土豆被问到Yipeng Ge相关问题,Trudeau stressed the importance of free speech Tuesday as he admonished Canadians for “lashing out” at one another over differences



“People are forgetting a little bit that we’re a country that protects the freedom of expression, that protects liberty of conscience, that respects and supports people even when we disagree with them across various points of view,” Trudeau told reporters, acknowledging Canadians’ grief and pain as the war approaches its seventh week.

“We’re a place that does diversity better than just about anywhere else. And we have to remember that just waving a Palestinian flag is not automatically antisemitism. And someone expressing grief for hostages taken is not an endorsement of dead civilians.”

The prime minister was responding to reports of Canadians facing repercussions for their positions on the war, including the recent case of a doctor who was allegedly suspended from his medical residency program at the University of Ottawa for sharing pro-Palestinian messages on social media.

Dr. Yipeng Ge’s support for Palestinian freedoms has been deemed antisemitic by some, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.

Trudeau said the “polarization” presently dividing the country, along with reported rises in antisemitism and Islamophobia, is hindering hopes for a “two-state solution where a free, independent, safe Palestinian state is thriving alongside a free, independent, safe Jewish state of Israel.

@gocanoeing 网友点评,到底是土豆错没错

“People are forgetting a little bit that we’re a country that protects the freedom of expression, that protects liberty of conscience, that respects and supports people even when we disagree with them across various points of view,” Trudeau told reporters, acknowledging Canadians’ grief and pain as the war approaches its seventh week.

“We’re a place that does diversity better than just about anywhere else. And we have to remember that just waving a Palestinian flag is not automatically antisemitism. And someone expressing grief for hostages taken is not an endorsement of dead civilians.”

The prime minister was responding to reports of Canadians facing repercussions for their positions on the war, including the recent case of a doctor who was allegedly suspended from his medical residency program at the University of Ottawa for sharing pro-Palestinian messages on social media.

Dr. Yipeng Ge’s support for Palestinian freedoms has been deemed antisemitic by some, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.

Trudeau said the “polarization” presently dividing the country, along with reported rises in antisemitism and Islamophobia, is hindering hopes for a “two-state solution where a free, independent, safe Palestinian state is thriving alongside a free, independent, safe Jewish state of Israel.

@gocanoeing 网友点评,到底是土豆错没错

烂土豆就躲着不说,关键的这个“从约旦河到地中海” 能不能说?

土豆和这篇报道都扭曲和躲避了基本事实。Ge不是因为挥舞巴勒斯坦旗被停职,也不是因为支持巴勒斯坦自由而被停职。他被停职的原因至少有两点:1. 公开展示“从约旦河到地中海” 的那个口号; 2. 10月7日当天就给替哈马斯恐怖袭击辩护的贴文点了赞。我也支持上法庭,由法庭来确认一下这两点是否构成反犹和是否构成支持恐怖主义。也由法庭来确定一下他是否违反了大学和医院有关医生职业操守的的内部规定。

Dr. Yipeng Ge’s support for Palestinian freedoms has been deemed antisemitic by some, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.

OU的声明说正在调查alleged breach of the Faculty of Medicine and College of Phsysicians and Surgeons of Ontario's professional standards.

Dr. Yipeng Ge’s support for Palestinian freedoms has been deemed antisemitic by some, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.

OU的声明说正在调查alleged breach of the Faculty of Medicine and College of Phsysicians and Surgeons of Ontario's professional standards.


能给个链接或者截屏,证明 Ge 做了这两点吗?
能给个链接或者截屏,证明 Ge 做了这两点吗?

刚才帮你找出这篇文章后,我自己又看了一下。文章说,他10月7日当天还给那篇替哈马斯恐怖袭击辩护的贴文点了赞(”He did though take the time on October 7th to Like Mohammed El-Kurd’s tweet justifying Hamas’ civilian death orgy“)。


Dr. Yipeng Ge’s support for Palestinian freedoms has been deemed antisemitic by some, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.

Dr. Yipeng Ge’s support for Palestinian freedoms has been deemed antisemitic by some, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.

OU的声明说正在调查alleged breach of the Faculty of Medicine and College of Phsysicians and Surgeons of Ontario's professional standards.


现在实际上有两个问题:言论自由的问题和”breach of the Faculty of Medicine and College of Phsysicians and Surgeons of Ontario's professional standards“的问题。第一个是针对所有公民的问题,第二个是针对医学院和医生协会的医生职业标准的问题。
Dr. Yipeng Ge’s support for Palestinian freedoms has been deemed antisemitic by some, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.



至于“, though a petition demanding the reversal of his suspension — and an investigation into the matter due to the university’s freedom of expression policies — has gathered more than 70,000 signatures”, 这些是网上签名人的观点和要求,不是大学的观点和声明,这些签名的人希望学校用freedom of expression policies进行调查

freedom of expression policies是渥太华学校的政策,网上签名的人以学校之矛(政策)攻学校之盾(对这件事的处理)
Freedhoff本来就是针对 Ge 的,他没有截屏 Ge 的点赞?即使如此,说 Ge "10月7日当天就转发为哈马斯恐怖袭击辩护的贴文" 的说法也是错误的,他只是点了个赞,并没有转发。

CBC 报道也只能说 Freedhoff shares screenshots of what he said came from Ge's social media accounts.

为了准确回答你的问题,我刚查了Ge 的X账户。 Freedhoff文章后部给出的就是Ge给那篇替哈马斯恐怖袭击辩护的贴文点赞的截屏。我前面理解错了,理解成了Ge 的转贴。我已更正了我上面的贴子。


Freedhoff文章中提到的有关Ge的还不止我上面提到的两点。从Ge 的X账户可以看出,他花了大量的时间转发和点赞有关这次以哈战争的贴子。我刚才花了好长时间,拉了不知多少次屏幕,才找到Freedhoff文章中提到的那次点赞。估计法庭得花费不少时间进行调查,才能搞清所有细节,然后做出判决。
他说的:“if ... “, 完全是对这句话的理解和评论,他没说他自己是同意还是反对。

他说的:“if ... “, 完全是对这句话的理解和评论,他没说他自己是同意还是反对。


If the phrase "ching" makes you feel uncomfortable, then you probably think to much, it is just a ringing sound, as of metal or glass being struck.
If the phrase "chong" makes you feel uncomfortable, then you probable should know, it is just sb is stoned totally.
And if a dumb idiot says these 'if' to me, as a Chinese, I will kick his ass baaaaaddddly.
关键的这个“从约旦河到地中海” 能不能说?
