



Ex-UK Marine leaves Kabul with dogs, cats but no local staff​

A former U.K. Royal Marine who waged a high-profile campaign to leave Afghanistan with almost 200 rescued dogs and cats has flown to safety
By JILL LAWLESS Associated Press
29 August 2021, 10:10
• 4 min read

In this satellite photo taken by Planet Labs Inc., a Taliban checkpoint is seen blocking access just south of Kabul's international airport Saturday, Aug. 28, 2021. Taliban forces sealed off Kabul's airport Saturday to most Afghans hoping for evacuat

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The Associated Press
In this satellite photo taken by Planet Labs Inc., a Taliban checkpoint is seen blocking access just...Read More
LONDON -- A former U.K. Royal Marine who waged a high-profile campaign to leave Afghanistan with almost 200 rescued dogs and cats has flown to safety — with the animals, but without his charity’s Afghan staff, who were left behind in Kabul.

A privately funded chartered plane carrying Paul “Pen” Farthing and his animals landed at London's Heathrow Airport on Sunday after a saga that gripped and divided Britain, raising difficult questions about the relative value placed on human and animal lives.

Iain McGill, a veterinarian involved in the effort, said the animals appeared healthy and had been placed in quarantine.

Farthing, who started the Nowzad charity after serving with British forces in Afghanistan 15 years ago, was eligible for evacuation in Britain’s military airlift along with Afghan members of his staff and their dependents. But he refused to leave without the animals.

For days, Farthing used social media and press interviews to chronicle his attempts to depart with his four-legged companions amid the chaotic exodus from Kabul airport, as his supporters lobbied the British government for help with a rescue effort dubbed Operation Ark.

Farthing gained backing from celebrities including comedian Ricky Gervais, and many offers to adopt the rescued animals. But he also drew criticism from those who said the case was draining time and energy from the task of rescuing Afghans at risk from the country’s new Taliban rulers.

Britain says it evacuated more than 15,000 U.K. citizens and vulnerable Afghans in a two-week airlift that ended Saturday. But officials say as many as 1,100 Afghans who were entitled to come to the U.K. have been left behind. Some British lawmakers who have been trying to help stranded constituents and their families believe the true total is higher.

“What would you say if I sent an ambulance to save my dog rather than to save your mother?” said Conservative lawmaker Tom Tugendhat, who served with the British Army in Afghanistan.

“We’ve just used a lot of troops to bring in 200 dogs. Meanwhile my interpreter’s family is likely to be killed,” Tugendhat told radio station LBC on Saturday.

Farthing and his supporters say Operation Ark did not take airplane seats from people or drain resources from the official evacuation operation. But U.K. government officials have become increasingly vocal in their frustration.

Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said the military had to prioritize people over pets, and complained that some of Farthing’s more militant supporters had “taken up too much time” of senior commanders and had sent abuse to military staff.

The Sunday Times released a recording of an expletive-filled message left by Farthing last week for a senior defense official, Peter Quentin, accusing him of “blocking” the evacuation and threatening to “spend the rest of my time … destroying you on social media.”

Animal welfare campaigner Dominic Dyer, who has acted as a U.K.-based spokesman for Farthing, said Farthing was “a national hero” who was facing “a smear campaign” by government officials.

“Pen Farthing, who was risking his life in Kabul to get his people and animals to Britain, was completely justified in holding Mr. Quentin to account for his actions,” he said.

A convoy carrying Farthing, this staff and the animals was near Kabul airport on Thursday when a suicide bomber killed at least 169 Afghans and 13 U.S. troops. On Friday, after days of failed attempts by the group to reach safety, the British military said it had given clearance for the chartered flight and British troops had “assisted” Farthing and the animals into the airport.

Dyer said Taliban guards would not let the Afghan staff enter, even though they had papers permitting them to come to Britain. He said Nowzad would continue to work to get them safely to Britain.

临走还不把曾经给英国自己帮忙的阿富汗员工的名单处理干净了? 这不是把这些人送入塔利班的狼口? 真是神操作。一个民间的记者都能看见这些散落的名单,OMG!

