how do they know he's chinese? lol this is funny, and do remember he PAID for that crap.最初由 nunu 发布
You have to return everything back, they have a list, otherwise they have to charge you the full package.
Do not want to give them back because the Filter is EXPENSIVE???? Is that your excuse????
Do not lose chinese people's face.
应该让cancel吧!否则, 不就成了强买了吗?我用过三个月的free regular high speed. 取消时你要坚决, 否则会小鬼缠身。最初由 smart cat 发布
好像不是他们来收,是寄给你一个专门的袋子然后你把东西装上给他寄回去,我不用BELL也是因为线路不好,你就说connection's too FUKING unstable("fuking" is optional =p),在那个袋子寄来的时候还会附上一个清单,你就照清单要什么就装什么进去,好像没说要换filter,又好像有……记不清了,到时候自己看吧。他要再问你原因你就说速度不够要换CABLE,不管他怎么说给你升级什么新的计划都no thanks,未必他还真就不让你cancel了。