Council approves governance report, strikes Nominating Committee

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Council approved its 2022-2026 governance review report today, establishing a committee and governance structure for the 2022-2026 Term of Council.

The adopted structure will include the following committees: Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, Audit Committee, Community Services Committee, Debenture Committee, Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee, Environment and Climate Change Committee, Finance and Corporate Services Committee, Planning and Housing Committee, Built Heritage Committee, Transit Commission, Transportation Committee and a Light Rail Sub-committee.

Changes from the last Term of Council include:

  • adding more housing files to the committee tasked with planning matters, to create the Planning and Housing Committee
  • separating community and protective services into two committees: the Community Services Committee and the Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee
  • renaming the Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management to the Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • renaming the Finance and Economic Development Committee to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee
  • creating a standalone Built Heritage Committee
  • adding a Light Rail Sub-committee reporting to Council
  • establishing a new transit advisory body made up of public members, including at least one user of Para Transpo
  • reviewing Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs as part of the mid-term governance review process

A Nominating Committee was struck to recommend members of committees and other bodies, and Council will consider the recommendations on Wednesday, December 14.

Council also tabled the proposed 2023 Budget directions, timeline and consultation process to be discussed on Wednesday, December 14. The report proposes an overall tax increase of between two and 2.5 per cent, made up of various levies. Public consultation would take place in December and January. The draft operating and capital budget would be tabled at a special meeting of City Council on Wednesday, February 1. Each standing committee would meet in February to consider their portions of Draft Budget 2023, and residents, businesses and community groups would be able to take part as public delegations. Council would consider and adopt the final budget on Wednesday, March 1.

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