City of Ottawa makes masks mandatory for non-skaters at municipal outdoor rinks



City of Ottawa makes masks mandatory for non-skaters at municipal outdoor rinks​

The general manager of emergency and protective services issued the order Wednesday requiring anyone not skating, and those within 15 metres of the ice's edge, to wear a mask to protect themselves and others.

Author of the article: Jon Willing

Publishing date: Dec 30, 2020 • Last Updated 54 minutes ago • 2 minute read

[IMG alt="OTTAWA - DEC. 30, 2020 -

Lots of people were out enjoying the outdoor rink at Lansdowne Park Wednesday - some with masks and some without.


Lots of people — some with masks and some without — were out enjoying the outdoor rink at Lansdowne Park on Wednesday. PHOTO BY JULIE OLIVER /Postmedia

The City of Ottawa has made its first outdoor mandatory mask-wearing order during the pandemic, requiring non-skaters to wear face coverings at rinks.

The general manager of emergency and protective services issued the order Wednesday requiring anyone not skating, and those within 15 metres of the ice’s edge, to wear a mask to protect themselves and others from contracting COVID-19. The order is in effect until Jan. 28.

According to Anthony Di Monte’s message to council members, bylaw officers and Ottawa Public Health have been concerned about large gatherings at outdoor rinks since early December. The size of the rinks has made it difficult for people to maintain a two-metre buffer and signage hasn’t been effective, Di Monte said.

The city is concerned that the current 28-day provincial lockdown, which started on Boxing Day and has closed many indoor activities, will drive people in large numbers to outdoor activities.

Bylaw Chief Roger Chapman said it’s not mandatory for skaters to wear masks, but “they are highly recommended as per public health guidelines.”

“Where users are simply standing on the ice or are within 15 metres of the edge of the ice surface, masks are required in accordance with the order issued under the bylaw,” Chapman said.


Some were wearing masks and others weren’t while skating at Lansdowne Park on Wednesday. PHOTO BY TONY CALDWELL /Postmedia

Di Monte said the city has no other option but to make the outdoor mask order at rinks run by the city or rinks operated on the city’s behalf.

“There are no alternative and immediate enforcement mechanisms available to the City of Ottawa to ensure distancing to limit virus spread,” Di Monte told council.


Some were wearing masks and others weren’t while skating at Lansdowne Park on Wednesday. PHOTO BY TONY CALDWELL /POSTMEDIA
There are exemptions to the new mandatory mask rule at rinks.

People maintaining the rinks when no one else is on the ice surface don’t have to wear masks.

Young children, people with medical or cognitive conditions and people “engaged in athletic/fitness activity” at the rinks also don’t have to wear masks.

Council in July approved the temporary mandatory mask bylaw with the option of expanding the rules to designated outdoor spaces if necessary.
