
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 EV
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Imperialism is afraid of China and of the Arabs. Israel and Formosa [Taiwan] are bases of imperialism in Asia. You are the front gate of the great continent, and we are the rear. They created Israel for you, and Formosa for us. Their goal is the same...

Asia is the biggest continent in the world, and the West wants to continue exploiting it. The West does not like us, and we must understand this fact.

The Arab battle against the West is the battle against Israel. So boycott Europe and America, O Arabs!

The Asian and African countries, opposing colonialism and defending national independence, treasure all the more their own national rights.

Countries whether big or small, strong or weak, should all enjoy equal rights in international relations. Their territorial integrity and sovereignty should be respected and not violated.

The people of all dependent countries should enjoy the right of national self-determination, and should not be subjected to persecution and slaughter. People irrespective of race or colour should all enjoy the fundamental human rights and not be subjected to any maltreatment and discrimination."

"One should say that now the common desire of the awakened countries and peoples of Asia and Africa is to oppose racial discrimination and to demand fundamental human rights, to oppose colonialism and to demand for national independence, to firmly defend their own territorial integrity and sovereignty”

The Palestinian people are a great and dauntless people with an anti-imperialist revolutionary tradition.

Since they fired the first shot in their armed struggle on January 1, 1965, the Palestinian people have, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, upheld unity, persisted in struggle, defied brute force and advanced wave upon wave, and have withstood severe tempering and tests. Summing up experience in the course of struggle, they are constantly pressing forward.

Your struggle is a just one; it is not only bound up with the cause of liberation of the entire Arab people, but also closely linked with the struggle of the people of the third world against imperialism and hegemonism.

The Palestinian liberation movement has become an important revolutionary force in the struggle of the people of the Middle East and the whole third world to combat imperialism and hegemonism and to win or safeguard national independence.

The Palestinian people have won ever more extensive international recognition and support for their national rights. All Arab people, all people of the third world and all those who uphold justice stand on your side.

Determined to carry out the behests of their great leader and teacher Chairman Mao and unswervingly implementing his revolutionary line in foreign affairs, the Chinese Government and people will, as always, firmly support the just struggle of the Palestinian and other Arab people for the restoration of their national rights and recovery of their lost territories.

I am fully confident that the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization and with the support of the people of the whole world, will overcome all hardships and obstacles along their road of advance and win final victory."
