加拿大发展航天的努力: Maritime Launch Services | 联邦政府给了乌克兰南方机械制造局多少钱来研制 Cyclone-4M 火箭?



Maritime Launch Services 在 Nova Scotia 建设加拿大的第一个轨道/亚轨道航天发射母港​

和 Maritime Launch Services 签订合约的火箭制造商除了加拿大的 Reaction Dynamics,也有乌克兰南方机械制造局 ( Cyclone-4M 火箭 )。

从俄乌战争之前的 2019 年以来,乌克兰南方机械制造局 Yuzhmash 就数次表示要在加拿大 Nova Scotia 建厂,来支持 Cyclone-4M 火箭在加拿大发射。2022 年以来,乌克兰南方机械制造局数次遭到俄军导弹攻击每年都声称该年 Cyclone-4M 火箭即将首次发射,但除了测试引擎以外至今没有该火箭接近完成的迹象。

好像对某些倾角的 low earth orbit 卫星影响不大。对其它类型的轨道,说不定可以把海基平台开到纬度低一点的地方



加拿大交通部部长奥马尔 · 阿尔加布拉(Omar Alghabra)在加拿大航天局总部公布了这一计划。自1962年9月21日加拿大第一颗卫星Alouette搭乘美国火箭从美国加州升空以来,该计划首次赋予了该国独立自主开展轨道任务的权利。



加拿大宇航员大卫·圣雅克(David Saint-Jacques)认为,加拿大是商业航天发射的理想选择,其地理位置特别适合发射极轨卫星。阿尔加布拉说,正因如此,加拿大 “不仅收到了国内公司的发射请求”,也收到了 “来自韩国、德国、荷兰、意大利等世界各地” 公司的请求,它们“认为加拿大不仅有地理优势,还有良好的人才和生态环境。”

位于大西洋畔的新斯科舍航天港是加拿大目前在建的唯一一个航天港,其客户包括国际空间站实验室运营方 Nanolacks 和魁北克清洁能源技术火箭研制者Dynamics。

根据一份声明,加拿大交通部和其他机构将在未来三年间研究可能实行的商业发射法律和许可程序。而根据该国的现有规则,初创公司 Reaction Dynamics 的一枚亚轨道火箭2023年将在新斯科舍航天港发射。

该航天港是由加拿大的发射服务公司 “海事发射服务”(MLS)建造的。

谁能查一查联邦政府给了乌克兰南方机械制造局多少钱来研制 Cyclone-4M 火箭?​

2021 年 11 月 29 日,加拿大航天局主席 Lisa Campbell、加拿大创新、科学和工业部部长 François-Philippe Champagne 等一行人参加了乌克兰南方机械制造局举办的一个仪式,庆祝 Maritime Launch Services 开始动工。

啊这 ... 到了 2023 年,进展就是在 Nova Scotia 浇了一块嵌了钢筋的加强水泥地,用于亚轨道小型火箭的 demo 测试

29.11.2021 | A ceremony was held to begin construction of a spaceport in Canada

From November 18 to 20, 2021, the delegation of YUZHMASH led by the First Deputy General Director Konstantin Zavgorodny took part in a number of events related to the beginning of the practical implementation of the Ukrainian-Canadian project “Cyclone-4M”.

Except YUZHMASH the Ukrainian side of the project was represented by the delegations of the State Space Agency of Ukraine and the Design Bureau “Pivdenne”.

On November 18, working meetings were held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, between the Canadian company Maritime Launch Services (the future operator of the rocket and space complex) and the Dnipro developers and manufacturers. The Canadian company reported on the start of work on clearing the site for the construction of the first building on the spaceport – the launch control center.

On the same day, the heads of the space agencies of Ukraine and Canada, Volodymyr Taftay and Lisa Campbell signed a Joint Statement on the celebration of the partnership in space and the implementation of the Cyclone-4M project.

The next day, the presentation and solemn ceremony of the first Canadian commercial spaceport using the Cyclone-4M launch vehicle of Ukrainian design and production took place. The event was attended by Volodymyr Taftay, Lisa Campbell, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada François-Philippe Champagne, Member of the Parliament of Canada Sean Fraser, Minister of Economic Development of the Province of Nova Scotia Susan Corkum-Greek, President of Maritime Launch Services Stephen Matier, representatives of Design Bureau “Pivdenne” and YUZHMASH.

On November 20, an excursion was organized for the Ukrainian delegation to the construction site of the spaceport complex near the city of Canso.

The Ukrainian-Canadian project is based on time-tested technical and design solutions, which will allow as quickly as possible, with a high level of quality and the reliability to provide to the launch service market with a new competitive middle-class Cyclone-4M launch vehicle.

The Design Bureau “Pivdenne” will be responsible for the development, testing and operation of the launch vehicle and ground-based facilities. Yuzhmash will be the manufacturer and supplier of Cyclone-4M launch vehicle for Maritime Launch Services.

The high level of support for the project by the Canadian government and the authorities of the province of Nova Scotia is a sign of good prospects for the project, which will enable Ukrainian rocket builders to realize their potential in the development of rocket and space transport systems.
加拿大研发火箭的企业 Reaction Dynamics 去澳大利亚测试其 RE-102 发动机,也将于2025年内在澳大利亚 Southern Launch 发射亚轨道火箭
