Freedom Convoy 2022 事态发展




Freedom Convoy 2022将永远记载于加拿大的史册。抗议强制疫苗的卡车大军从BC省出发,一路东行,摧拉枯朽气势如虹,沿途大量民众摇旗支持,募捐款项更是超过2021年联邦大选3月的累计金额,高达800万美元之多。29日中午12点卡车大军集结于加拿大政府所在的国会山上,司机们按响喇叭相互鼓气彼此呼应,上万民众奔涌而来,身披国旗,手举标语,犹如冬季的加拿大国庆日狂欢。

以下是来自National Post对渥太华国会山卡车车队游行的纪实报道:


“我可以告诉你,没有人被逮捕,目前我们没有更多的信息可以分享。” 渥太华警方表示,每个人都表现良好。喇叭声和欢呼声持续到深夜,烟花在市中心燃烧,直到周五晚上渥太华警方都没有发现任何违法行为。渥太华警方预计将有更多的卡车车队从东方和西方抵达。


蒙特利尔自由党议员Anthony Housefather说,他担心卡车车队可能会变成类似于去年1月6日特朗普的支持者在华盛顿的国会大厦发生的骚乱。


总理办公室的Ann-Clara Vaillancourt说,总理继续在国家首都地区隔离,并远程工作。我们已经咨询过渥太华公共卫生部门了一如既往,我们不对安全问题发表评论。








许多国旗上挂着加拿大国旗,或者带有针对加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)的脏话。






渥太华警方正在帮助里多中心的管理和安保人员关闭市中心的购物中心,因为没有戴面具的抗议者“过于拥挤”。《华盛顿邮报》的安雅·卡拉德格利亚(Anja Karadeglija)目睹了大多数商店在周六下午三点关门,但美食街挤满了饥饿的抗议者。就在下午3点前,保安人员试图把人们引到外面。据《渥太华公民报》报道,一些抗议支持者敦促商场员工摘掉自己的口罩。“你现在自由了,”一名没有戴口罩的男子对一个摊位上的工作人员说:“你不必戴着这个。”许多抗议者坐在地板上,排队等着上厕所。在安大略省,公共场所和商业场所的室内都要求佩戴口罩。从1月31日起,有疫苗接种证明的人才可以进入餐馆用餐。且餐馆的室内用餐率可以达到50%。


Terry Fox的雕像被挂上加拿大国旗、抗议标志和帽子,还被放上写有“Mandate Freedom”的抗议标语。Terry Fox家乡的市长韦斯特在推特上表示反对:“海报和旗帜应该立即撤掉,别碰 Terry Fox。” 渥太华市长吉姆·沃森回应说,他已经要求市政府工作人员这么做了。


游行队伍沿着威灵顿街一直向前延伸,但没有完全进入Byward Market。在国家战争纪念碑前的街道上,抗议者爬上一辆满载木材的卡车,其他人在纪念碑上跳舞,这让加拿大国防参谋长表达了不满。在前往市中心的购物中心里多中心(Rideau Centre)时,几乎没有人愿意戴口罩。人们成群结队地来到美食广场,坐在地板上吃饭;偶尔,会有人大喊“自由”。


2022 Freedom Convoy平安落幕,感慨加拿大人民太朴实太欢乐了,万人聚会游行抵抗强制疫苗,无论谁叫上一嗓子freedom, 四面八方都跟着吆喝。总体来说现场和平有序,平安无事,好像是冬天里的国庆节狂欢.


U.S.-to-Canada crossing blocked by truckers fighting Trudeau's COVID mandate​

Truckers block the Ambassador Bridge on the I-75 and I-96 highways in Detroit
By David Ljunggren and Ismail Shakil

OTTAWA (Reuters) -The busiest land crossing from the United States to Canada remained shut on Tuesday, Canada's border agency said, after Canadian truckers blocked lanes on Monday in protest against their government's pandemic control measures.

Drivers demanding an end to federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cross-border traffic began blocking the streets of Canada's capital, Ottawa, on Jan. 28. Since Sunday night, police have started slowly taking back control, seizing thousands of liters of fuel and removing an oil tanker truck.

