Council approves Committee chairs and members

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Council approved recommendations from its Nominating Committee today, establishing committee appointments and membership for the 2022-2026 Term of Council.

Standing Committee appointments approved include:

  • Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee: Chair George Darouze, Vice-Chair Clarke Kelly, Councillors David Brown, Catherine Kitts and Matthew Luloff
  • Audit Committee: Chair Cathy Curry, Vice-Chair David Brown, Councillors Marty Carr, David Hill, Allan Hubley, Wilson Lo, Theresa Kavanagh and Catherine Kitts
  • Built Heritage Committee: Chair Rawlson King, Vice-Chair Stéphanie Plante, Councillors Clarke Kelly, Jeff Leiper and Ariel Troster
  • Community Services Committee: Chair Laura Dudas, Vice-Chair Jessica Bradley, Councillors David Brown, Marty Carr, Steve Desroches, David Hill, Theresa Kavanagh, Rawlson King, Wilson Lo, Stéphanie Plante and Ariel Troster
  • Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee: Chair Riley Brockington, Vice- Chair David Hill, Councillors Jessica Bradley, Steve Desroches, Sean Devine, Laura Dudas, Allan Hubley, Laine Johnson, Clarke Kelly, Matthew Luloff and Stéphanie Plante
  • Environment and Climate Change Committee: Chair Shawn Menard, Vice-Chair Marty Carr, Councillors Riley Brockington, David Brown, Cathy Curry, Sean Devine, David Hill, Theresa Kavanagh, Rawlson King, Matthew Luloff and Tim Tierney
  • Finance and Corporate Services Committee: Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, Vice-Chair Catherine Kitts, Councillors Riley Brockington, Cathy Curry, George Darouze, Laura Dudas, Glen Gower, Rawlson King, Jeff Leiper, Matthew Luloff, Shawn Menard and Tim Tierney
  • Planning and Housing Committee: Chair Jeff Leiper, Vice-Chair Glen Gower, Councillors Riley Brockington, Cathy Curry, Laura Dudas, Laine Johnson, Theresa Kavanagh, Clarke Kelly, Catherine Kitts, Wilson Lo, Tim Tierney and Ariel Troster
  • Transit Commission: Chair Glen Gower, Vice-Chair Cathy Curry, Councillors Riley Brockington, Marty Carr, David Hill, Jeff Leiper, Wilson Lo, Shawn Menard and Tim Tierney
  • Transportation Committee: Chair Tim Tierney, Vice-Chair Catherine Kitts, Councillors Jessica Bradley, George Darouze, Steve Desroches, Sean Devine, Laura Dudas, Glen Gower, David Johnson, Wilson Lo, Matthew Luloff and Ariel Troster
  • Light Rail Sub-committee: Chair Steve Desroches, Vice-Chair Cathy Curry, Councillors Glen Gower, Theresa Kavanagh, Jeff Leiper and Tim Tierney
  • Committee of Revision: Councillors David Brown, Steve Desroches and Clarke Kelly

Other appointments approved by Council today include:

  • Ottawa Police Services Board: Mayor Sutcliffe, Councillors Carr and Curry
  • Ottawa Public Library Board: Councillors Bradley, King, Kitts and Luloff, with Council recommending Luloff as Chair
  • Ottawa Board of Health: Councillors Carr, Dudas, Gower, Kavanagh, King and Kitts, with Council recommending Kitts as Chair
  • Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.: Councillor Dudas for Mayor Sutcliffe and Councillor Curry
  • Ottawa Community Housing Corporation: Mayor Sutcliffe and Councillors Carr, Gower, Kavanagh and Plante, with Council recommending Kavanagh as Chair
  • Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation: Mayor Sutcliffe and Councillors Johnson, Kelly and Leiper
  • Crime Prevention Ottawa: Councillor Hill for Mayor Sutcliffe and Councillor Hubley
  • City of Ottawa Superannuation Fund: Councillors Brown, Carr and Darouze
  • Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority: Councillors Curry, Gower and Kelly
  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority: Councillors Kavanagh, Lo and Menard
  • South Nation Conservation Authority: Councillors Darouze and Kitts
  • Ottawa Film Office: Councillor Devine for Mayor Sutcliffe
  • Shaw Centre Board of Directors: Councillor Plante

Members of City Council appointed to various municipal organizations include:

  • Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario (AFMO): Councillor Plante
  • Canadian Capital Cities Organization (CCCO): Councillor Dudas
  • Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA): Councillor Kelly
  • Ontario Good Roads Organization (OGRA): Councillor Desroches

Councillor King will serve as the Council Liaison for the City’s Anti-Racism and Ethnocultural Relations Initiatives, Councillor Troster as Council Liaison for Women, Gender Equity and 2SLGBTQ+ Affairs, Councillor Luloff as Council Liaison for Veteran and Military Issues, and Councillor Bradley as Council Liaison for the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation Civic Cultural Protocol and Implementation Plan.

Council approved the proposed 2023 Budget directions, timeline and consultation process. The report proposes an overall tax increase of between two and 2.5 per cent, made up of various levies. Public consultation will take place in December and January. The draft operating and capital budget will be tabled at a special meeting of City Council on Wednesday, February 1. Each standing committee will meet in February to consider their portions of Draft Budget 2023, and residents, businesses and community groups will be able to take part as public delegations. Council will consider and adopt the final budget on Wednesday, March 1.

For more information on City programs and services, visit, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service. You can also connect with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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