Volunteer with Us! OCCSC Virtual Youth Homework Club

Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC) has been serving newcomers in the community for 46 years. We sincerely invite you to contribute your passion and skills in teaching and tutoring to assist our Virtual Youth Homework Club. The project is looking for engaging and enthusiastic volunteers willing to help students one on one via Zoom. Sessions are once a week for 90 minutes.

  • Commitment: February 2022– June 2022 (5 months) or longer
  • Volunteer training 1.5 to 2 hours
  • Language Preference: English, French, Chinese will be an asset
  • Volunteer Location: Virtual, Zoom

Students: Newcomer Youth from Grade 7- Grade 12

Your Availability: You can choose one or more than one subject and your available time from below:
Tuesdays or Fridays: 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
English, French, Math, Physics, Science, Chemistry, Biology

Who should apply:
This volunteer position would be perfect for a retired public servant, retired teacher, university or high school student, or someone who has expertise or knowledge in subjects and is passionate about teaching.

How will this volunteer opportunity benefit you?
  1. Gain work-related skills and experience and receive volunteer hours
  2. Expand network circles, meet new people
  3. Contribute your talents and skills to make a positive contribution to students
  4. Experience the satisfaction of making a tangible difference in someone’s life
  5. Learn different cultures and needs from Chinese youth
  6. Participate in OCCSC’s Volunteer Annual Appreciation Party (receive volunteer certificate and souvenir)
  7. Receive reference from OCCSC (upon successful completion of 40 volunteer hours or the commitment period)
If you are interested, please fill out your information from the link below Volunteer with Us! OCCSC Virtual Youth Homework Club – OCCSC Registration

If you have questions, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at doreen.ju@occsc.org or 613-235-4875 Ext. 144. We look forward to meeting you!

Doreen Ju
Community Connection / Volunteer Coordinator
Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC)