Trucks started blocking traffic at the Ambassador Bridge, located between Lake Erie and Lake Huron, late on Monday. Canada's Border Services Agency said on Tuesday that the bridge was closed, but police later tweeted that U.S.-bound lanes were now open.

Canada sends 75% of its goods exports to the United States, and the bridge usually handles around 8,000 trucks a day.

"We got sent here to send a message and the message isn't getting through," Ottawa protest spokesman Tom Marazzo told reporters on Monday night.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, appeared in public on Monday for the first time in more than a week after being infected with COVID-19, saying the protest had to stop.

Trudeau was due to return to parliament on Tuesday to face opposition legislators demanding he do more to end what one aide called a "national humiliation."

He has denounced the demonstrators' tactics.

"Individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens' daily lives," he told an emergency debate in the House of Commons on Monday night. "It has to stop."

(Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Mark Porter and Kevin Liffey)


How a truckers' protest became Canadian PM Trudeau's worst political nightmare

'Freedom Convoy' began on 9 January as protests by truckers angry with vaccine requirements when crossing the US-Canadian border. It has now turned into a larger movement against Canadian government

Agence France-PresseFebruary 08, 2022 19:28:34 IST
How a truckers' protest became Canadian PM Trudeau's worst political nightmare

Anti-COVID-19 vaccine mandate demonstrators gather as a truck convoy blocks the highway at the busy U.S. border crossing in Coutts, Alberta, Canada. AP

Ottawa: Canadian authorities struggled Monday to tackle a truckers' protest against Covid restrictions which has paralyses the national capital for days and threatens to snowball into a full-blown political crisis for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson urged the federal government to appoint a mediator to work with protesters and find a way to defuse the 10-day-long demonstration which has infuriated local residents with incessant honking and diesel fumes.
On Sunday, Watson declared a state of emergency in the capital, calling the protests an "occupation" and declaring them "out of control."

The "Freedom Convoy" demonstrations began January 9 in western Canada as protests by truckers angry with vaccine requirements when crossing the US-Canadian border, but have morphed into broader protests against COVID-19 health restrictions and Trudeau's government.

Protest organizer Tamara Lich said Monday that activists were willing to engage with the government to find a way out of the crisis, but insisted that pandemic restrictions be eased.

"What we're trying to do right now is reaching out to all of the federal parties so that we can arrange a sit down," Lich said during a meeting streamed on YouTube. "So that we can start these talks and see how we can move forward, have their mandates and the restrictions lifted, restore Canadians rights and freedoms and go home."

Facing criticism for allowing the center of the capital to be blocked and many businesses to have to close, Ottawa police Sunday announced new measures to tame the protests by banning people from bringing fuel and other supplies to the rallies.

"Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest," the police said on Twitter.

Officers have since arrested several people, seized multiple vehicles and issued hundreds of traffic tickets.

- 'Reacted too strongly' -

Trudeau, who has been in quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 a week ago, did not comment on the weekend protests.

On Thursday he ruled out the possibility of deploying the army to disperse the protesters "for now," saying that one must be "very, very cautious before deploying the military in situations against Canadians."

"Trudeau has nothing to gain by going to speak to the demonstrators," Genevieve Tellier, a political scientist at the University of Ottawa, told AFP.

But another political analyst, Frederic Boily of the University of Alberta, said the protests could escalate into a full-blown political crisis.

"Justin Trudeau reacted badly initially," Boily said. "He reacted too strongly and too abruptly at the start of the protests when he tried to paint them as a far-right protest."

Boily added that Trudeau "added fuel to the fire" by turning vaccination into a political issue, especially during last summer's election campaign.

But the opposition also finds itself in a bind politically.

The Conservatives, who will soon be voting to elect their new leader, are themselves divided on the issue of the protests.
"They are afraid that part of their supporters will be tempted by the extreme right, but it is a risky bet for them", said political analyst Daniel Beland.

While only about 10 per cent of Canadian adults remain unvaccinated, as many as 32 per cent of the population support the anti-mandate protests, according to a recent survey.


