法国一政府监管机构测试141部手机,发现iPhone 12辐射超标



The iPhone 12 emits too much radiation and Apple must take it off the market, a French agency says​

Updated Sept. 13, 2023 8:33 a.m. EDT
Published Sept. 13, 2023 6:43 a.m. ED

PARIS - A government watchdog agency in France has ordered Apple to withdraw the iPhone 12 from the French market, saying it emits levels of electromagnetic radiation that are too high.
The National Frequency Agency, which oversees radio-electric frequencies as well as public exposure to electromagnetic radiation, called on Apple in a statement Tuesday to "implement all available means to rapidly fix this malfunction" for phones already being used.

Corrective updates to the iPhone 12 will be monitored by the agency, and if they don't work, "Apple will have to recall" phones that have already been sold, according to the French regulator's statement.

Apple disputed the findings and said the device complies with all regulations governing radiation.
The agency, which is known by the French acronym ANFR, said it recently checked 141 cellphones, including the iPhone 12, for electromagnetic waves capable of being absorbed by the body.

It said it found a level of electromagnetic energy absorption of 5.74 watts per kilogram during tests of a phone in a hand or a pocket, higher than the European Union standard of 4 watts per kilogram.

The agency said the iPhone 12 met the threshold when radiation levels were assessed for a phone kept in a jacket or in a bag.

Apple said the iPhone 12, which was released in late 2020, has been certified by multiple international bodies and complies with all applicable regulations and standards for radiation around the world.

The U.S. tech company said it has provided the French agency with multiple lab results carried out both by the company and third-party labs proving the phone's compliance.

Cellphones have been labelled as "possible" carcinogens by the World Health Organization's cancer research arm, putting them in the same category as coffee, diesel fumes and the pesticide DDT. The radiation produced by cellphones cannot directly damage DNA and is different from stronger types of radiation like X-rays or ultraviolet light.

In 2018, two U.S. government studies that bombarded mice and rats with cellphone radiation found a weak link to some heart tumours, but federal regulators and scientists said it was still safe to use the devices.
Scientists said those findings didn't reflect how most people use their cellphones and that the animal findings didn't translate into a similar concern for humans.

Among the largest studies on potential dangers of cellphone use, a 2010 analysis in 13 countries found little or no risk of brain tumours.

People's mobile phone habits also have changed substantially since the first studies began and it's unclear if the results of previous research would still apply today.

Since many tumours take years to develop, experts say it's difficult to conclude that cellphones have no long-term health risks. Experts have recommended that people concerned about their cellphone radiation exposure use earphones or switch to texting.


“法国一政府监管机构测试141部手机,发现iPhone” ?

所以说, 法国人还特么能干嘛? 别说141部手机了, 就算再多一倍, 随便来个人, 用眼看看, 用手摸摸, 发现个iPhone还不是分分钟的事情。

还特么要 “政府监管机构”, 来一本正经的 “测试”, 才能从141部手机里发现iPhone?!我了个去, 我怀疑这帮人就是来骗钱的。

跟加拿大政府机构特么一个德行, 一个人, 几分钟就能完成的事情, 非要用一整个机构, 装模做样的搞个大场面, 最后达成了 “发现iPhone” 这么一个小目标。

完事儿了估计还得出去聚餐一顿, 庆祝这个Milestone!

The iPhone 12 emits too much radiation and Apple must take it off the market, a French agency says​

Updated Sept. 13, 2023 8:33 a.m. EDT
Published Sept. 13, 2023 6:43 a.m. ED

PARIS - A government watchdog agency in France has ordered Apple to withdraw the iPhone 12 from the French market, saying it emits levels of electromagnetic radiation that are too high.
The National Frequency Agency, which oversees radio-electric frequencies as well as public exposure to electromagnetic radiation, called on Apple in a statement Tuesday to "implement all available means to rapidly fix this malfunction" for phones already being used.

Corrective updates to the iPhone 12 will be monitored by the agency, and if they don't work, "Apple will have to recall" phones that have already been sold, according to the French regulator's statement.

Apple disputed the findings and said the device complies with all regulations governing radiation.
The agency, which is known by the French acronym ANFR, said it recently checked 141 cellphones, including the iPhone 12, for electromagnetic waves capable of being absorbed by the body.

