About EI

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<HTML>I was an EI receiver, and then I got a contract. Now they want to renew the contract because of my good job, but the payment is still low. If the negotiation is fail, and I refuse to renew the contract, is that possible that I’m not valid to apply EI?</HTML>
<HTML>Because I think it's under-qualified my skills. I'm a senior engineer, but the payment looks like just for entry-level after 30% off from Agent. SO 不为五斗米折腰 ! 臭知识分子的迂腐? Maybe, but...</HTML>
<b>Re: About EI</b>


<HTML>I don't know what kind of contract you got, but if it's good for your future job seeking, why don't you take it first? I believe local working experience will good for your next job seeking.</HTML>
<HTML>noway to get ei if the contract is over or u got fired, or u resigned.</HTML>
<b>Re: About EI</b>

<HTML>补充一点:如果contract是被雇主提前终止的,也一样可以拿EI,这里一般没有fired,只有shortage of work. :)

<HTML>The contract will be end this month, but they want to renew. And I should still have a lot of EI in my account. The agent 威胁 that I can't get rest of my EI if I refuse to work for them(Maybe it's true). And the HRDC just told me to apply if I have no job, but the decision maker is not them. :hein?:

Thank you very much for your help.</HTML>
<HTML>To me, taking a job is better than depending on EI. When you apply for other job, current employed people have a much better chance than a person without job, or on EI. EI is the second last resource for living (before welfare). Why do you prefer EI than low pay job?</HTML>
<HTML>coz it is lazy</HTML>
<HTML>I'm not prefer EI, this is my last choice.

But what's ur feeling if you leave your family(who also need your care) to other province, and only visit them 2 times one month? Just for that poor little money?
I think every family has their own problem, but thanks anyway to "Work better than EI", this is my opinion too.

So this is the question about 鱼与熊掌</HTML>
<b>Re: About EI</b>

<HTML>HRDC是给你发EI的人啊,为什么说decision maker不是他们?你只要真的没有工作就可以申请EI,而且因为你前份工作的EI没有领完,你只是继续临前面的EI,跟现在的雇主没有关系,也不需要他的证明文件。另外当合同正常结束后,你有权向雇主要record of employment,雇主有义务在7天之内给你。如果他不给你的话,再去找HRDC,告你的雇主在合同正式结束后不给你RofE。</HTML>

<HTML>A lot of couples are separated involunterly (Chinese or Canadian), and visit each other twice a month. A little money is earned by you, better than mailed to you by the government. If you have kids, do you want them to learn from you to lay on bed waiting for checkes each week? Be self supported, Man/Madam</HTML>
<HTML>EI is a kind of insurance. Just because you paid to HDRC during your working, you can get the benefit.
So, No Shame! No Doubt! Take and use it for your waiting for
better future.</HTML>
<HTML>u guys make clear what is EI and what is qualification of get an EI frst.
not everybody who has paid EI when he/she was working can get that.
If u r working, even if u just work for half time, ur EI will be effected.
Jane, ur words.
完,你只是继续临前面的EI,跟现在的雇主没有关系,也不需要他的证明文件。 is totally wrong.
sorry about saying that.</HTML>
<b>Re: About EI</b>

<HTML>我记得当时我在HRDC OFFICE问得很清楚:
If I have a full time wotk again before I finished my EI, I need report to HRDC about my job and ask them stop the EI for me immeadieatly. After the new contract terminate, I need report to HRDC again, and can get my EI (the old one) immeadiaetly. No waiting period!
The only thing we need remember, the first claim only last 52 weeks. If you has passed the time limited, whatever you finish your EI or not, you can't get it.
