3. 公司简介
Sister Sophie是一家立足多伦多的K-12英语学术教育机构 。课程历经13年沉淀,多年稳健的发展陪伴了上千名孩子的成长和成功,影响力在多伦多家长群体中有口皆碑。学校位于大多伦多地区的万锦市,并开设K-12全部课程的线上网课,辐射加拿大和中国的各大城市和地区。
Sister Sophie致力于将博雅教育贯彻到语言课程的学习中,使孩子的学习能力、逻辑思维、文学素养得到同步提高。目前我们提供的线下线上课程正服务于来自加拿大和中国学生们。我们独立研发的教学体系整合了北美最权威的教育资源,以保证课件的系统性、严谨性和有效性。我们的使命是让学生在学习语言的过程中塑造良好的学习习惯、提升批判性思维能力、精准的书目语言表达及严谨的逻辑能力,这些正是能够帮助学生提高综合学习素养的关键能力。学生的成绩向我们和广大家长证明我们培养过的学生在这些方面都展现出了过人的成就,我们的努力就是让每一位孩子通过语言学习能真正提高全面学习能力,成为未来社会上的栋梁之才。
孩子、家长和Sister Sophie的学习社区在多年的相伴下已经成为了一个相互融合的大家庭。我们将进一步整合教育资源,以“帮助彼此,成就彼此”为理念,力求成为全球K-12语言教育的领导者和先进语言教育内容的研发者。
Sister Sophie Ltd. is an academic education company with 13 years’ experience which has served more than 1100 students. Sister Sophie is based in Markham and now provides online classes to all of our students in Canada and China. We advocate liberal arts thinking and currently provide literacy and literature programs to more than 300 students every year. We also integrate higher education sources in Ontario in order to improve our students’ English language accuracy, critical thinking and overall abilities for effective participation in Canadian society.
Our history is one of academic success, particularly with respect to our students achievement in reading, writing and their understanding of literature, which we believe is key to their overall learning ability.
We have created a friendly community among our students, parents and teachers. Most students who join us have stayed with us throughout their schooling. An increasing number of students are joining us everyday.