茶马盐铁 我想看看自定义头衔到底能有多少字。继续加,看系统什么时候把这个字符串截断。呃,居然还有?那就继续吧。 注册 2015-08-14 消息 31,262 荣誉分数 7,853 声望点数 273 2024-04-07 #1
C c8848 资深人士 注册 2009-02-19 消息 2,412 荣誉分数 663 声望点数 273 2024-04-08 #2 这个法官就是一坨 附件 1712576279210.png 31.8 KB · 查看: 6
向问天 日月神教光明左使 VIP 注册 2012-09-04 消息 64,132 荣誉分数 11,596 声望点数 1,373 2024-04-08 #3 WARMINGTON: Video of violent Peterborough robbery should exonerate store clerk Only in Canada can a robber who hit a store clerk with a baseball bat get 14 months in jail while the clerk faces up to 14 years in prison. torontosun.com
WARMINGTON: Video of violent Peterborough robbery should exonerate store clerk Only in Canada can a robber who hit a store clerk with a baseball bat get 14 months in jail while the clerk faces up to 14 years in prison. torontosun.com