Committee receives update on Lansdowne Park operations

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The City’s Finance and Economic Development Committee today approved a report outlining potential support for Lansdowne Park to address both short-term pandemic-related impacts and the long-term viability of the site.

Because of ongoing, public health-related closures and restrictions, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on park operations, events, sports and commercial activities, including unforeseeable effects on all revenue streams, at Lansdowne Park. It will be some time before operations will be able to return to pre-COVID levels.

To mitigate the immediate effects of the pandemic on Lansdowne Park, the Finance and Economic Development Committee is recommending amendments to the Partnership Agreement that do not require any taxpayer funds. They will improve the City’s financial standing within the partnership and provide Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) with the flexibility they require to weather the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes will not enable OSEG to recover the significant additional equity they have already invested, and the additional $40 million OSEG will invest over the next five years. However, they will help them weather the COVID-19 impacts and restore the clear balance and alignment of risk and potential reward/potential loss that a partnership should have, and which is now unsustainability out of balance due to the extraordinary circumstances of the pandemic.

The report recommends establishing a working group of City and OSEG staff to plan for post-pandemic recovery. The group would report to Council in the first half of 2021. The Committee also recommended a Council sponsors group, with Council representatives supporting the working group and facilitating the roll out of the public engagement plan.

The Committee received the City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan 2020 annual update along with the 2020-2024 plan. These two reports outline the City’s efforts to prevent and remove barriers for people with disabilities. In 2019, the City complied with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act’s standards for customer service, information and communication, transportation, general standards, and design of public spaces (except for one accessible parking space). The City was also fully compliant with the information and communication standard, except for the highly complex requirements related to accessible websites and web content.

The Committee approved an updated list of Ottawa Community Housing Corporation properties that are designated as municipal capital housing facilities. The update reflects recent acquisitions and disposals. The Committee also approved Ottawa Community Housing Corporation expanding allowable uses for the education portion of the property tax savings resulting from the property tax exemption, and for Ottawa Community Housing Corporation to apply for a Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Co-Investment $166-million loan for social housing repair and renewal.

Recommendations from today’s meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, November 25.
