Sameer Zuberi,父亲是巴基斯坦人,母亲是苏格兰意大利血统,曾有加拿大军队服役经历。从事件开始,他自己的两个上小学女儿(明显南亚中东长相)就碰到被其他同学或路人树中指或辱骂。 他忍无可忍,大声谴责以色列和现在西方社会的歧视双标现象。
Sameer Zuberi,父亲是巴基斯坦人,母亲是苏格兰意大利血统,曾有加拿大军队服役经历。从事件开始,他自己的两个上小学女儿(明显南亚中东长相)就碰到被其他同学或路人树中指或辱骂。 他忍无可忍,大声谴责以色列和现在西方社会的歧视双标现象。
他自己的两个上小学女儿(明显南亚中东长相)就碰到被其他同学或路人树中指或辱骂。 他忍无可忍,大声谴责以色列和现在西方社会的歧视双标现象。
As an elected MP, Zuberi presented a unanimous consent motion on the recognition of the Romani genocide.[21] He has been Co-Chair of the bipartisan Canadian-Uyghur Parliamentary Friendship Group[22] and one of the leading voices in Canada and within the Canadian Liberal Party regarding human rights abuses against the Uyghur community in China, which led to the adoption of a motion calling China's actions genocide, with no opposition to the motion.[23][24] In partnership with Montreal's West Island Chamber of Commerce, Zuberi's office created a small business outreach program with the aim to help over one thousand local businesses in Pierrefonds—Dollard.[25] He now serves on the Joint Committee of the Scrutiny of Regulations.[26]
Sameer Zuberi - Wikipedia
共党给少数民族都是好处。至少按中国现在的文化和习俗,共党做的为了少数民族人着想的。只是共党做的不符合西方的文化和“道德标准”。这世界真是大乱。像他这样曾经是X大老G的绝对麻烦制造者,年青不谙世事,一直被阶级敌人所蒙骗,直到最近,被加沙人民的苦难和鲜血唤醒,幡然醒悟,突然发现他曾经斗争过的老G在新疆,相比美国以色列还真算仁政了。现实让他清醒了,从一个曾经被蒙骗的反中小将,转换成一个真正的革命战士,向真正的敌人,美帝和犹太复国主义打响了第一枪! 说不定现在连夜苦读X语录,学习斗争技巧呢。X大又把一张烂牌变成了好牌,结棍。
如果他搞了新疆问题,现在搞这个起码没有双标的嫌疑,那些很多议员搞了新疆不搞这个,才是双标。As an elected MP, Zuberi presented a unanimous consent motion on the recognition of the Romani genocide.[21] He has been Co-Chair of the bipartisan Canadian-Uyghur Parliamentary Friendship Group[22] and one of the leading voices in Canada and within the Canadian Liberal Party regarding human rights abuses against the Uyghur community in China, which led to the adoption of a motion calling China's actions genocide, with no opposition to the motion.[23][24] In partnership with Montreal's West Island Chamber of Commerce, Zuberi's office created a small business outreach program with the aim to help over one thousand local businesses in Pierrefonds—Dollard.[25] He now serves on the Joint Committee of the Scrutiny of Regulations.[26]
Sameer Zuberi - Wikipedia
这恰恰楼主说的“ 他忍无可忍,大声谴责以色列和现在西方社会的歧视双标现象。”