


  • Building transmission lines in the U.S. is like herding cats. All of the stakeholders in the construction of a new line — utility companies, regulators, landowners — have to come to an agreement, and they may have competing interests.
  • Ultimately, electricity customers pay for new transmission lines via a surcharge in their electric bill. The amount must be approved by regulators.
  • Delays in the transmission planning and construction process is currently a roadblock for deploying clean energy and the pace of construction has to more than double in order for the U.S. to meet its climate goals.
Building transmission lines in the U.S. is like herding cats. All of the stakeholders in the construction of a new line — utility companies, regulators, landowners — have to come to an agreement, and they may have competing interests.

意思就是利益团体,政府,配电部门和土地主每个都有自己的利益,很难谈拢,南辕北辙( like herding cats), 没有大价钱搞不定。


学了一个新词南辕北辙( like herding cats)

  • Building transmission lines in the U.S. is like herding cats. All of the stakeholders in the construction of a new line — utility companies, regulators, landowners — have to come to an agreement, and they may have competing interests.
  • Ultimately, electricity customers pay for new transmission lines via a surcharge in their electric bill. The amount must be approved by regulators.
  • Delays in the transmission planning and construction process is currently a roadblock for deploying clean energy and the pace of construction has to more than double in order for the U.S. to meet its climate goals.
Building transmission lines in the U.S. is like herding cats. All of the stakeholders in the construction of a new line — utility companies, regulators, landowners — have to come to an agreement, and they may have competing interests.

意思就是利益团体,政府,配电部门和土地主每个都有自己的利益,很难谈拢,南辕北辙( like herding cats), 没有大价钱搞不定。


学了一个新词南辕北辙( like herding cats)

这就是为什么北美搞不出高铁网,别说和强墙国比,和欧洲比也是几十年的差距。在汽车,航空,燃油业的集体绞杀下,铁路的现状和第三世界差不多。北美大多基建还是靠吃老本,几十年了。拜登的Build Back Better 大手笔现在怎么样了?
问题是舍不得花钱给老共做... 自己人又不想做.. 即便做了之后产生的收益 人口平摊之后估计巨亏...

  • Building transmission lines in the U.S. is like herding cats. All of the stakeholders in the construction of a new line — utility companies, regulators, landowners — have to come to an agreement, and they may have competing interests.
  • Ultimately, electricity customers pay for new transmission lines via a surcharge in their electric bill. The amount must be approved by regulators.
  • Delays in the transmission planning and construction process is currently a roadblock for deploying clean energy and the pace of construction has to more than double in order for the U.S. to meet its climate goals.
Building transmission lines in the U.S. is like herding cats. All of the stakeholders in the construction of a new line — utility companies, regulators, landowners — have to come to an agreement, and they may have competing interests.

意思就是利益团体,政府,配电部门和土地主每个都有自己的利益,很难谈拢,南辕北辙( like herding cats), 没有大价钱搞不定。


学了一个新词南辕北辙( like herding cats)
电力系统的发展,只能在大一统的中国才能实现。 其他国家,因为比例代议制的存在, 电网与电网之间都无法做到联网, 稍微偏远一点的地方也无法做到村村通。 所以, 这本质上是一个制度问题。