Liberal, Bloc, NDP MPs suspend ArriveCan hearings after reading ‘scary’ secret report
The parties say any further hearings could put probes by the Canada Border Services Agency, which produced the report, and the RCMP at risk
Mr. Lafleur appeared before the same committee on Monday. During that meeting it was revealed that Mr. Brock had a copy of the report but other MPs did not. The committee decided Monday to privately distribute the report to MPs on the committee only, and not to their staff. Mr. Lafleur returned to the committee Wednesday, but MPs ultimately voted to end the meeting without asking him any further questions.
CBSA职业诚信执行董事Michel Lafleur受邀就这些指控撰写了一份秘密的初步报告。
上周三,议员们在阅读了这份“可怕的”报告后,突然暂停了与 ArriveCan 和CBSA不当行为指控相关的议会听证会。理由是任何进一步的听证会都可能会给CBSA和加拿大皇家骑警正在进行的调查带来风险。