I just learned that Teleking offers a new lower rate to call China, HK, and TaiWan (including cellular phones). The special rate is 1.9c/minute on Tuesdays, then 3.9c/minute for the other days. But you must agree to:
1. Choose Teleking as your long distance phone provider
2. Visa card pre-authorized payment
3. Send monthly billing to your e-mail account (e bill instead of paper bill)
Also if your monthly calling time exceeds 100 minutes, you will get 30 minutes (indirect call) free for the first 5 months.
If your are interested, you can register this new special plan by calling their Customer Service Hot Line @ (613) 482-0770.
No, I think you are talking about Sunny International. Teleking has no time limit on this special offer. So for 1.9c/minute, you can talk on Tuesdays 24 hours a day...
最初由 land 发布 Teleking的优惠有每天的时间限制.好象是后半夜和白天什么时间才可以, 和国内通话不是很方便.
最初由 xyz139 发布 No, I think you are talking about Sunny International. Teleking has no time limit on this special offer. So for 1.9c/minute, you can talk on Tuesdays 24 hours a day...