Moving sale and free stuff, 床垫,乒乓球桌,futon, 衣柜,跑步机, VCD。。 (有照片)

ping pong table

Is the ping pong table still there? Where do you live? How do you think I can move the table if I want it?

Thanks, sue
running machine already sold out? if yes, u should mention it in your BBS
最初由 xixixhaha 发布
Moving sale and free stuff, 床垫,乒乓球桌,futon, 衣柜,跑步机。。 (有照片)

Re: Re: Moving sale and free stuff, 床垫,乒乓球桌,futon, 衣柜,跑步机, VCD。。 (有照片)

Thanks for your interest.
The only things left are
1. free futon,
2. Uniden cordless phone with build-in answering machine $40
3. Panasonic Stereo Music System with 2 big Panasonic speakers (old but working excellent) with phonograph, AM/FM, amplifier and 2 Cassette players. Can be hooked up with DVD and VCR, Good for KaraOK
$100 + free VCD player (brought from China, 4 years old)