It said it found a level of electromagnetic energy absorption of 5.74 watts per kilogram during tests of a phone in a hand or a pocket, higher than the European Union standard of 4 watts per kilogram.

The agency said the iPhone 12 met the threshold when radiation levels were assessed for a phone kept in a jacket or in a bag.

Apple said the iPhone 12, which was released in late 2020, has been certified by multiple international bodies and complies with all applicable regulations and standards for radiation around the world.

The U.S. tech company said it has provided the French agency with multiple lab results carried out both by the company and third-party labs proving the phone's compliance.

Cellphones have been labelled as "possible" carcinogens by the World Health Organization's cancer research arm, putting them in the same category as coffee, diesel fumes and the pesticide DDT. The radiation produced by cellphones cannot directly damage DNA and is different from stronger types of radiation like X-rays or ultraviolet light.

In 2018, two U.S. government studies that bombarded mice and rats with cellphone radiation found a weak link to some heart tumours, but federal regulators and scientists said it was still safe to use the devices.
Scientists said those findings didn't reflect how most people use their cellphones and that the animal findings didn't translate into a similar concern for humans.

Among the largest studies on potential dangers of cellphone use, a 2010 analysis in 13 countries found little or no risk of brain tumours.

People's mobile phone habits also have changed substantially since the first studies began and it's unclear if the results of previous research would still apply today.

Since many tumours take years to develop, experts say it's difficult to conclude that cellphones have no long-term health risks. Experts have recommended that people concerned about their cellphone radiation exposure use earphones or switch to texting.

拉倒吧, 上次得罪了Meta和Google, 直到现在, 加拿大新闻还被人家封禁着呢。
再去惹苹果?你觉得苹果会在乎加拿大这点用户嘛?回头加拿大人华为手机没得用, 苹果手机也没得用。 自己的黑莓又已经死了, 难道再回到功能机时代去?
拉倒吧, 上次得罪了Meta和Google, 直到现在, 加拿大新闻还被人家封禁着呢。
再去惹苹果?你觉得苹果会在乎加拿大这点用户嘛?回头加拿大人华为手机没得用, 苹果手机也没得用。 自己的黑莓又已经死了, 难道再回到功能机时代去?



韩国手机?日本手机? 你这是不想回中国了嘛?这种容易惹麻烦的东西少沾。 等他们斗出个好歹来再说。

倒也不是非用他们看新闻不可, 但是如果真如你说的那么轻巧,没影响的话, 那么怎么解释之前CFC上那一阵恐慌?

总之一句话, 加拿大的经济体量太小, 用户数量也太小, 无论放到天平哪一端, 都是属于不影响大局的灰尘。 没人会在意加拿大的立场。
刚好换iPhone 15.

韩国手机?日本手机? 你这是不想回中国了嘛?这种容易惹麻烦的东西少沾。 等他们斗出个好歹来再说。

倒也不是非用他们看新闻不可, 但是如果真如你说的那么轻巧,没影响的话, 那么怎么解释之前CFC上那一阵恐慌?

总之一句话, 加拿大的经济体量太小, 用户数量也太小, 无论放到天平哪一端, 都是属于不影响大局的灰尘。 没人会在意加拿大的立场。



对大局不影响, 对CFCer有影响呀。

没听说, 并不代表绝对安全。 听我的, 没错的, 回国, 带一个华为手机。 没毛病。

行走江湖, 讲究的就是一个“稳”字
抱歉,落了iPhone 12。

"放射性超标" ? 是机器翻译的吗 ?很容易误导读者以为是核辐射之类的放射性, 其实不是。就是手机发射的信号功率、包括机体散发出来的电磁辐射,超过了规定的 (称为 SAR) 的限制,对人体健康有害。以前经常听到对苹果手机信号不稳的抱怨,也许苹果就把发射的信号功率加大点,免得老掉线。

"放射性超标" ? 是机器翻译的吗 ?很容易误导读者以为是核辐射之类的放射性, 其实不是。就是手机发射的信号功率过强,超过了规定的 (称为 SAR) 的限制,对人体健康有害。以前经常听到对苹果手机信号不稳的抱怨,也许苹果就把发射的信号功率加大点,免得老掉线。


这文章说法国这个机构测试的141部手机中,提及iPhone 12超过了欧洲标准。

这文章说法国这个机构测试的141部手机中,提及iPhone 12超过了欧洲标准。
