中国军工也太弱了,还要从伊朗进口30000个沙赫德136 自杀式无人机???


23年2月有报道,伊朗要向中国出口15000个沙赫德136 自杀式无人机, 今天的消息是总数要到30000个 沙赫德136 自杀式无人机

- 自己做不出来类似的? 可能性不大
- 自己的同类型的成本高,倒有可能。中国作为第一制造大国,还没办法把同类型产品成本压到伊朗以下?? 如果是真的,中国的军品生产的中间环节各类损耗看来不得了。
- 为啥要30000枚? 武统要提前了?国内类似产品的产能不够短时间的急切需求???


An Iranian official has revealed that China is one of the leading customers of Iranian-manufactured drones and that a large shipment is set to be sent to Beijing, amid the ongoing controversy over Tehran's supply of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Russia.

According to the UK-based news outlet, Iran International, an unnamed advisor to Iran's Intelligence Minister revealed at a ceremony at Qazvin International University that China is in the "queue" to receive 15,000 Iranian drones, with the ally being a major customer amongst 90 countries seeking to benefit from Tehran's extensive UAV industry.

"Since the day we turned to the East, the West could not bear it and an example was the war in Ukraine", the advisor said, referring to Iran's arming of Russia with drones throughout its ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

READ: China reiterates support for Iran on nuclear issue

When Tehran's role in militarily supplying Moscow was revealed months into the war last year, it at first denied it before admitting to it with the claim that it did so months before Russia launched its invasion.

Since then, however, Iran has only deepened its cooperation with the Kremlin by continuing its drone supplies to Russian forces, with the Wall Street Journal reporting this month that the two allies are moving ahead with plans to build a new factory within Russia that could produce at least 6,000 Iranian-designed drones for Moscow's war effort.

Numerous Western nations have imposed sanctions on Iran over its active assistance, and the United States has curbed exports to Iranian firms responsible for producing the drones using American components.


Loitering munitions downed after they have reached cities can lead to large-scale collateral damage from falling wreckage.[5] The average Shahed drone is worth about $20,000
23年2月有报道,伊朗要向中国出口15000个沙赫德136 自杀式无人机, 今天的消息是总数要到30000个 沙赫德136 自杀式无人机

- 自己做不出来类似的? 可能性不大
- 自己的同类型的成本高,倒有可能。中国作为第一制造大国,还没办法把同类型产品成本压到伊朗以下?? 如果是真的,中国的军品生产的中间环节各类损耗看来不得了。
- 为啥要30000枚? 武统要提前了?国内类似产品的产能不够短时间的急切需求???


An Iranian official has revealed that China is one of the leading customers of Iranian-manufactured drones and that a large shipment is set to be sent to Beijing, amid the ongoing controversy over Tehran's supply of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Russia.

According to the UK-based news outlet, Iran International, an unnamed advisor to Iran's Intelligence Minister revealed at a ceremony at Qazvin International University that China is in the "queue" to receive 15,000 Iranian drones, with the ally being a major customer amongst 90 countries seeking to benefit from Tehran's extensive UAV industry.

"Since the day we turned to the East, the West could not bear it and an example was the war in Ukraine", the advisor said, referring to Iran's arming of Russia with drones throughout its ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

READ: China reiterates support for Iran on nuclear issue

When Tehran's role in militarily supplying Moscow was revealed months into the war last year, it at first denied it before admitting to it with the claim that it did so months before Russia launched its invasion.

Since then, however, Iran has only deepened its cooperation with the Kremlin by continuing its drone supplies to Russian forces, with the Wall Street Journal reporting this month that the two allies are moving ahead with plans to build a new factory within Russia that could produce at least 6,000 Iranian-designed drones for Moscow's war effort.

Numerous Western nations have imposed sanctions on Iran over its active assistance, and the United States has curbed exports to Iranian firms responsible for producing the drones using American components.
假得离谱。你不知道 “小摩托” 无人机类似物,在中国甚至不是军方企业都能大量生产吗?中国军方有更好的东西,根本看不上 Shahed-136。

伊朗要出口给俄罗斯更加不可能绕道中国,因为俄伊之间本来就有一条不怕被拦截的路线,就是里海走廊。伊朗或许还能继续帮俄罗斯增加一点 “小摩托” 的产能,但这东西的生产线早在 2022 年就从伊朗进入俄罗斯量产了。

23年2月有报道,伊朗要向中国出口15000个沙赫德136 自杀式无人机, 今天的消息是总数要到30000个 沙赫德136 自杀式无人机

- 自己做不出来类似的? 可能性不大
- 自己的同类型的成本高,倒有可能。中国作为第一制造大国,还没办法把同类型产品成本压到伊朗以下?? 如果是真的,中国的军品生产的中间环节各类损耗看来不得了。
- 为啥要30000枚? 武统要提前了?国内类似产品的产能不够短时间的急切需求???


An Iranian official has revealed that China is one of the leading customers of Iranian-manufactured drones and that a large shipment is set to be sent to Beijing, amid the ongoing controversy over Tehran's supply of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Russia.

According to the UK-based news outlet, Iran International, an unnamed advisor to Iran's Intelligence Minister revealed at a ceremony at Qazvin International University that China is in the "queue" to receive 15,000 Iranian drones, with the ally being a major customer amongst 90 countries seeking to benefit from Tehran's extensive UAV industry.

"Since the day we turned to the East, the West could not bear it and an example was the war in Ukraine", the advisor said, referring to Iran's arming of Russia with drones throughout its ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

READ: China reiterates support for Iran on nuclear issue

When Tehran's role in militarily supplying Moscow was revealed months into the war last year, it at first denied it before admitting to it with the claim that it did so months before Russia launched its invasion.

Since then, however, Iran has only deepened its cooperation with the Kremlin by continuing its drone supplies to Russian forces, with the Wall Street Journal reporting this month that the two allies are moving ahead with plans to build a new factory within Russia that could produce at least 6,000 Iranian-designed drones for Moscow's war effort.

Numerous Western nations have imposed sanctions on Iran over its active assistance, and the United States has curbed exports to Iranian firms responsible for producing the drones using American components.

假得离谱。你不知道 “小摩托” 无人机 这种东西中国甚至不是军方企业生产吗?中国军方有更好的东西,根本看不上 Shahed-136。



告诉你别看傻逼自媒体,中国民企量产的 “小摩托” 无人机类似物要比 Shahed-136 强。


告诉你别看傻逼自媒体,中国民企量产的 “小摩托” 无人机类似物要比 Shahed-136 强。

问我都比听傻逼自媒体靠谱:只能说,信这种垃圾新闻的人,一点点高中理科水平的 科技树常识 和 地理常识都没有。


小胖子亲中, 跟他有没有真实信息是两码事。
实话说, 你的这个帖子暴露了智商。
小胖子亲中, 跟他有没有真实信息是两码事。
实话说, 你的这个帖子暴露了智商。