


都有什么因素,说来听听,而且这些10 cents的别的因素恰恰跟土豆的碳税赶一起了?

你这话说的,4月1号前哪个点也没超过1.50$, 土豆带头,一帮黑心商家借机坑民众

What makes prices go up and down?​

The price you pay for gasoline at your local service station can vary based on the type of gas, regional taxes, the level of competition, the amount that outlet sells, and the type and location of stations.

When demand for crude oil increases and supply decreases, the price of gas increases. Another factor is price retail margins, which is the distribution margin that represents the difference between the pump price and the acquisition cost. This also includes the operating cost and expenses of a service station which vary from region to region.

Unlike the above factors that are difficult to control and that characterize the extensive oil market, the various taxes that are added to a litre of gasoline are consistent. After the price of crude oil, taxes represent the second highest component of the pump price.

Other factors​

There are many other things that influence the price of gas since crude oil and refined gas are traded on commodities markets. Factors that can influence the pump price include:
  • Seasonal changes
  • Weather conditions
  • Increased demand
  • Geopolitical conflict
  • Status of oil and gas reserves
  • Refining capacity
  • Value of the US dollar
For more details, visit Natural Resources Canada for more details on the fluctuation of gas prices here.
  • Seasonal changes 一下从冬天到春天了?
  • Weather conditions 一下子从温暖到寒冷了?
  • Increased demand 怎么就一下子需求增长了呢?
  • Geopolitical conflict 这个更是扯淡了
  • Status of oil and gas reserves 怎么变了?
  • Refining capacity Again,这个怎么变了
  • Value of the US dollar,一天前后有多大变化?

  • Seasonal changes 一下从冬天到春天了?
  • Weather conditions 一下子从温暖到寒冷了?
  • Increased demand 怎么就一下子需求增长了呢?
  • Geopolitical conflict 这个更是扯淡了
  • Status of oil and gas reserves 怎么变了?
  • Refining capacity Again,这个怎么变了
  • Value of the US dollar,一天前后有多大变化?



Historical Values

April 2, 20240 cent(s)162.9 cent(s)/litre
April 1, 2024+3 cent(s)162.9 cent(s)/litre
March 31, 20240 cent(s)159.9 cent(s)/litre
March 30, 2024+3 cent(s)159.9 cent(s)/litre
March 29, 2024-1 cent(s)156.9 cent(s)/litre
March 28, 2024-2 cent(s)157.9 cent(s)/litre
March 27, 2024+1 cent(s)159.9 cent(s)/litre
March 26, 20240 cent(s)158.9 cent(s)/litre
March 25, 20240 cent(s)158.9 cent(s)/litre
March 24, 20240 cent(s)158.9 cent(s)/litre
March 23, 2024-1 cent(s)158.9 cent(s)/litre
March 22, 2024-1 cent(s)159.9 cent(s)/litre
March 21, 2024+1 cent(s)160.9 cent(s)/litre
March 20, 2024+1 cent(s)159.9 cent(s)/litre
March 19, 20240 cent(s)158.9 cent(s)/litre
March 18, 20240 cent(s)158.9 cent(s)/litre
March 17, 2024+1 cent(s)158.9 cent(s)/litre
March 16, 2024+2 cent(s)157.9 cent(s)/litre
March 15, 2024+3 cent(s)155.9 cent(s)/litre
March 14, 2024+1 cent(s)152.9 cent(s)/litre
March 13, 2024+4 cent(s)151.9 cent(s)/litre
March 12, 20240 cent(s)147.9 cent(s)/litre
March 11, 20240 cent(s)147.9 cent(s)/litre
March 10, 2024-1 cent(s)147.9 cent(s)/litre
March 9, 2024-1 cent(s)148.9 cent(s)/litre
March 8, 2024+1 cent(s)149.9 cent(s)/litre
March 7, 2024-2 cent(s)148.9 cent(s)/litre
March 6, 2024-1 cent(s)150.9 cent(s)/litre
March 5, 20240 cent(s)151.9 cent(s)/litre
March 4, 20240 cent(s)151.9 cent(s)/litre
March 3, 2024+2 cent(s)151.9 cent(s)/litre
March 2, 2024+2 cent(s)149.9 cent(s)/litre
March 1, 2024-2 cent(s)147.9 cent(s)/litre