Anti-vaccine mandate protests continue in downtown Ottawa. Veterans and supporters removed the fencing that had surrounded the National War Memorial. Saturday, Feb. 12, 2022. PHOTO BY ERROL MCGIHON /POSTMEDIA

The “Freedom Convoy” that converged in Ottawa on Jan. 28 began in response to the federal government’s move to require that Canadian truck drivers crossing the U.S. border be fully vaccinated, but has evolved into a protest of all public health measures aimed at fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizers say they will not end their protest until all measures are dropped.

5:45 p.m.

The Royal Canadian Legion also criticized the removal of the protective fence around the National War Memorial by demonstrators on Saturday.

The removal of the fence and “reported inaction by those charged with safeguarding the site was deeply disturbing,” the Legion said in a statement released in late afternoon.

Police stood by and watched as dozens of demonstrators tore down the fence before gathering around the monument dedicated to Canada’s war dead. The fencing had been put in place the first weekend of the truckers’ convoy protest in downtown Ottawa in late January.

5 p.m.

The standoff continues at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, where police arrived this morning to clear out protesters after a court injunction Friday ordered them to leave, the Canadian Press reports.

Some of the protesters, faced with a line of police officers, left Saturday morning. But in the middle of the afternoon hundreds of people were occupying a stretch of Huron Church Road near the bridge.

Efforts to clear the area surrounding the bridge have hit a standstill, with more adults and children trickling in.
Some people were playing music while others are chanting or honking horns.

Police officers were standing in a line and blocking the entrance to the bridge, with two armoured vehicles and police cruisers behind them.

4:55 p.m.

The crowds around Parliament Hill swelled on Saturday afternoon and grew so dense that it was difficult to walk on Wellington Street, where the demonstrators have set up a stage with amplifiers, speakers and lights.

Protesters waved Canadian flags, wore them as capes and shook hands with the truck drivers who have sat parked in the downtown core for more than two weeks.

As protesters milled about on Wellington Street in front of Parliament Saturday afternoon, there was a carnival-like atmosphere, with people waving Canadian flags and listening to speakers and bouncy castles once again set up for children.

On the corner of Rideau Street and Sussex Drive, a crowd of a few hundred people jumped in tune to an electronic beat while chanting “freedom.” Several groups of police officers from York patrolled the area, where thousands of people continued to party and, occasionally, honk at will.

A group of demonstrators led by a faction of supporters who identified themselves as military veterans removed metal fencing that had been erected around the National War Memorial after a woman was seen dancing atop it in the initial days of the occupation.

Jake Spinney said he was a veteran who had travelled from Melford, N.S., to participate in the protest. Spinney, who has been living in a vehicle in front of the Supreme Court, scraped ice off the monument on Saturday afternoon and shook hands with dozens of demonstrators who filed past.

“I personally took the first bolts out of this thing,” he said, pointing to a pile of fencing.

“As you can see down there, it’s nicely and neatly stacked and ready for them to come get it. And if they want me to load it up for them, I will because it needs to get out of here.”

Lawrence MacAulay, the federal minister for veterans affairs, said on social media Saturday that ripping down the fencing at the memorial was “completely unacceptable.”

“Fences were put up to prevent the flagrant desecration and disrespect of our sacred monuments. This behaviour is disappointing and I’m calling on protesters to respect our monuments,” he posted on Twitter.

But Spinney said the barriers had offended him and other veterans who support the protest and they would place a guard by the monument and keep it clean until the occupation ended.

“They have no right to block the monument off from us,” he said, referring to politicians and government bureaucrats, whom he believed were out of touch with the working class.

“The monument is for our brothers and sisters and everybody else’s relatives. Not for them.”

Spinney echoed a hard line that had been repeated by some of the demonstrators: an absolute unwillingness to leave the city until vaccine mandates fell.

“They have no leverage on me to get shots,” he said. “You’re going to have to come down my dirt road and come get me. But my mother couldn’t watch her grandkids play soccer outside. I watched her half crying because she couldn’t go to bingo with her friends.

“I’m not going home until this is dealt with. They can drag me out of here. I’m not here to fight cops. They swore the same oath that I did. But they can drag me out of here and whenever they let me out I’m going to be back here and every one of these guys down here will tell you the same story. We’re sick of this shit.”

But he also expressed a disdain for the country’s political structures, where he felt his voice was not heard.