留给塔利班?英大使馆忙撤离 满地“阿富汗员工名单”​

文章来源: ETtoday 于 2021-08-28 13:40:04 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
(被阅读 12111 次)
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喀布尔沦陷至今,各国外交人员陆续撤离,使馆集中的区域成为空城。英国《泰晤士报》27日报导,塔利班攻势过快,以至于使馆人员撤出时没能销毁敏感文件。该报记者洛伊德(Anthony Loyd)进入空荡荡的英国驻喀布尔大使馆,便看见7名阿富汗籍工作人员、求职者相关文件散落在地,包括1名主要员工的姓名与地址、其他员工的联络方式及申请口译工作的求职者履历及地址。


英国外交部宣称,使馆撤离期间,他们尽一切努力销毁敏感资料,但拒绝说明上述文件为何被留下。国防大臣华莱士(Ben Wallace)坦承,这些文件显然没有妥善保管,首相强生(Boris Johnson)将进一步了解此事。下议院外交事务委员会也表示,将调查英国外交官为何将文件遗落。


热狗的说法, 以前给外资公司上班的人就全是给外资公司卖命?难道他们不是为了改善自己生活而工作?

外资公司 外国政府机构 招聘的人员可没有什么996,一般是让你工作和生活分得开开的, 自己有什么信仰就享受自己信仰。

合着一旦雇佣了你, 你的生命生活都是雇主的责任了?


热狗在真实生活中肯定是个好雇主, 至少是个好中层干部, 妥妥的。
换句话说, 要是这些名单上的人是塔利班间谍, 倒也算是个妙策啊。 英国使馆人员看过蒋干盗书吧 呵呵
你说的和这事件有本质的差别。 如果一个合乎资格的阿富汗人或英国国民在撤离的时候,带上自己的爱犬爱猫,允许随身的爱猫爱狗,也实在没啥大问题,假如机舱有空间。

这个报道说的是一个收留流浪猫流浪狗的NGO,是个集中有计划撤离,看看有多少拿着UK 签证或各种证明身份文件的成千上万阿富汗人在机场外隔离墙外臭水沟里期待他们开恩,这难道不是讽刺么。 这些被“抛弃”的这么多人中,以后会滋长多少绝望的怨恨和愤怒?未来会有多少人加入反西方的恐怖组织阵营?
你说的和这事件有本质的差别。 如果一个合乎资格的阿富汗人或英国国民在撤离的时候,带上自己的爱犬爱猫,允许随身的爱猫爱狗,也实在没啥大问题,假如机舱有空间。

这个报道说的是一个收留流浪猫流浪狗的NGO,是个集中有计划撤离,看看有多少拿着UK 签证或各种证明身份文件的成千上万阿富汗人在机场外隔离墙外臭水沟里期待他们开恩,这难道不是讽刺么。 这些被“抛弃”的这么多人中,以后会滋长多少绝望的怨恨和愤怒?未来会有多少人加入反西方的恐怖组织阵营?
那些疫情期间回不去中国的, 机票高涨买不起机票的,回了大陆要三加一, 二加二的肯定对中国共产党不会滋生怨恨的拉


自从老向走后 热狗的红旗一招展, 五毛们闻风而聚
自从老向走后 热狗的红旗一招展, 五毛们闻风而聚


自由党的旗帜就是红色的 :buttrock:


自由党的旗帜就是红色的 :buttrock:


如果不是美国要抓孟晚舟, 我知道她是谁阿, 我再她被抓之后, 放过她用中文和英文做的演讲, 觉得凭借她的能力, 在任何一个外资企业里别说任职CFO,就算个财务经理都很勉强。 仅此而已, 谈何最憎恨?

要说弄个更狠的, 把十五年徒刑升级死刑, 连抓两个麦克, 算更狠么?

你还是老老实实地窝在卡纳他谈谈教育吧, 何必把自己地土共特性暴露出来呢? 用自由党地红绣共产党的红旗? 以为CFCer都是傻子?