法国争议人物民族主义者,"FAR RIGHT"名人,挑战马克龙2022年大选. 一路飙升,只与马克龙差6%了


His candidacy has been tested in several polls since June 2021.[54][55] The first time he appeared in a poll, in June 2021, the Institut français d'opinion publique (IFOP) credited him of 5.5% of the vote.[56][54]

In August 2021, he was credited with 7% of voting intentions according to Ipsos.[57] On 14 September he was credited by Harris Interactive with 10% of voting intentions,[58] on 21 September with 11%,[59] as well as on 29 September with 13 to 14% of voting intentions. Harris Interactive, one of the major French polling institutes, is now regularly and closely following his ascension.[60] On 29 September 2021, Valeurs actuelles titled a YouTube interview with Zemmour as "The Rocket Zemmour".[61]

On 1 October 2021, with 15% of voting intentions, he passed in front of all the right-wing candidates for the first time, reaching the third place of all candidates with only 1 point behind National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen. Hence, he was placed in a potentially competitive position to reach the second round of the election. In this Ipsos Sopra-Steria survey in partnership with France Info, President Emmanuel Macron leads with around 25%, followed by Marine Le Pen (around 16%). Éric Zemmour follows behind at 15%. The right-wing candidates, who will face off at a The Republicans congress on 8 December, come behind in every tested hypothesis: Xavier Bertrand (14%), Valérie Pécresse (12%), Michel Barnier (11%).[62]

On 6 October 2021, Zemmour reached 17% of voting intentions and the second place of all candidates, qualifying for the first time of all polls for the second round of the election.[63] In this Harris Interactive survey for the economic magazine Challenges, President Emmanuel Macron leads with around 24%, as Marine Le Pen is falling to 15% of voting intentions. The right-wing candidates come behind Zemmour: Xavier Bertrand (13%), Valérie Pécresse (11%), Michel Barnier (10%).[64][65] The managing director of Harris Interactive, Jean-Daniel Lévy, did not hide his astonishment: "We have never seen such a meteoric rise in such a short time".[66]

On 13 October 2021, in a new Harris Interactive poll, Zemmour reached 17/18% of voting intentions, maintaining the second place of all candidates behind Emmanuel Macron, still leading with 24%.[67][68] Marine Le Pen keeps 15% of voting intentions. The right-wing candidates keep coming behind Zemmour: Xavier Bertrand (14/15%), Valérie Pécresse (11%), Michel Barnier (7/9%).

On 7 November 2021, IFOP-FIDUCIAL, confirmed in a poll for Le FIGARO,[69][70] that Zemmour maintains his second place and hence access to the second round of the election, with 17/18% of vote intentions at the first round, behind Macron. The rising trend of voting intentions was also confirmed on 9 November 2021, by a new Harris Interactive poll which attributes to Zemmour 18/19% of voting intentions for the first round,[71][72] maintaining the second place of all candidates behind Emmanuel Macron, still leading with 23/24%.
His candidacy has been tested in several polls since June 2021.[54][55] The first time he appeared in a poll, in June 2021, the Institut français d'opinion publique (IFOP) credited him of 5.5% of the vote.[56][54]

In August 2021, he was credited with 7% of voting intentions according to Ipsos.[57] On 14 September he was credited by Harris Interactive with 10% of voting intentions,[58] on 21 September with 11%,[59] as well as on 29 September with 13 to 14% of voting intentions. Harris Interactive, one of the major French polling institutes, is now regularly and closely following his ascension.[60] On 29 September 2021, Valeurs actuelles titled a YouTube interview with Zemmour as "The Rocket Zemmour".[61]

On 1 October 2021, with 15% of voting intentions, he passed in front of all the right-wing candidates for the first time, reaching the third place of all candidates with only 1 point behind National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen. Hence, he was placed in a potentially competitive position to reach the second round of the election. In this Ipsos Sopra-Steria survey in partnership with France Info, President Emmanuel Macron leads with around 25%, followed by Marine Le Pen (around 16%). Éric Zemmour follows behind at 15%. The right-wing candidates, who will face off at a The Republicans congress on 8 December, come behind in every tested hypothesis: Xavier Bertrand (14%), Valérie Pécresse (12%), Michel Barnier (11%).[62]

On 6 October 2021, Zemmour reached 17% of voting intentions and the second place of all candidates, qualifying for the first time of all polls for the second round of the election.[63] In this Harris Interactive survey for the economic magazine Challenges, President Emmanuel Macron leads with around 24%, as Marine Le Pen is falling to 15% of voting intentions. The right-wing candidates come behind Zemmour: Xavier Bertrand (13%), Valérie Pécresse (11%), Michel Barnier (10%).[64][65] The managing director of Harris Interactive, Jean-Daniel Lévy, did not hide his astonishment: "We have never seen such a meteoric rise in such a short time".[66]

On 13 October 2021, in a new Harris Interactive poll, Zemmour reached 17/18% of voting intentions, maintaining the second place of all candidates behind Emmanuel Macron, still leading with 24%.[67][68] Marine Le Pen keeps 15% of voting intentions. The right-wing candidates keep coming behind Zemmour: Xavier Bertrand (14/15%), Valérie Pécresse (11%), Michel Barnier (7/9%).

On 7 November 2021, IFOP-FIDUCIAL, confirmed in a poll for Le FIGARO,[69][70] that Zemmour maintains his second place and hence access to the second round of the election, with 17/18% of vote intentions at the first round, behind Macron. The rising trend of voting intentions was also confirmed on 9 November 2021, by a new Harris Interactive poll which attributes to Zemmour 18/19% of voting intentions for the first round,[71][72] maintaining the second place of all candidates behind Emmanuel Macron, still leading with 23/24%.
