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Covid-19 was the third leading cause of death in 2020, driving a record increase in death rate, according to CDC data​

From CNN Health’s Deidre McPhillips

White flags are seen on the National Mall on September 18, 2021 in Washington, DC. Over 660,000 white flags were installed here to honor Americans who have lost their lives to COVID-19 epidemic.
White flags are seen on the National Mall on September 18, 2021 in Washington, DC. Over 660,000 white flags were installed here to honor Americans who have lost their lives to COVID-19 epidemic. (Chen Mengtong/China News Service/Getty Images)

Covid-19 claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the US in 2020, driving a record increase in the death rate and a drop in life expectancy of nearly two years, according to final 2020 death data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics.

Life expectancy at birth fell 1.8 years in 2020, from 78.8 years in 2019 to 77 years, the largest single-year decline in more than 75 years.

The death rate -- about 835 deaths per 100,000 people – jumped nearly 17% from 2019, the sharpest increase in more than a century since the CDC has been tracking this data.

The year-over-year increase was even starker among racial and ethnic minorities, with death rates for Hispanic people increasing about three times as much as White people, and death rates for Black people increasing about twice as much as White people.

Covid-19 was the third leading cause of death overall, accounting for more than 10% of all deaths in 2020. Final death data from the CDC shows that Covid-19 was the underlying cause of death for 350,831 people in 2020, in line with data reported by Johns Hopkins University.

Heart disease and cancer remained the top causes of death in 2020 and, together with Covid-19, accounted for about half of all deaths in the US for the year.
Other leading causes include unintentional injuries, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, and kidney disease.

Death rates for most of these causes increased, with a nearly 15% increase in death rates for diabetes and nearly 17% for unintentional injuries, which includes drug overdose deaths.
Death rates also increased for each age group 15 years and older.

But infant mortality rates reached a record low: about 542 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2020, down about 3% from 2019.