关 于读书

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<HTML> 不是说上学,进修. 我是说读"闲书",中文闲书. 来加之前,我在国内几年下来的闲书装了计算机纸箱好几大箱,寄存在朋友那里,准备将来后会有期.现在要看中文书,只能在图书馆过瘾. 想在网上买点新书,当当和汉林都试过.三四个月过去了,当当的书还没到,汉林倒是两个月后寄来了书,可价钱让人生畏,五本原价人民币120元的书,加上运费花了50美元.在当当大概需要花人民币250元.可就是遥遥无期,而且在国内网站用信用卡,让人也不放心.
<b>Re: 关 于读书</b>

<HTML>Try this link: http://www.bookbig.com/, and there are a lot of such websites in Chinese.
If you have cable or DSL at home, enjoy yourself with those chinese sites.</HTML>

<HTML>I like reading too. Maybe we can try exchanging books we have.</HTML>
exchange books

<HTML>good ideas. i like reading, but hate reading on screen. how about we should set up a reading club or something.</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>That's what I really want to do. I even asked ottawa public libary if they have any book club, but they only got one for senior. I do like the idea of having a book club.
The problem is I don't have many Chinese bookes to share here.</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>well, i do have some books that i got from the trip to china last time: da4 yu4 nu3 by tie3 ning2, norwagan wood by chi2 shang4 cun1 shu4, the one got mao2 dun4 literature award by a1 lai2, and some others. i don't have a lot either, but i guess one good book is worth the time to find it and read it. i'd be pretty happy with one interesting book a month. besides, some of us may have chance to go back to china now and then, so they can bring good books back. anyway, if you are interested, send me an e-mail at zzhang@weber.ucsd.edu, and we can get the thing going.</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>It would be nice if we have a kind of reading club, not just exchange books also exchange the thoughts of what do we thaink about the articles. I saw in Xin1 Da4 Lu4 BBS, they seem to have a club like that.</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>let's do it, a book club. one book every month. Everyone recommend the book in turn, and maybe meet once every month to exchange the thoughs.
BTW, are you guys in Ottawa?</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>Yes, I am in Ottawa. I love the idea of having a book club for Chinese. I read a lot and sometimes really want to talk to people about it. What about setup a time and meet for the first time?</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>yeah, i'm in ottawa. my experience with reading clubs is that they tends to become eating clubs somehow (which is not necessarily a bad thing), but at least we can get some good books to read. It's a good idea that we can talk about the books here. if it's a good one, i hope more people can enjoy it. actually, it's not just books, but good music, movies, or anything that can add some color in our lives. i am so tired about all the stuff about stocks, java, ... let's talk about something fun, about the bright side of life. forget about making money for a while. just my thought.</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>I like the book club or reading club idea. It's been too long for me to find something good to read. (mainly in chinese) Also share thoughts would be even better, after all we can not live by our own without any communications going on. people are emotional! and should be.</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>Forgot to mention, I'm in Ottawa too.</HTML>
Re: exchange books

<HTML>I start to get excited about it. Let's start it!</HTML>