It’s time for residents to step up to the plate at Ottawa’s baseball stadium

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January 2021 marked the beginning of a 10-year lease agreement between the City and Sam Katz of the Winnipeg Goldeyes and the Ottawa Sport and Entertainment Group. The short-term future looks bright for Ottawa’s baseball stadium as the Ottawa Titans are having a stellar inaugural season in the Frontier League. But what about the long-term future of the stadium? Many questions remain and we need Ottawa residents to help find answers.

An Ottawa Titans baseball player hits a ball with a bat, in front of a catcher while people look on from the stands

The City is working with key stakeholders to develop a vision for the stadium that would result in more community use, both in and around the building. Meetings with some stakeholders have already taken place with more to come.

There are two ways residents can have their say right now about the future of Ottawa’s baseball stadium:

  1. Participate in an online Community and Information Session happening on Tuesday, June 28 at 6 pm. Registration required. Share with us your short, medium, and long-term visions for the baseball stadium and its surrounding areas.
  2. Complete an online survey soon, which can be found on The Ottawa Stadium Engage Ottawa page.

The goal of the visioning process is to find ways to make the stadium and its surrounding areas, more livable, inviting, and dynamic for people and families, while enhancing mobility, city life, and financial sustainability.

It’s your baseball stadium and we want to hear from you.

Ottawa's baseball stadium, with players on the field and fans in the stands

For more information on City programs and services, visit, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service. You can also connect with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
