Keyboard and mouse (slim keyboard preferred, scroll mouse at least)
Both ice Skate and roller skate. men, 11
Music stand
Computer desk, big, clean, with tower dock, full functional, delivery preferred
Engineering Books:
1. ALSS 1000, engineering technical writing, newer edition preferred
2. ECON 1000, you all know what that is.
3. MATH 1005, multi-variable calculas, newer edition preferred
Please email me to
Both ice Skate and roller skate. men, 11
Music stand
Computer desk, big, clean, with tower dock, full functional, delivery preferred
Engineering Books:
1. ALSS 1000, engineering technical writing, newer edition preferred
2. ECON 1000, you all know what that is.
3. MATH 1005, multi-variable calculas, newer edition preferred
Please email me to