“The conservatives aren’t riding this populist wave into power on our back. It’s not happening,” he said. “I told Maxime Bernier. I told him right over there. Every day at 1 p.m. the veterans meet. Haven’t seen him. So he’s running out of time with me too.”

“Politics is not the solution,” said another demonstrator, who did not give his name. “They’re just stealing. This is the only way they know, is stealing from the people.”

2 p.m.

Demonstrators carried off protective fencing that was erected around the War Memorial earlier in the protest.

Several police officers were shown on social media standing on Elgin Street near the memorial when the fencing was taken down.

The fencing was put in place last month following a number of incidents on the first weekend of demonstration.

Social media was filled with video showing a person dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Police have asked for public assistance in identifying a woman suspected of desecrating the the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The acts were widely criticized both by Armed Forces members anbd the public.


Protesters to End Border Blockades as Trudeau’s Threats Hit Home​


Jen Skerritt
Tue, February 15, 2022, 5:21 p.m.

(Bloomberg) -- Vaccine-mandate protesters at two border crossings in Western Canada plan to leave after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government invoked emergency powers that could freeze their bank accounts and suspend their insurance.

A border crossing between Coutts, Alberta, and Sweet Grass, Montana, that had been closed Monday has partially reopened to traffic, Corporal Gina Slaney of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said Tuesday by phone. Demonstrators have been at the border post since late January in a protest against vaccine mandates and Covid-19 restrictions.

“People are going home,” Slaney said, noting traffic is moving slowly as there are still vehicles on the road. “Vehicles can get through north and southbound lanes right now and it seems that vehicles are crossing the border.”

Demonstrators at a border crossing between Manitoba and North Dakota are also preparing to leave in unison Wednesday with a police escort, said Jake Klassen, a truck driver who joined the protest out of frustration he can’t visit his daughter, who is receiving palliative care, since he isn’t fully vaccinated. People are worried the government will seize their property and protesters plan to leave in a “slow roll” tomorrow, Klassen said by phone.

“A lot of grown men were crying,” Klassen said. “We didn’t think he was going to enact that. We could lose everything.”

The Manitoba border to the U.S. at Emerson, Manitoba, was still closed as of 4:14 p.m. New York time, according to the website of Canada’s border agency. Manitoba RCMP are coordinating the departure of remaining demonstrators and are confident it will be complete and border access restored by Wednesday, Sergeant Paul Manaigre said in an email.

“We accomplished something, I believe, but we didn’t accomplish what we went there to accomplish,” Klassen said.

(Updates with Manitoba border status, RCMP comment in penultimate graph)

Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters' bank accounts​

Tue, February 15, 2022, 6:16 a.m.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken the unprecedented step of invoking the Emergencies Act to crack down on anti-vaccine mandate protests.

Mr Trudeau said the scope of the measures would be "time-limited", "reasonable and proportionate" and would not see the military deployed.
With no need for court orders, banks can freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with the protests.

Hundreds of demonstrators remain in Canada's capital city.

On Sunday, law enforcement cleared anti-mandate protesters at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor - a critical pathway for Canada-US trade - after a week-long stalemate.

What began as a rally against a new rule that all truckers must be vaccinated to cross the US-Canada border, or quarantine upon return, has grown into a broader challenge to all Covid health restrictions.

"This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people's jobs," Mr Trudeau told a news conference on Monday.

He said the police would be given "more tools" to imprison or fine protesters and protect critical infrastructure.

Mr Trudeau told reporters the legislation would be applied temporarily and in a highly specific manner.

Critics have noted that the prime minister voiced support for farmers in India who blocked major highways to New Delhi for a year in 2021, saying at the time: "Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protest."

Mr Trudeau's invoking of the Emergencies Act comes as demonstrations across Canada enter their third week.
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said at Monday's news conference that banks would be able freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with the protests without any need for a court order.

Vehicle insurance of anyone involved with the demonstrations can also be suspended, she added.

Ms Freeland said they were broadening Canada's "Terrorist Financing" rules to cover cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding platforms, as part of the effort.

Police officers walk away from demonstrators during a protest by truck drivers over pandemic health rules and the Trudeau government, outside the parliament of Canada in Ottawa on February 11, 2022

Anti-vaccine mandate protests have entered their third week

"It's all about following the money," she said.

