Two new Quebec permanent immigration pilots open for applications


Quebec’s Minister of Immigration, Nadine Girault, announced the official opening of the Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Orderlies on March 31.
The pilot program, which will run for up to five years, will select up to 550 principal applicants who work as orderlies annually. This program is intended to help the province of Quebec address the critical shortage of health care workers.
The application intake period for the pilot program begins on March 31, and runs through to October 31, 2021.
This is the second permanent immigration pilot program launched by the province this month.
On March 24, Quebec officially opened the application window for the food processing workers pilot program. The program provides a pathway to permanent immigration for temporary foreign workers who hold eligible jobs in the food processing sector.
A third pilot program for workers in the artificial intelligence, information technology and visual effects sectors will open on April 22, 2021.
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