Council approves master site plan for The Ottawa Hospital’s new campus

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Council today approved a master site plan for The Ottawa Hospital’s new campus near Dow’s Lake. The main building will offer 2.5 million square feet of hospital space with over 28 operating rooms and more than 641 single beds to treat residents, and the plan outlines additional phases of development over the next 25 years that would see a new research building, mixed-use towers with ground floor commercial space along Carling Avenue and the relocation of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. 

The master site plan also includes measures to curb possible impacts on nearby heritage resources, like the Central Experimental Farm and the Rideau Canal. As part of the design of the site The Ottawa Hospital has demonstrated a commitment to 40 per cent tree canopy coverage target on-site, including preserving as many of the existing mature trees as possible. 500 trees are being retained on the site and The Ottawa Hospital has committed to re-plant five trees for every tree removed.

Council approved a resolution asking the City’s Auditor General to examine the procurement and implementation of the Light Rail Transit system, to begin as soon as possible. Council asked that the audit identify measures to help ensure that the system runs safely and reliably, and assess the effectiveness of the maintenance and repair program delivered by Rideau Transit Group including Rideau Transit Maintenance and any sub-contractors (e.g., Alstom). Council requested that the audit determine whether the approved procurement model was in keeping with best practices, to inform the future stages of Light Rail Transit procurement, and also asked that the audit recommend ways to improve all aspects of the Light Rail Transit system relating to the good governance of the municipality or the conduct of its public business, including any impacts, financial or otherwise, on residents and taxpayers.

Residents will soon see more cameras enforcing speed limits near Ottawa's schools, as Council approved an automated speed enforcement program. Based on the results of an eight-camera pilot, an additional 15 cameras will be installed by the end of 2022 and a further 15 to 25 cameras each subsequent year. The cameras will be installed in community safety zones near schools initially and could be added near playgrounds as the program expands.

Council received a final draft of the City’s first combined Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. The plan recommends parklands and recreation facilities needed to serve residents through 2031, based on current inventory, population projections, engagement input and priority neighbourhood needs.

Council has decided to fill the vacant seat in Ward 4, Kanata North by appointment. The Municipal Act, 2001 allows Council to fill the vacancy by appointing a consenting individual within 60 days of declaring the seat vacant.

Interested, qualified individuals can apply to serve as Ward Councillor from Monday, October 25 to Friday, October 29 at 4 pm. Applicants must schedule an appointment to submit their forms in person at the Elections Office at 1221 B Cyrville Road. Appointments can be scheduled Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm with the City Clerk or his designate by calling 613-580-2660 or by emailing

Council approved a report on the implementation of new ward boundaries for the next term of Council. It includes the creation of a new ward, Barrhaven East and renaming six existing wards:

  • Orléans to Orléans East-Cumberland
  • Innes to Orléans West-Innes
  • Barrhaven to Barrhaven West
  • Cumberland to Orléans South-Navan
  • Rideau-Goulbourn to Rideau-Jock
  • Gloucester-South Nepean to Riverside South-Findlay Creek

City Manager Steve Kanellakos announced several organizational changes that will support the City’s succession planning, ensure the delivery of City priorities and prepare for a post-COVID city. Effective December 2021, a new Infrastructure and Water Services Department will include Asset Management, Infrastructure Services and Water Services. With the creation of this new department, the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Department will remain the strategic arm of the city’s future development and economic rebound. The Public Works Department will focus on delivering the core City services our residents rely on 24/7. These changes will be implemented in December once the General Manager recruitment is complete.

Council adopted a new small business property tax subclass today. Qualifying small businesses will be eligible for a permanent property tax discount of 15 per cent, phased in over two years starting in 2022. There are approximately 5,800 commercial and industrial properties across Ottawa that qualify, representing more than 10,000 small businesses.

Council approved social procurement recommendations that will help the City generate additional social value from its procurement activities. The Procurement By-law will be updated to ensure sustainability can be considered in the City’s procurement and to add a sole-source rationale for social enterprises.

Council directed OC Transpo and Para Transpo to provide customers with one full month of no-charge transit service in December 2021.

Council accepted the reports and recommendations stemming from the Audit Committee meeting in September. This included the audit of Fleet Services for its maintenance, lifecycle management and operations.