She spoke after hackers released details of what they said were 93,000 donations for the truckers totalling $8.4m (£6.2m) to the crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo.

The Emergencies Act, passed in 1988, requires a high legal bar to be invoked. It may only be used in an "urgent and critical situation" that "seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians". Lawful protests do not qualify.

Speaking on Monday, Canada's Justice Minister David Lametti argued these conditions had been met.

But the Canadian Civil Liberties Association disagreed, warning that the move "threatens our democracy and our civil liberties".
Ottawa protest leader Tamara Lich dismissed Mr Trudeau's move, telling AP News: "There are no threats that will frighten us. We will hold the line."

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, a Conservative, said he supported the federal government.

But the premiers of Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan said the emergency powers were not needed in their regions.

Before Mr Trudeau's announcement, Quebec Premier Francois Legault said invoking the Emergencies Act could "throw oil on the fire".

Will Trudeau succeed?

Analysis by Jessica Murphy, BBC News, Toronto
Under growing pressure to bring the disruptive protests to an end - be it from the White House or increasingly frustrated Canadians - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has entered uncharted territory with the decision to invoke the never-before-used 1988 Emergencies Act, the country's most powerful tool for when it is facing a national emergency.

The powers announced by Mr Trudeau go into effect immediately - but his government has to present it to the House of Commons and the Senate within a week and needs a green-light or the proclamation would be revoked.

All main Canadian federal political party leaders have said it's time for the protests - which have had an impact on supply chains, the national economy and the country's relations with the US - to end.

But they aren't all necessarily on board with Mr Trudeau's unprecedented move.

Conservative leader Candice Bergen voiced concern it could inflame the situation.
The support of NDP leader Jagmeet Singh may give Mr Trudeau enough votes to pass it through the House - though the Senate could still be a hurdle.

Protests are ongoing in various parts of the country.

In Ottawa, the nation's capital, between 400 to 500 trucks have been parked in the city centre for 18 days.

Protesters have also been blockading border crossing at Coutts, Alberta, and Emerson, Manitoba.

On Monday, Alberta police arrested 11 people and seized a cache of guns and other weapons.

Weekend protests have also taken place in cities including Toronto and Winnipeg.
The IndependentThe Independent

‘Trucker Carlson’ ridiculed for calling Justin Trudeau a ‘dictator’​

Gino Spocchia
Tue, February 15, 2022, 9:56 a.m.

Tucker Carlson was lampooned by social media users after he accused Canada’s prime minister of being a “Stalinist dictator” who “suspended democracy” amid anti-Covid mandate demonstrations.

The Fox News anchor, who was nicknamed “Trucker Carlson” by Twitter users on Monday night, addressed viewers with a tirade against Canada’s Justin Trudeau, whom he claimed had imposed “martial law” on America’s neighbour to the north.

“It isn’t an overstatement to compare what is happening in Canada right now, to what happens to the Stalinist dictatorship,” Mr Carlson told Fox News viewers of the crackdown on “freedom convoy” protesters.

“The prime minister of Canada refused to meet with them or to speak to them. Instead, he fled the city and then from his bunker he called the truckers Nazis,” said Mr Carlson in reference to the waving of Swastikas at the protests.

“When they still didn’t leave the city, Justin Trudeau suspended democracy and declared Canada a dictatorship,” the Fox News anchor added.
Mr Trudeau had earlier said his government would invoke the country’s Emergencies Act for the first time in more than 50 years after two weeks of “freedom convoy” protests in the streets of Ottawa, the country’s capital.

“Freedom convoy” protests have also been seen at border crossings with the US – where trade between the two nations was blocked for a week – leading Mr Trudeau to tell reporters on Monday “this illegal occupation needs to end”.


Mr Carlson, who has been a vocal opponent of Covid mandates and restrictions both at home and abroad, continued by telling viewers: “So let's be clear. This is a defining moment in the history of Canada, in the history of the English speaking West.

“What's happening now does not qualify. What's happening in Canada now is not an emergency.”

Dozens of Canadians and social media users afterwards condemned the conservative anchor for his intervention, with one arguing: “Trucker Carlson, funniest thing I've heard lately. It just fits”.


