股市中做市商的欺骗交易(Spoofing) 【题外:中国多得是嘴炮男人,真男儿都被嘴炮男人的唾沫星子淹死了!】


投资过股市的人或许都有过这样的经历:比如说当你好不容易下单以一块钱买了一只股票,你就会立刻发现股价已经下跌到九毛八。当你又下单想在九毛八再买些股票时,你会发现你等许久也买不到,以此类推, 这就牵扯到做市商(market makers)的一种非法行为:欺骗交易 (Spoofing) -- 即做市商为了打压股价在一笔正常交易后立刻执行几笔更低价格的卖股交易,而事后又取消这几笔卖股交易以期造成该股市价虚高的错觉。

一个例子就是今天Northwest Bio (NWBO)发起的诉讼:


WSJ News Exclusive | Biotech Company Says Citadel, Other Big Traders Manipulated Its Stock Price

In a new lawsuit, Northwest Biotherapeutics accused market makers of illicit “spoofing” trades.


Biotech Company Says Citadel, Other Big Traders Manipulated Its Stock Price​

In a new lawsuit, Northwest Biotherapeutics accuses market makers of illicit ‘spoofing’ trades​

A biotechnology company accused Citadel Securities LLC, Susquehanna International Group LLP and other Wall Street firms of driving down its stock price through a series of illicit trades.
In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Manhattan federal court, Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc. NWBO -2.15%decrease; red down pointing triangle
alleged the market makers had repeatedly engaged in “spoofing,” where traders place orders with an intent to fool other investors about a stock’s demand and manipulate the price.
Northwest, whose shares trade over the counter, also sued Canaccord Genuity Inc., CF 3.06%increase; green up pointing triangle
G1 Execution Services LLC, GTS Securities LLC, Instinet LLC, Lime Trading Corp. and Virtu Americas LLC.
Spokesmen for Citadel and Virtu didn’t immediately comment. The other firms didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
Spoofing, which was outlawed in 2010, has been at the center of a yearslong campaign by U.S. authorities to root out market manipulation. In August, a federal jury in Chicago convicted two former JPMorgan Chase & Co. traders who had been charged with spoofing in the gold market.
In the modern stock market, high-speed trading firms like Citadel and Susquehanna provide stock quotes throughout the day, executing orders from other investors while collecting a thin spread between the buying and selling price of the shares.
It’s unclear from the data cited in the suit whether the alleged spoofing trades were placed on behalf of other investors, or by the firms themselves.
But Northwest argued that these market makers knew it was unlawful to execute the alleged trades and should have had procedures in place to detect and prevent them.
The market makers, Northwest wrote, “deliberately engaged in repeated spoofing that interfered with the natural forces of supply and demand and drove (the company’s) share price downward over the course of the relevant period.”
Northwest said the alleged spoofing trades, which occurred between December 2017 and August 2022, battered the stock price even as the company released positive results from the trial of its lead product, a brain cancer treatment. In its suit, the company wrote that it had sold more than 49 million shares to raise money “at artificially depressed prices.”
“One of the tell-tale signs of a manipulative spoofer is a rapid reversal of trading direction — a lot of sell orders, followed by buy orders, followed by the cancellation of sell orders — which suggest the original sell orders were not intended to be executed, but were merely a ploy to drive the price down to `buy low,’” Northwest said in its complaint.
The company said it found thousands of spoofing episodes involving tens of millions of “baiting orders” over a five-year span, and was able to identify the market participants using trading data.

"“It’s already underhanded to engage in market manipulation, but to do so at the expense of cancer patients, some of whom have no other treatments to place their hopes on, is unconscionable,” said Laura Posner, Partner at Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC. “We’re looking forward to holding these market makers responsible for the harm they have caused, and bringing critical and necessary transparency to these markets.”

这些Market Maker为什么要打压股价?这对他们有什么好处?
多种原因:或受人钱财代人(比如naked shorts or plain shorts 再比如NWBO的竞争对手)消灾,或为自己低价收购(见下部分诉讼摘录)或自己就是naked shorts, etc.

In the history of mankind, no disruptive technologies have been accepted without a fight. NWBO's DCVax platform is such a technology which will transforms future cancer cares/treatments or even cure cancers with combinations with other treatments/agents.

So it's no surprise NWBO's enemies are many, but the future will be bright. At some point, the enemies have to give in and call off its fight, which is not only futile but anti-humans.
When these pigs (corrupted MMs) are exposed and watched, see what happens to the stock price.

It seems the market is desperately on mend with itself for a potential Xmas rally. In doing so, it prepares for a true bear market next year. Keep the quality ones while liquidate the vulnerable ones, taking the advantage of this stubborn market.

Basically anything can happen. The ongoing rally now could either last or stop in a sudden. I guess my point is in general the bear market is far from over, and any rally still just is a dead cat bouncing before the market sees the last lag of a typical bear market, ie capitulation. So based on this belief, investors should only keep the quality ones. For myself, I only keep my NWBO holding and will continue adding to average up if the price is once again suppressed substantially because I don't want to miss out if NWBO releases significantly positive news.

I had invested in jazz and hznp at average prices around $2, but unfortunately sold too earlier at prices in the range of $5-$8 respectively. The stocks have reached as high as $200 and $120. I don't know what is going to happen for NWBO in terms of price, but at today's price of about $0.92, it's no way I would consider to sell any.
