Committee hears update on Community Safety and Well-Being Plan

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The Community and Protective Services Committee today received an update on the status and next steps for the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, including its new governance structure.

The plan aims to improve the safety and well-being of all Ottawa’s communities, prioritizing equity and intersectionality for those who experience discrimination, marginalization and racism. The new governance structure will move the plan forward by establishing:

  • Community leadership action teams to develop and implement detailed plans for each priority
  • An advisory committee to provide strategic direction
  • A Councillor sponsors group to champion the plan and to guide policy and financial strategy
  • An office of dedicated City staff to support the entire initiative and coordinate with participating agencies

The advisory committee and action teams will aim to include a broad range of partners with community agencies, institutions, businesses, and individuals with lived experience of the priorities being addressed. The City will begin recruiting for these bodies in Q2 2022. A financial strategy and performance measurement and evaluation plan will be brought forward in Q1 2023.

Committee received the proposed spending plan for a new provincial Homelessness Prevention Program, which consolidates three existing funding streams giving cities greater flexibility to support a wider range of homelessness prevention and supportive housing activities. The plan gives the City $47.6 million to allocate over the next year to services and supports such as long-term housing allowances, a landlord damage fund for the Housing First program, residential services homes, community outreach and emergency shelters.

About $3 million in Canada-Ontario Community Housing Benefits would provide an estimated 400 households with an average monthly subsidy of $614 towards housing costs for permanent private market housing, the Committee learned. Over the next year, the benefits would go to eligible priority groups, including survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, families at risk of or experiencing homelessness, older adults, people with disabilities and Indigenous persons.

The Committee received the investment plan for more than $14 million provided to the City through the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative. Over the next year, $12.3 million would fund social housing capital repairs and retrofits, with the remainder going to transitional operating funding and administration.

Recommendations from today’s meeting requiring Council approval will rise to Council on Wednesday, April 27.

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