“Trucker Carlson and Hannity are fuelling the illegal convoys and interfering in Canada’s internal politics. They should be barred from visiting Canada,” wrote one Canadian in a tweet.

Many Twitter accounts also renamed themselves “Trucker Carlson” following the tirade against Mr Trudeau, and another wrote: “I’m calling him Trucker Carlson from now on”.

The Fox News segment was accompanied by graphics including a sign saying “Bay of Rigs”, in an apparent reference to the failed attack launched by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to push Cuban leader Fidel Castro from Cuba, which is commonly known as “The Bay of Pigs”.
Mandate an acutal-experimental vaccine and force it to 12 year old? That is crazy.

Convoy protest organizers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber arrested in Ottawa​


Two key organizers of the so-called Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, have been arrested in Ottawa, CBC News has learned.

Lich was arrested Thursday evening and Barber earlier in the day by Ottawa police. Both remain in police custody and are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.

The two have been described as key leaders of the protest in Ottawa, which has now hit the three-week mark.

Their arrests were among several made Thursday. Barber was seen a few blocks from Parliament Hill in handcuffs between two police officers.

Lich confirmed to The Canadian Press earlier Thursday that she was there when Barber, a trucker from Saskatchewan, was arrested and led away.

Lich said she was resigned to the fact that she was going to jail, adding her personal bank account had been frozen.


They are two of the three protest organizers named in a proposed class-action lawsuit filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice by lawyer Paul Champ on behalf of his client, 21-year-old public servant Zexi Li.

The suit also name fellow convoy organizer Benjamin Dichter.

Earlier this month, Barber responded to criticism that the protest was negatively affecting Ottawa residents by saying organizers had "empathy" for local residents.

"We understand your frustration and genuinely wish there was another way for us to get our message across, but the responsibility for your inconvenience lies squarely on the shoulders of politicians who have [preferred] to vilify and call us names rather than engage in respectful, serious dialogue," he said at the time.

When asked about Barber's arrest, Ottawa police said they do not confirm or deny investigations about people until charges are laid.

Convoy organizer Chris Barber released, ordered to leave Ottawa​

Fri., February 18, 2022, 7:24 p.m.

Chris Barber, a key organizer of the Freedom Convoy was granted bail on Friday evening by a judge with the Ontario Court of Justice on the condition that he leave the city of Ottawa within 24 hours of his release.

Barber is facing four criminal charges. They are counselling to commit mischief, counselling to disobey a court order, counselling to obstruct police, and mischief that interferes with the use and enjoyment of property.

The protest he helped organize has blocked Ottawa's streets for more than three weeks.

Both Barber and fellow organizer Tamara Lich were arrested Thursday by Ottawa police.

In a massive action Friday police made moves to clear the occupation of Wellington Street. By late Friday evening police had arrested around 100 people in association with the protest.

Justice Julie Bourgeois permitted Barber's release with a financial bond and his wife acting as surety — meaning she is also financially responsible should he breach any of the conditions of his bail and he does not. Barber could also be charged with a breach of court orders and, if convicted, face jail.

As part of his release, he is required to leave the city of Ottawa within 24 hours of his release from custody and the province of Ontario no later than midnight Wednesday.

On his way out of the province he must update police once a day on his location.

Barber ordered not to support convoy in any way

Barber's bail conditions also stipulate he cannot support the Freedom Convoy in any manner, which includes verbally. He's not allowed to finance the convoy, except to assist other protesters to leave the city, though only through his own funds.

Barber is also not permitted to contact fellow organizers Tamara Lich, Daniel Bulford, or Patrick King, except in front of lawyers as part of legal proceedings.

Lich and Barber are named along with Benjamin Dichter in a proposed class-action lawsuit filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice by lawyer Paul Champ on behalf of his client, 21-year-old public servant Zexi Li.

Barber's next court date is set for March 1.

He was represented by lawyer Diane Magas, who is also representing fellow organizer Tamara Lich.

