.

Thanks to a surplus in the Adult School Crossing Guard Program due to school closures earlier this year, the Committee approved a motion to fund crossing guards at 11 additional locations for the rest of the calendar year, for a total of 21 new crossing guards for this school year.

The Ministry of Transportation presented its plans to replace the Highway 417 bridges over Preston Street, Rochester Street, Booth Street, Bronson Avenue and Percy Street. Construction is expected to take five years.

Recommendations from today’s Transportation Committee meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, November 25.
