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她说即使以色列彻底摧毁了哈马斯,并不能消除战争的根源。下面该做什么?布林肯周六访问中东时说,现在停火,会遭到哈马斯的反攻,王后说,这是短视 short sighted,应当针对根源 root causes of the conflict:非法占领,没有起码的人权保障,非法定居,如果不强调这些root causes, 即使消灭了战士,仍然无法消除这些罪恶的产生的根源。也不可能消除对以色列的威胁。
google translation:
“在我们的全球良知觉醒之前,还有多少人需要死去? 或者说,对于巴勒斯坦人来说,它会永远处于休眠状态吗?” 拉尼娅王后问道。
女王陛下在安曼接受美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 贝基·安德森 (Becky Anderson) 的远程采访时指出,自战争开始以来,加沙已有近万人死亡,其中几乎一半是儿童。 这些孩子中的每一个都是某人的一切,”她说。
“加沙有一个缩写词,W.C.N.S.F.:没有幸存家庭的受伤儿童,”女王陛下补充道。 “这是一个不应该存在的缩写词,但它确实存在于加沙。”
“在发射任何子弹之前,在投下任何炸弹之前,国家有责任权衡平民生命面临的风险。 如果这种风险与军事目标不成比例,那么它就被视为非法,”女王陛下说。
她继续说道:“在像贾巴利亚这样的地方,加沙是加沙最拥挤的角落之一,而加沙是地球上人口最稠密的地区之一,平民的死亡不是偶然的,也不是偶然的。 这已成定局。”
“当 110 万人被要求离开家园或冒着死亡风险时,这并不是对平民的保护。 这就是被迫流离失所,”她说。 “联合国机构和其他机构都表示,加沙没有安全的地方。 甚至他们要求人们寻求庇护的地区——即所谓的‘安全区’——也遭到了袭击。”
女王陛下指出,尽管加沙地带的电力已被切断数周,但以色列的许多撤离命令都是在网上或电视上发布的,她表示,她不认为这些命令是为了加沙平民的利益。 “他们不是目标受众;他们是目标受众。” 世界其他地方都是。 这是以色列试图使他们的行为合法化,”她说。
女王强调立即停火的必要性,并承认有些人声称停火只会对哈马斯有利。 “然而,我认为,在这一论点中,他们本质上是对数千名平民的死亡不屑一顾,事实上,甚至认可并为死亡辩护,这在道义上是应受谴责的。” 她还形容这种立场“短视且不完全理性”。
“这场冲突的根本原因是非法占领。 这是例行公事的侵犯人权、非法定居点以及无视联合国决议和国际法的行为。 如果我们不解决这些根本原因,那么你可以杀死战斗人员,但你无法消除原因。”
在回答有关美国针对犹太人和穆斯林的偏见日益加剧的问题时,女王陛下“绝对、全心全意”谴责反犹太主义和仇视伊斯兰教,并补充说,穆斯林应该首先谴责反犹太主义,因为仇视伊斯兰教是“世界的另一面”。 同一种病。”
“我们有着和平共处的悠久历史。 所以这与宗教无关。 这与政治有关,”她说。
Published: 2023-11-06 00:25 Last Updated: 2023-11-06 02:36
Queen Rania urges collective call for ceasefire in Gaza
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah denounced the “catastrophic humanitarian situation” in Gaza, urging a collective call for a ceasefire.
“How many more people have to die before our global conscience awakes? Or is it forever dormant when it comes to the Palestinians?” Queen Rania asked.
In a remote interview with CNN’s Becky Anderson from Amman, Her Majesty noted that there have been nearly 10,000 deaths in Gaza since the war began, almost half of them children “These are not just numbers. Each one of these children was somebody's everything,” she said.
“There's an acronym in Gaza, W.C.N.S.F.: Wounded Child with No Surviving Family,” Her Majesty added. “That's an acronym that should never exist, but it does exist in Gaza.”
When asked about Israel’s claims that civilians are being used as human shields, Queen Rania stressed that, while the use of human shields is “criminal,” under international law, Israel has a responsibility to avoid civilian deaths, and that no nation is exempt.