Lich was also expected to appear in court Friday, but her show cause hearing has been rescheduled for Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

卡车游行清场纪实,this is new Canada​


Freedom convoy 2022第21天 ,加拿大进入全国紧急状态,渥太华警局从省级政府和联邦政府方面获得了很大的支持,OPP和RCMP也提供了很多资源和增援,政府加强执法力量,展开清场行动,驱赶过去数周在首都渥太华市中心堵塞街道、反对强制跨境货车司机接种新冠疫苗的示威者。到20日周日傍晚,警方拘捕近两百人,并强行拖走六十多辆阻街的车辆。



大风不断,雪雾飞舞 ,国会山无数次响起的加拿大国歌声。人群里会爆发“freedom,freedom”的呐喊,偶尔还有是“shame on you, shame on you!”的声讨和咒骂,而警察们的声音只存在于广播中,用清晰而简洁的语言,用法语和英语反复要求在场民众立刻离开,否则会被逮捕。第一天的清场进度相对缓慢温和,但依旧于下午5点发生警马踩踏事件,图片被多方转发,不断放大,传闻49岁的女性被警马踩死,但后证明该女性伤势情况并不清楚,SIU于周日正在采访当事人,并确认她的伤势。



19日周六,警方的清场行动较前一天更加迅捷有力。当全副武装的警察肩并着肩,在长官的口令下大步推进。对于不肯服从的抵抗者喷撒辣椒喷雾(pepper spay),烟雾中的示威者溃不成军。警方迅速推进,对于不肯就范的卡车破窗而入,并很快占领了卡车大军的悬挂国旗的标注性高台。举着相机和手机的自媒体人一边退,一边选择新高点,寻找最佳拍摄角度,力图保持最好的视角和最大的流量。直播右框不断跳动的留言条,如果仔细看其实是几个激进的支持者或是反对者的反复刷屏留言。舆论的声音主要有两个,一个是官方的,威严而不容含混意味,一个来自民间,感性而愤怒。当很多键盘侠怒斥民主被践踏,自由被牺牲的时候,市中心当地被迫关门的商家和备受其扰的住户们庆幸家门口的喇叭声和DJ舞厅的杂乱和喧闹终将被白色的寂静所替代。



几位convoy的组织者相继被捕,18日清场开始,第一个被逮捕的Chri第二天缴付10万加元保释金,条件是立刻离开渥太华,并且不许发布任何支持convoy的言论;本次convoy的灵魂人物Tamara也在18号晚上被捕,她在镜头前极其镇定,不惊慌也不愤怒,好像一起在期盼这一刻,Tamara的表情轻松中带着轻蔑,让人联想到圣女贞德,而Tamara对着镜头留给示威人群的最后一句话是“hold the line.” Tamara目前依旧在关押中,听说是她拒绝缴付大额保释金,坚称自己只有5000块钱。

前RCMP的警官Danial得知Tamara被捕后,自首,主动请求被收监。但出人意料的是20日上午,他在freedom convoy 2020的facebook上传了一小段视频,讲述自己被释放的经过,仅仅被关在小黑屋几个小时,当晚就被释放了,没有任何charge。这样的结果让关注事件的民众看到加拿大政府毕竟是不希望进一步激化矛盾,主要目的是遣散聚集在国会山的滞留示威者,保护首都中心安全。

主流媒体和自媒体人都为这次历时三周的freedom convoy给出了视角。信息高速传播的时代,18号清场开始,对于戒严区的一手资料主要来自于媒体。在油管直播的自由媒体人,不顾个人安危现场全程拍摄现场,几个小时不停的直播,给大众提供了更多的细节。我们看到的就是一个尽可能避免矛盾激化的清场过程,总体来说都在控制之中,将伤害的可能降到最低。但加拿大的政治面貌依旧从此发生了变化,人们质疑对于和平示威,是否有必要采取如此激进的国家紧急状态令,最困惑也是最直白的感叹就是 “This is new Canada! This is the great reset!”

20日清晨渥太华的市中心人迹罕见犹如ghost town,渥太华市中心的卡车已被彻底被清空,100多个检查点警察对于进入戒严区的车辆和行人进行盘查和询问,不得无故逗留。就连自由媒体人也无法进入和直播了。渥太华又一次恢复了过去的沉寂和乏味,但各方团体和组织已经开始紧锣密鼓,索赔的索赔,起诉的起诉,包括convoy的组织者也表示他们不会就此放弃,会积极寻找法律手段维权。