最初由 lilicat 发布
我去年10月在渥太华结婚,12月底拿到marriage certificate,今年1月初递表申请移民,6月底收到移民局的信说是原则性批准,要求体检(其实你可以在开始递表时就体检,那样比较快)。我在7月体检,然后10月份收到移民局的信:decision made!!通知我12月中旬到渥太华的移民局办公室Landing.
最初由 ecco 发布
著著你lilicat的回?╋我想委?律???我揠理呃件事的╋但是他真申?移民不需要marriage certificate╋只要有marriage recoder
最初由 dingdong 发布
Don't waste your money to a lawyer. This is my suggestion.
Open this file and read the second paragraph of page 10.
Beside, if you have a lawyer, Immigration Canada only contact your lawyer, and you cannot deal with them.
Should I hire a lawyer or consultant?
You are free to hire a lawyer or consultant to help you with your application; however, it is not necessary if you follow the instructions in this application kit. If you hire a representative, he or she cannot claim faster service or a more favourable outcome. You must fill in form 5476 and send it with your application if you wish to authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada to deal with your representative.