J6 判决,Oath Keepers founder以煽动串谋反对美国政府罪被判18年,他当天并未进入国会。Proud Boys领袖被判22年徒刑,J6当天他不在华盛顿。带着塑料绳和电击枪冲国会的母子分别被判处5年和2年半监禁



Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years in prison on Jan. 6 charges​


UPDATED ON: MAY 25, 2023 / 1:23 PM / CBS NEWS


Richard Barnett, who put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk, is sentenced to over 4 years​

May 25, 20232:21 AM ET
ByT he Associated Press


被判刑期 54个月。


美国会冲击事件 :罗德斯以煽动叛乱罪被判18年徒刑​

美洲 – 美国极右翼组织“誓言守护者”(Oath Keepers)的创始人斯图尔特·罗德斯(Stewart Rhodes)25日被判18年徒刑,他被判犯有与美国国会大厦袭击有关的煽动性阴谋罪,他的刑期是迄今为止国会骚乱案件中所判处的最长刑期。美国法官阿米特·梅塔(Amit Mehta)在宣判时表示,“你对这个国家、这个共和国,以及这个民主国家的基础构成了持续的威胁和危险。”

发表时间: 25/05/2023 - 23:03
3 分钟

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years for seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 attack © AP News




美国国会曾举行会议,认证拜登(Joe Biden)在总统大选胜出的结果,但遭到大批时任总统特朗普(Donald Trump)的支持者及“誓言守卫者”人员冲入国会阻挠。



2023年05月26日 7:54 PDF版 分享转发
来源:美国之音, 文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。
  • 法里瓦尔
资料照片:反政府民兵组织“誓言守护者”(Oath Keepers)的创始人和领导人斯图尔特·罗兹(Stewart Rhodes)。

资料照片:反政府民兵组织“誓言守护者”(Oath Keepers)的创始人和领导人斯图尔特·罗兹(Stewart Rhodes)。

政府民兵组织“誓言守护者”(Oath Keepers)的创始人和领导人斯图尔特·罗兹(Stewart Rhodes)因在2021年1月6日冲击国会山事件中扮演的角色而被判处18年监禁。

检察官想要判处25年徒刑,但在前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的支持者发起这一袭击事件中,该判决仍然是迄今为止最严厉的

11月,罗兹和高级副手凯利·梅格斯(Kelly Meggs)被判犯有煽动串谋反对美国政府的罪行,因他们在国会试图认证乔·拜登(Joe Biden)击败特朗普的胜选时领导了这场血腥的袭击。

联邦法官阿米特·梅塔(Amit Mehta)在宣判前告诉罗兹:“先生,你对这个国家来说是一个持续的威胁和危险。一旦你被释放,你就会准备好拿起武器反对你的政府。





他声称,与极右翼的“骄傲男孩”(Pride Boys)不同,“誓言守护者”是一个非暴力团体。他说他没有在1月6日进入国会大厦,也没有预料到其他成员会闯入国会大厦。



检察官告诉陪审团,“誓言守护者”当时已经派出了武装的“快速反应部队”(“quick reaction force”)小组,准备部署到城里以支持对国会大厦的袭击。

联邦检察官凯瑟琳·拉科奇(Kathryn Rakoczy)周四表示,要威慑他人并维护法治,25年徒刑是必要的。






在罗兹被判刑之前,冲击国会山事件的骚乱者被判的最长刑期为14年多一点,那是宾夕法尼亚焊工彼得·施瓦茨(Peter Schwartz)5月5日被判的刑期。



本月早些时候,“骄傲男孩”主席恩里克·塔里奥(Enrique Tarrio)和三名部属也被判有罪。


Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years in prison on Jan. 6 charges​


UPDATED ON: MAY 25, 2023 / 1:23 PM / CBS NEWS


Richard Barnett, who put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk, is sentenced to over 4 years​

May 25, 20232:21 AM ET
ByT he Associated Press

被判刑期 54个月。





Proud Boys领袖J6案件被判17年徒刑,这篇文章说,这是J6参与者最高的刑罚。除了幕后指挥的Q 创始人18年,最高14年。​

Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years in January 6 case​

By Hannah Rabinowitz and Holmes Lybrand, CNN
Published 12:52 PM EDT, Thu August 31, 2023

Joseph Biggs walks toward the Capitol in Washington, DC, in support of President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021.

Joseph Biggs walks toward the Capitol in Washington, DC, in support of President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021.
Carolyn Kaster/AP

CNN — A leader of the Proud Boys who led the far-right organization’s infamous march to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was sentenced Wednesday to 17 years in prison – among the longest sentence handed down yet for a convicted rioter.

