Holiday season schedule changes

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The City of Ottawa reminds residents of the following schedule changes for the holiday season, between Thursday, December 24 and Saturday, January 2.

Client services

  • Client service centres, including the Government Service Centre at 110 Laurier Avenue West and the service centre at Ben Franklin Place, will be closed on Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1, 2020.
  • All other client service centres and the City's Provincial Offences Court remain closed due to COVID19.
  • The City's 3-1-1 Contact Centre will be open for urgent matters that require the City's immediate attention. Call 3-1-1 or 613-580-2400 (TTY: 613-580-2401) to speak to a customer service representative.

Green bin, recycling and garbage collection

  • There will be no curbside or multi-residential green bin, recycling, garbage or bulky item collection on Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1. Friday collections will take place on Saturday (Boxing Day), December 26 and Saturday, January 2.
  • The Trail Waste Facility will be closed on Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1. It will be open to the public on Saturday, December 26 from 9 am to 5 pm.
  • Christmas trees will be picked up on your regular garbage day. Please remove all decorations. Christmas trees in plastic bags or frozen into a snowbank will not be collected.


  • Free parking will be available at City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, from Thursday, December 24 at 4 pm until Saturday, December 26 at 7 am, and from Thursday, December 31 at 4 pm until Saturday, January 2 at 7 am.
  • The ByWard Market Garage at 70 Clarence Street and the Dalhousie Garage at 141 Clarence Street will offer free parking from Thursday, December 24 at 4 pm until Saturday, December 26 at 7 am, and from Thursday, December 31 at 4 pm until Saturday, January 2 at 7 am.
  • All other City of Ottawa parking regulations and restrictions will apply.

Transit service - OC Transpo

  • OC Transpo bus and O-Train service will operate on a reduced schedule from Monday, December 21 through Friday, December 25, and from Monday, December 28 through Friday, January 1.
  • In partnership with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Ottawa and the City’s Safer Roads Ottawa Program, OC Transpo is offering no-charge service on Para Transpo and OC Transpo after 8 pm on New Year’s Eve.
  • Schedules are available at Call 613-560-1000 or text 560560 plus your four-digit bus stop number, or the first three letters of the station name, for real-time schedule information or use the OC Transpo app.
  • Masks or alternative face coverings are mandatory on buses and trains and inside stations and shelters. Help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Ottawa: don’t take public transit if you’re feeling sick, do a self-assessment before leaving home, use the hand sanitizer dispensers in select stations and always wash your hands thoroughly when you reach your destination.
  • STO users can plan their trip using Plani-bus.
  • OC Transpo Customer Service (613-741-4390) will be open throughout the holidays to help customers with schedules and trip planning:
    • Thursday, December 24, 7 am to 9 pm
    • Friday, December 25, 9 am to 5 pm
    • Saturday, December 26, 8 am to 9 pm
    • Thursday, December 31, 7 am to 9 pm
    • Friday, January 1, 9 am to 5 pm
  • The OC Transpo Customer Service Centre in the Rideau Centre will be closed on Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1. All other OC Transpo Customer Service Centres continue to be closed until further notice.

Transit Service - Para Transpo

  • Para Transpo will operate a holiday service on Friday, December 25, Saturday, December 26, and Friday, January 1. Regularly scheduled trips on these days will be automatically cancelled, but customers may book trips for these days online on or by calling 613-244‑7272 on or after:
    • Friday, December 18, for Christmas bookings
    • Saturday, December 19, for Boxing Day bookings
    • Friday, December 25, for New Year’s Day bookings
  • Masks or other face coverings are mandatory on Para Transpo vehicles. Please do a self- assessment before you leave home. OC Transpo is asking all customers to not use public transit if they’re experiencing COVID-related symptoms, have had contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case, or should be self-isolating.
  • The taxi coupons line (613-842-3670) will be closed on Friday, December 25, Saturday, December 26, and Friday, January 1. The reservations line (613-244-7272) will be open for regular hours.
  • The trip cancellation and general inquiries line (613-244-4636) will be open from 6 am to midnight.
  • Customers are reminded to suspend any other regular bookings if they will be on vacation during the holiday season.
  • For more information, holiday schedules and travel planning, call 613-741-4390 or visit

Recreation services

  • Pools, arenas and fitness centres will operate drop-in programs on modified schedules during the holiday season. Please check the recreation drop-in activities section for public swimming, fitness and public skating schedules.
  • Some holiday-themed registered programs will be offered at community centres, arenas and swimming pools. Browse JoinOttawa or check with your facility to register.
  • Refrigerated outdoor rinks will be open over the holiday season. Check the alert status to confirm that the rink is open.

Ottawa Public Health

Assessment Centre and Care Clinics:

  • The Moodie Care Clinic will be closed: December 25 to 27, and January 2 to 3.
  • The Heron Care Clinic will be closed: December 23 to 27, and January 1 to 3.
  • The Ray Friel Care Clinic will be closed on December 25.
  • The Brewer TOH/CHEO Assessment Centre:
    • Closed: December 25 and January 1
    • Shortened days (8:30 am to 3:30 pm) both Brewer TOH & CHEO on December 24, 26, 27, 31, and January 2 and 3
    • Shortened days (8:30 am to 3:30 pm) Brewer TOH only - December 28 to 31
  • COVID-19 Drive-thru Assessment Centre at the National Arts Centre (NAC):
    • Closed: December 25 and January 1
    • Shortened days (8 am to 4 pm) December 24 and 31
  • COVID-19 Assessment Centre at McNabb Community Centre:
    • Closed: December 25 to 27, and January 1 to 3
    • Shortened days (10:30 am to 3:30 pm) December 24 and December 31

Other OPH Services:

  • The Site program office and supervised consumption services at 179 Clarence Street will be closed Friday December 25 to Monday December 28 and Friday January 1 to Sunday January 3. The Site mobile van will be closed on Thursday December 24 but will operate from 5 pm until 11:30 pm from December 25 to January 3.
  • The Sexual Health Clinic and satellite clinics will be closed Thursday December 24 to Monday December 28 and Thursday December 31 to Sunday January 3. The clinic will be open for appointments on December 29 and 30.
  • The Ottawa Public Health Information Centre will be closed for general calls on December 25, 28 and January 1.
  • Ottawa Public Health’s COVID-19 phone line at 613-580-6744 will be open from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm on December 24, closed December 25 and 26, open from 9 am to 4 pm on December 27, open from 8:30 am to 6 pm on December 28 to 30, open from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm December 31 and closed January 1.
  • The St. Laurent dental clinic will be closed on December 25, 28 and January 1.
  • The baby help line is closed on December 25, 26 and 28 and on January 1.

Cultural services

Municipal child-care services

  • All Municipal child-care centres will be closed on Friday, December 25, Monday, December 28 and Friday, January 1.
  • Parents are advised to check operating hours with their childcare centres during the holiday season.

Library services

  • The Ottawa Public Library will be closed on Friday, December 25, Saturday, December 26 and Friday, January 1.
  • Branches and services will operate on a regular schedule from Monday, December 28 through Wednesday, December 30.
  • On Thursday, December 24, and Thursday, December 31, open branches will close early at 3 pm.
  • Visit the OPL website for further information and to access library services online.
