ottawa_tj 不知名会员 注册 2015-02-22 消息 14,075 荣誉分数 4,377 声望点数 373 2021-09-01 #4 这个女人是谋害亲夫啊! 人已经进ICU,上了呼吸机,所有的治疗方法都用了,激素,瑞德西韦,抗病毒药物,都不管用,这时候用伊霉菌素,只能把人治坏。。。
贵圈 政府都对党 注册 2014-10-21 消息 32,817 荣誉分数 6,149 声望点数 373 2021-09-01 #6 伊维菌素实际上有给人的也有给牲口的, 逼着人用给牲口的药。 偏偏不给人用人用的药。 真是邪恶啊。 Ivermectin is approved for both humans and animals。 显然,对IVM的报道中使用“牲口药”,讽刺挖苦的,实际上是没有人性的动物。 要知道,如果可以从医生处得到给人的IVM,没人会去用什么牲口药。 还有在背后嘲讽讥笑的更不是人。
伊维菌素实际上有给人的也有给牲口的, 逼着人用给牲口的药。 偏偏不给人用人用的药。 真是邪恶啊。 Ivermectin is approved for both humans and animals。 显然,对IVM的报道中使用“牲口药”,讽刺挖苦的,实际上是没有人性的动物。 要知道,如果可以从医生处得到给人的IVM,没人会去用什么牲口药。 还有在背后嘲讽讥笑的更不是人。
ottawa_tj 不知名会员 注册 2015-02-22 消息 14,075 荣誉分数 4,377 声望点数 373 2021-09-01 #7 贵圈 说: 为什么不是 激素,瑞德西韦,抗病毒药物 把人治坏呢? 哈哈 点击展开... 川普感染时就用的这些药,怎么可能会把人治坏?
贵圈 政府都对党 注册 2014-10-21 消息 32,817 荣誉分数 6,149 声望点数 373 2021-09-01 #8 你懂逻辑吗? ottawa_tj 说: 川普感染时就用的这些药,怎么可能会把人治坏? 点击展开...
B billwanhua 本站元老 注册 2005-07-07 消息 16,064 荣誉分数 5,174 声望点数 373 2021-09-02 #9 Joe Rogan says he has Covid, took widely discredited drug ivermectin The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month urged people to stop believing misinformation that the livestock treatment would help cure Covid-19. Rogan later said that he was not anti-vaccination and added that he should not be the source of medical advice, as he isn’t a doctor. “I’m not a doctor,” Rogan said, according to the BBC in April. “I’m not a respected source of information, even for me.”
Joe Rogan says he has Covid, took widely discredited drug ivermectin The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month urged people to stop believing misinformation that the livestock treatment would help cure Covid-19. Rogan later said that he was not anti-vaccination and added that he should not be the source of medical advice, as he isn’t a doctor. “I’m not a doctor,” Rogan said, according to the BBC in April. “I’m not a respected source of information, even for me.”