[问题] 请问谁有申请Citizenship的过程中参加hearing的经验吗?


本人去年提出的申请,今年七月份通知参加考试,考完后谁知又被通知八月底再考一次,两次的考试通知一模一样。因当时在国内,第二次考试就没有去,结果就转入了等待Judge hearing的状态 :( 。现收到通知让一月份去Hearing,有谁知道我遇到的情况是为什么吗?Citizenship Judge的Hearing主要做什么?要准备什么呢?
最初由 lunarsky 发布
本人去年提出的申请,今年七月份通知参加考试,考完后谁知又被通知八月底再考一次,两次的考试通知一模一样。因当时在国内,第二次考试就没有去,结果就转入了等待Judge hearing的状态 :( 。现收到通知让一月份去Hearing,有谁知道我遇到的情况是为什么吗?Citizenship Judge的Hearing主要做什么?要准备什么呢?

One immigration officer mentioned this issue just a week ago.
If you failed the test, you would receive a "hearing" notice.
You would explain why you failed the test and convince the judge
that you are qualified for the citizenship. This is normally a
severe problem.
那请问我为什么会被安排第二次考试呢?Hearing 是因为我第一次考试Fail,还是我第二次考试没有去从而自动算作Fail?
还有,相关的比较权威的信息可以去哪里得到呢?去200 Catherine可以吗?
if you didn't attend the exam, it is automatically considered to be a F. About the hearing, you really should prepare yourself for that coz if u fail the first time, they will give you a second chance to retake the exam,it's not a big deal, but now you are missing it twice, and u didn't contact with them ahead....you really need to hvae a strong reason for that.
Strong reason for why I didn't attend the exam or strong reason for why I failed the first one?
then u need to give proof of income, what u did, at where. another problem associated with it is that if u hvae income in China, and if you didn't report it to revenue canada, they gonna ask you questions about that too.
failing exam is not a big deal, that's why they are giving you a second chance. waht u need to worry is your 2nd exam, if you couldn't attend it, you should atleast let them know ahead that you are in China for some reasons, and not just ignoring the exam.
OK, 斑竹大人,Seems you have some experience about this issue. I did think the second test was a mistake to me and don't believe I failed the first one. That's why I didn't attend the second test.

Anyway, things have arrived this point, do you have any advice for me to pass the hearing? what will the judge most likely ask and How to give an appropriate answer? I don't have any proof of income with me now though and I will study the knowledge about canada before going to the hearing for sure.

Is it OK to check at 200 Catherine for the result of my first test, will this make things mess?

Thank you very much, Jeanne!
I did call the CIC center for why they ask me for the second test before the test date, but never get answer. This is another reason why I didn't attend the test.
过没过不是当场就知道了么? :confused:
My friend who took the exam last winter is already like 'you can find out the score right away', how come your case is so differ from others, strange enough.
My case is really strange, I don't understand it either. I gonna check with 200 Catherine to see what happened to me...sigh...