“Before firing any bullet, before dropping any bomb, it is the responsibility of the nation to weigh the risk to civilian life. And if that risk is disproportionate to the military target, then it is deemed unlawful,” Her Majesty said.
She continued, “In a place like Jabaliya, which is one of the most crowded corners of Gaza – and Gaza being one of the most densely populated spots on Earth – civilian death is not incidental, it is not accidental. It is a foregone conclusion.”
Queen Rania also pushed back against Israel’s claims that it is doing its best to protect civilians in Gaza.
“When 1.1 million people are asked to leave their homes or risk death, that is not protection of civilians. That is forced displacement,” she said. “UN agencies and other agencies have said that there is no safe place in Gaza. And even the areas that they have asked people to seek refuge in – those so-called ‘safe zones’ – they have been attacked as well.”
Noting that many of Israel’s evacuation orders are issued online or on television, despite the fact that electricity in the Gaza Strip has been cut off for weeks, Her Majesty said she does not believe that these orders are for the benefit of the Gaza civilians. “They are not the target audience; the rest of the world is. It is Israel's attempt to try to legitimize their actions,” she said.
Stressing the need for an immediate ceasefire, the Queen acknowledged that some claim that a ceasefire would solely benefit Hamas. “However, I feel that in that argument, they are inherently dismissing the death – in fact, even endorsing and justifying the death – of thousands of civilians, and that is just morally reprehensible.” She also described this stance as “shortsighted and not entirely rational.”
“The root cause of this conflict is an illegal occupation. It is routine human rights abuses, illegal settlements, and disregard of UN resolutions and international law. If we do not address these root causes, then you can kill the combatant, but you cannot kill the cause.”
In response to a question on rising bigotry in the United States against both Jewish and Muslim people, Her Majesty “absolutely and wholeheartedly” condemned both antisemitism and Islamophobia, adding that Muslims should be the first to condemn antisemitism as Islamophobia is “the other side of the same disease.”
“We have had a long history of peaceful coexistence. So this is not about religion. It is about politics,” she said.
她说即使以色列彻底摧毁了哈马斯,并不能消除战争的根源。下面该做什么?布林肯周六访问中东时说,现在停火,会遭到哈马斯的反攻,王后说,这是短视 short sighted,应当针对根源 root causes of the conflict:非法占领,没有起码的人权保障,非法定居,如果不强调这些root causes, 即使消灭了战士,仍然无法消除这些罪恶的产生的根源。也不可能消除对以色列的威胁。
google translation:
“在我们的全球良知觉醒之前,还有多少人需要死去? 或者说,对于巴勒斯坦人来说,它会永远处于休眠状态吗?” 拉尼娅王后问道。
女王陛下在安曼接受美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 贝基·安德森 (Becky Anderson) 的远程采访时指出,自战争开始以来,加沙已有近万人死亡,其中几乎一半是儿童。 这些孩子中的每一个都是某人的一切,”她说。
“加沙有一个缩写词,W.C.N.S.F.:没有幸存家庭的受伤儿童,”女王陛下补充道。 “这是一个不应该存在的缩写词,但它确实存在于加沙。”
“在发射任何子弹之前,在投下任何炸弹之前,国家有责任权衡平民生命面临的风险。 如果这种风险与军事目标不成比例,那么它就被视为非法,”女王陛下说。
她继续说道:“在像贾巴利亚这样的地方,加沙是加沙最拥挤的角落之一,而加沙是地球上人口最稠密的地区之一,平民的死亡不是偶然的,也不是偶然的。 这已成定局。”
“当 110 万人被要求离开家园或冒着死亡风险时,这并不是对平民的保护。 这就是被迫流离失所,”她说。 “联合国机构和其他机构都表示,加沙没有安全的地方。 甚至他们要求人们寻求庇护的地区——即所谓的‘安全区’——也遭到了袭击。”
女王陛下指出,尽管加沙地带的电力已被切断数周,但以色列的许多撤离命令都是在网上或电视上发布的,她表示,她不认为这些命令是为了加沙平民的利益。 “他们不是目标受众;他们是目标受众。” 世界其他地方都是。 这是以色列试图使他们的行为合法化,”她说。
女王强调立即停火的必要性,并承认有些人声称停火只会对哈马斯有利。 “然而,我认为,在这一论点中,他们本质上是对数千名平民的死亡不屑一顾,事实上,甚至认可并为死亡辩护,这在道义上是应受谴责的。” 她还形容这种立场“短视且不完全理性”。
“这场冲突的根本原因是非法占领。 这是例行公事的侵犯人权、非法定居点以及无视联合国决议和国际法的行为。 如果我们不解决这些根本原因,那么你可以杀死战斗人员,但你无法消除原因。”
在回答有关美国针对犹太人和穆斯林的偏见日益加剧的问题时,女王陛下“绝对、全心全意”谴责反犹太主义和仇视伊斯兰教,并补充说,穆斯林应该首先谴责反犹太主义,因为仇视伊斯兰教是“世界的另一面”。 同一种病。”
“我们有着和平共处的悠久历史。 所以这与宗教无关。 这与政治有关,”她说。
Queen Rania urges collective call for ceasefire in Gaza