Joe Biggs was convicted by a Washington, DC jury of several charges including seditious conspiracy for attempting to forcibly prevent the peaceful transfer of power from then-President Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election.

“Our Constitution and laws give you so many important rights that Americans have fought and died for and that you yourself put on a uniform to defend,” District Judge Timothy Kelly said in handing down the sentence. “People around the world would give anything for these rights.”

But January 6, Kelly said, “broke our tradition of the peaceful transferring of power” in the United States.
This story is breaking and will be updated.


Proud Boy who smashed Capitol window on January 6 sentenced to 10 years​

By Holmes Lybrand and Hannah Rabinowitz, CNN
Updated 1:13 PM EDT, Fri September 1, 2023

Rioters, including Dominic Pezzola, center with police shield, are confronted by U.S. Capitol Police officers outside the Senate Chamber inside the Capitol, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, DC.

Rioters, including Dominic Pezzola, center with police shield, are confronted by U.S. Capitol Police officers outside the Senate Chamber inside the Capitol, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, DC.

Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

CNN —The Proud Boy who smashed through a window to the US Capitol with a police riot shield on January 6, 2021, allowing the first wave of rioters to storm the building as members of Congress were being evacuated was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison.

Images of Dominic Pezzola, nicknamed “Spazzolini,” using the police riot shield to first breach the Capitol building quickly became a symbol of the violence that day.

“The reality is you were the one who did it,” District Judge Timothy Kelly said during the hearing Friday. “You were the one who smashed that window in and let people begin to stream into the Capitol building and threaten the lives of our lawmakers. It is not something I would have ever dreamed I’d see in our country.”

“You were really, in some ways, the tip of the spear,” the judge said.

Before leaving the courtroom, Pezzola, with a raised fist, shouted, “Trump won!” just minutes after Kelly – who had already left the courtroom – said he hoped Pezzola had turned a corner.

Pezzola was the only one of the five Proud Boys defendants not convicted of seditious conspiracy. Pezzola joined the Proud Boys shortly before January 6, according to evidence shown at trial, and was praised by the organization’s leadership for his violent actions at a separate rally weeks before the Capitol riot.
The New York native was convicted of multiple other charges including assaulting or resisting a police officer, robbery of a police shield, destruction of government property and obstructing an official proceeding.

Two of Pezzola’s codefendants, Joseph Biggs and Zachary Rehl, were sentenced Thursday to 17 and 15 years in prison respectively.

In the at times rumbustious trial which spanned several months, prosecutors argued that Pezzola’s co-defendants, leaders of the Proud Boys, pushed lower-level members like Pezzola to be on the front lines of the violence at the Capitol.

In a written statement read aloud by prosecutors earlier this week, former Capitol police officer Mark Ode, who was assaulted by Pezzola, recounted being attacked by the mob and feeling like his life was leaving his body.

Ode wrote that he was haunted by the memory of being “pinned down by multiple assailants, being pinned down by all of their weight, while simultaneously being choked by the chinstrap of my helmet.”

felt my life fleeing my body,” Ode wrote, adding that he had “the most vivid visual of my own funeral.”

During Friday’s sentencing hearing, prosecutor Erik Kenerson said that “many Americans will approach the ballot box in 2024 with trepidation” and “will go to bed on January 5, 2025 afraid of what might happen the next day. Mark Ode certainly will.”

Pezzola, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, addressed the court during Friday’s hearing, while his wife, mother, daughter and a friend who served with him in the military sat in the courtroom.

“I need to extend my sincere apology to Officer Ode,” Pezzola said, “and if he were here, I would look him in the eyes an apologize for all the grief I caused him.” Pezzola also apologized to his wife and children and the country, adding that “the events of J6 have crumbled the reputation of the nation I served in the Marine corps.”

His wife, Lisa, told Kelly how her daughters have suffered through depression and been bullied at school since their father was arrested, saying that “that is very hard as a mother — to not be able to protect them for the outside world.”

“In no way am I making excuses for Dominic’s actions that day. As I said on the stand, he was a f**king idiot,” she said through tears.

Pezzola’s youngest daughter, Angelina, also spoke to the judge, saying that she was “everything good that my father has done” and that it’s because of him she’s a successful college student.

“I hope you give him some mercy so he can see me graduate college, so he can see me get my first home, my first job,” she said as her father sobbed at the defense table.

“All I crave is a hug from my father.”

This story has been updated with additional details.
和当年严打差不多,抢根麻花判三年,性质严重啊 :D
和当年严打差不多,抢根麻花判三年,性质严重啊 :D