是没住人的房子要报,还是只要是自己的房子就都要报几星期前收到一个小卡片,有个扫描的QR码?也不知道是不是什么scam 还是真的要报一下return, 2022和2023两年的。
是说只要是 residential property 就不需要 报这个稅了吗查了一下,似乎加拿大房主不需要填报,这个政策只针对外国人,理解得对吗?
Who must file a return and pay the tax - Underused Housing Tax (UHT) - Canada.ca
Determine if you are affected by the Underused Housing Tax and have to file a return pay the tax.www.canada.ca
Excluded owner
Generally, Canadian owners of residential property are excluded owners.
If you are an excluded owner you do not have to:
File a return
Pay the tax
Determine the type of owner you are