JordanPublished: 2023-11-06 00:25 Last Updated: 2023-11-06 02:36
Queen Rania urges collective call for ceasefire in Gaza
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah denounced the “catastrophic humanitarian situation” in Gaza, urging a collective call for a ceasefire.
“How many more people have to die before our global conscience awakes? Or is it forever dormant when it comes to the Palestinians?” Queen Rania asked.
In a remote interview with CNN’s Becky Anderson from Amman, Her Majesty noted that there have been nearly 10,000 deaths in Gaza since the war began, almost half of them children “These are not just numbers. Each one of these children was somebody's everything,” she said.
“There's an acronym in Gaza, W.C.N.S.F.: Wounded Child with No Surviving Family,” Her Majesty added. “That's an acronym that should never exist, but it does exist in Gaza.”
When asked about Israel’s claims that civilians are being used as human shields, Queen Rania stressed that, while the use of human shields is “criminal,” under international law, Israel has a responsibility to avoid civilian deaths, and that no nation is exempt.
“Before firing any bullet, before dropping any bomb, it is the responsibility of the nation to weigh the risk to civilian life. And if that risk is disproportionate to the military target, then it is deemed unlawful,” Her Majesty said.
She continued, “In a place like Jabaliya, which is one of the most crowded corners of Gaza – and Gaza being one of the most densely populated spots on Earth – civilian death is not incidental, it is not accidental. It is a foregone conclusion.”
Queen Rania also pushed back against Israel’s claims that it is doing its best to protect civilians in Gaza.
“When 1.1 million people are asked to leave their homes or risk death, that is not protection of civilians. That is forced displacement,” she said. “UN agencies and other agencies have said that there is no safe place in Gaza. And even the areas that they have asked people to seek refuge in – those so-called ‘safe zones’ – they have been attacked as well.”
Noting that many of Israel’s evacuation orders are issued online or on television, despite the fact that electricity in the Gaza Strip has been cut off for weeks, Her Majesty said she does not believe that these orders are for the benefit of the Gaza civilians. “They are not the target audience; the rest of the world is. It is Israel's attempt to try to legitimize their actions,” she said.
Stressing the need for an immediate ceasefire, the Queen acknowledged that some claim that a ceasefire would solely benefit Hamas. “However, I feel that in that argument, they are inherently dismissing the death – in fact, even endorsing and justifying the death – of thousands of civilians, and that is just morally reprehensible.” She also described this stance as “shortsighted and not entirely rational.”
“The root cause of this conflict is an illegal occupation. It is routine human rights abuses, illegal settlements, and disregard of UN resolutions and international law. If we do not address these root causes, then you can kill the combatant, but you cannot kill the cause.”
In response to a question on rising bigotry in the United States against both Jewish and Muslim people, Her Majesty “absolutely and wholeheartedly” condemned both antisemitism and Islamophobia, adding that Muslims should be the first to condemn antisemitism as Islamophobia is “the other side of the same disease.”
“We have had a long history of peaceful coexistence. So this is not about religion. It is about politics,” she said.
Queen Rania urges collective call for ceasefire in Gaza
Queen Rania urges collective call for ceasefire ....