first of all, I have to state I'm not an audio expert, not even a HW guy anymore.

I did most of my hardware work in Microwave/RF amp,up/down convertor and like before I came to Canada and became a __stupid__ software programmer.

I really really really miss my soldering iron, Smith-chart, microstrip line, scope, spectrum analyzer... sometimes.
Getting too far off the topic, isn't it?
I know little about Hi-Fi audio in general. Bare with the ignorance I would make here. :blowzy:
Most add-on car power amps have 2 independent input sources - RCA and Speaker-in. The speaker input port has circuit to match the impendence and the power level from the stock power amp inside the headunit. I wouldn't worry too much about that. But I do mind the THD generated by the power amp IC in my headunit.
The front units and the power unit should be as close as possible, the wires between them should be very short.
Unfortunately, it's most likely the only option for cars. Nornmally add-on power amps are huge for the dash panel, they won't fit in. Some guys would put it under the seat(especically for truck or van), the glove box or the arm-retainer box. To me, none of those can be my option since my wife wouldn't like to see such a piece of junk (well to her) inside our car, bummer!!!
The pre-amp output is "way way" too weak, the noise of the 10-foot cord could kill the signal.
Good point! The high input impedence of the power amp and the length of the cord will be a major contributor to noise. I think I might add a bypass resistor to the RCA input port of the power amp to lower the input impedence if my pre-apm will generate enough output. What do you think?
This is not a problem if you really want play some circuit job
I think it is. yes, I could bias the input, but the total voltage is only 12V instead of 24V(+/-12). I think all transitor won't get enough bias current as they are designed(well, yes and no, depends on how good they design their bias circuit).
If you have time,
That is the problem!