




Waukesha parade suspect was released on $1000 bail days before crash​

By Scott Bauer, Bernard Condon and Mike Householder The Associated Press
Posted November 23, 2021 8:06 am

Click to play video: 'Man arrested in Christmas parade crash in Wisconsin that killed 5, injured dozens'

The suspect in a Christmas parade crash in suburban Milwaukee that killed five people was free on $1,000 bail posted just two days before the deadly event, a fact that is leading to a review of what happened and renewed calls for giving judges more power to set higher bails.

One pending case against Darrell Brooks Jr. included an allegation that he deliberately hit a woman with his car in early November after a fight. Prosecutors in Milwaukee County on Monday called their bail recommendation “inappropriately low” given the facts of that case and the Sunday crash, and said they would review it.

Julius Kim, a defense attorney and former assistant prosecutor, said the bail could easily have been set more than twice as high.

“He was accused of running over the mother of his kid, and to put it at $1,000 strikes me as low,” Kim said. “It could have been an inexperienced attorney who happened to be reviewing cases that day.”

Police said Brooks, 39, was behind the wheel of the SUV that sped through the parade route in Waukesha on Sunday, killing five and injuring 48 others. Waukesha Police Chief Dan Thompson said Brooks was leaving the scene of a domestic dispute that had taken place just minutes earlier.

READ MORE: Wisconsin parade: Darrell Brooks confirmed as lone suspect, faces murder charges

Brooks has been charged with crimes 16 times since 1999 and had two outstanding cases against him at the time of the parade disaster. That included resisting or obstructing an officer, reckless endangering, disorderly conduct, bail jumping and battery for the Nov. 2 incident.

Thompson said police were going to recommend he face five charges of first degree intentional homicide, which is punishable by life in prison. He was to appear in court Tuesday afternoon.



Ring doorbell camera captures arrest of Darrell Brooks Jr. | FOX6 News Milwaukee​

1:38秒视频:他被捕的时刻,敲开陌生人的门,声称自己homeless .....

Waukesha parade attack: Video captures moment Darrell Brooks is arrested​

Dramatic doorbell video captured the moment the suspect in the deadly Christmas parade vehicular rampage in Wisconsin was collared – after reportedly telling the homeowner he was homeless and waiting for an Uber.

The Ring footage obtained by NBC News shows Darrell Brooks, 39, minutes after he allegedly mowed down revelers at the Sunday parade, where five people ranging in age from 39 to 81 were killed and 48 others injured.

The T-shirt-clad suspect is seen shivering outside the house, which is located about a half-mile from the parade route, and knocking on the door just after 5 p.m. Sunday, about 20 minutes after he allegedly plowed into the crowd.

“I called an Uber and I’m supposed to be waiting for it over here, but I don’t know when it’s coming,” he is heard telling resident Daniel Rider, according to NBC News.

“Can you call it for me please? I’m homeless,” he adds.

Daniel Brooks is seen shivering outside the house, which is located about a half-mile from the parade route.Daniel Rider/NBC News

Rider told the news outlet he had been on a hunting trip and was watching a football game at the time of the incident, so he was unaware of what had just happened nearby.

The resident told NBC News that he invited Brooks inside, gave him a jacket, made him a sandwich and let him use his phone.

“All of a sudden, I look outside my street and I see a few cop cars drive by and I’m getting extra nervous,” he said, adding that he then asked his guest to leave.

The doorbell footage shows cops ordering the suspect to put his hands up.Daniel Rider/NBC News
Brooks left but then began pounding on his door again, saying he left his ID behind, after a neighbor called the cops, NBC News said.

“Then the next thing you know, you see the cops with lights on him saying, ‘Hands in the air! Hands in the air!’” Rider said.


One neighbor said Darrell Brooks “was always a little off.”Waukesha County Sheriff Office via AP
The doorbell footage shows cops ordering the suspect to put his hands up.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!,” he says as he appears to comply.

Meanwhile, another neighbor told the Sun that Brooks “was always a little off.”

“I didn’t know him more than ‘Hi’ and ‘Bye’ but I remember seeing that red truck parked there,” the person, who didn’t want to be named, told the news outlet, referring to the suspect’s Ford Escort SUV.

Another neighbor, who identified herself as Ebony, told the Sun: “He must’ve snapped. The whole thing is messed up but it doesn’t surprise me.”

No one answered the door of the home that neighbors said Brooks shared with his mother, according to the Sun.

所以说嘛,如果Kyle Rittenhouse去年自卫枪杀的是黑人,这次肯定不会让他自由的,否则黑命又闹。
所以说嘛,如果Kyle Rittenhouse去年自卫枪杀的是黑人,这次肯定不会让他自由的,否则黑命又闹。
Julius Kim, a defense attorney and former assistant prosecutor, said the bail could easily have been set more than twice as high.
现在说保释金应该2倍多? 2K? 看来 something is broken