U.S. cancels U.N. envoy's trip to Taiwan, citing Biden transition
The U.S. State Department's cancellation of all travel this week includes a planned visit to Taiwan by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft, a State Department spokeswoman said on Tuesday.

U.S. cancels U.N. envoy's trip to Taiwan, citing Biden transition
The U.S. State Department's cancellation of all travel this week includes a planned visit to Taiwan by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft, a State Department spokeswoman said on Tuesday.
Ahead of Biden transition, U.S. cancels U.N. envoy's trip to Taiwan
美国国务院12日宣布,作为同拜登政府过渡交接的一部分,本周的所有外访行程都已取消,包括美国驻联合国代表克拉夫特的访台计划。贵妇克拉夫特,第三任丈夫是肯塔基煤炭大亨、参院领袖麦康奈的重要金主,靠献金给串普当上驻加拿大大使后,15个月任期里300天不在岗。或许是嫌渥太华离得还不够近,又接替 Nikki Haley 担任驻联合国代表,但不享有内阁级别。
According to a June 2019 report in Politico, Craft was frequently absent from her Ottawa post during her tenure as ambassador.[21] During a 15-month period, she took 128 flights between Ottawa and the United States, the equivalent of a round trip per week.[21] 70 of the trips either had Lexington, Kentucky as the origin or destination of her trips, which raised questions as to whether the trips were for personal reasons.[21] The Trump administration did not provide records of how many days Craft was present in Ottawa; per State Department rules, an ambassador may only spend 26 work days away from a post.[21] She spent 300 days (more than half of her term) absent from her post.[26] Craft does not make her schedules available.[21]

Trump’s U.N. nominee was ‘absent’ ambassador
FAA records raise questions about the extent of Kelly Craft’s travels while serving as the top U.S. diplomat in Ottawa.
克拉夫特的 石油+煤 ”黑金“ 政治