医: 运动来了? OUFP (Ontario Union of Family Physicians) Call for the Immediate Resignation of Health Minister Sylvia Jones



Doctors across Canada are calling for a health-care system overhaul​

Daniel J. Rowe
CTVNewsMontreal.ca Digital Reporter
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Published Jan. 11, 2024 5:38 p.m. EST
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Doctors across the country are calling for an overhaul of the health-care system, as overcrowded emergency rooms struggle to keep pace with respiratory viruses.
Health Minister Christian Dube is urging people to avoid ERs(opens in a new tab) if possible, and to get vaccinated, which is bringing back unpleasant pandemic memories for many in the system.
"Right now, the big problem is the overcrowding in the emergercies," said Quebec Association of ER Physicians (AMUQ) vice-president Dr. Delphine Remillard Labrosse.
In Montreal, the average stretcher occupancy rate is over 150 per cent, and patients are waiting up to seven hours or longer in some hospitals to see a physician.
The AMUQ says the problem is not in the number of patients in the waiting room but rather the time it takes to admit patients to the wards.
"For us right now working in the emergency, the problem is really the overcrowding of the hospital, of the system," said Remillard Labrosse.
On average, patients spend close to 24 hours on an ER stretcher, while they wait for a bed to open up elsewhere in the system.
"That's what prevents us from doing our job," said Labrosse.
It's a similar story across the country.
"It's every emergency department, it's 24 hours a day," said Canadian Medical Association (CMA) president Kathleen Ross.
The CMA says Canada is in a primary care crisis.
"It is well past time to transform and rebuild the health care system," said Ross. "As a front-line provider, I can assure you that people are pushed to the brink. We are trying very hard to shore up the system that is crumbling around us and continues to strain us in ways that we can't really sustain."
In December, Quebec passed Bill 15, a massive health-care reform bill that overhauls the day-to-day management of the health-care system.
There are still questions about whether these changes will help reduce wait times and overcrowding.
Labrosse said doctors do feel like they are finally being heard, however.
"What gives hope to the team is that we see that there's a good understanding of what's going on," she said. "We don't just talk about the emergency that's the problem. We talk about the system as a problem."


卫生部长 Christian Dube 敦促人们避免去急诊室(在新标签页中打开)如果可能的话,请接种疫苗,这让许多系统中的人回想起不愉快的疫情记忆。
魁北克急诊室医师协会 (AMUQ) 副主席 Delphine Remillard Labrosse 博士说:“目前,最大的问题是急诊室过度拥挤。”
在蒙特利尔,担架平均占用率超过 150%,一些医院的患者需要等待七个小时甚至更长时间才能见到医生。
AMUQ 表示,问题不在于候诊室里的患者数量,而在于将患者送入病房所需的时间。
平均而言,患者要在急诊室担架上度过近 24 小时,等待医院系统其他地方有空出床位。
加拿大医学协会 (CMA) 主席凯瑟琳·罗斯 (Kathleen Ross) 说:“每个急诊室都有,全天 24 小时开放。”
CMA 表示加拿大正面临初级保健危机。

华人群体里普及真实的系统崩溃问题. 圈儿也算是帮助医生们了.
什么时候, 医生真的把病人放在首位, 才是真医生.
现在是民众和医生合力推动改革的时候了. 官老爷, 觉得现在挺好, 哈哈. 不推是不动的.

OUFP (Ontario Union of Family Physicians) Call for the Immediate Resignation of Health Minister Sylvia Jones​

Minister of Health Sylvia Jones’ response to the worsening crisis in family medicine is to outright deny there is any crisis at all. Her comments state “there is no concern of a diminished supply of physicians” and that “retention and recruitment is not a major concern”.
This is a slap in the face to Ontarians, particularly to the 2.3 million in Ontario who do not have access to a family doctor and for those who have recently or will soon lose their family doctor due to inadequate funding and increasing adminstrative burden. The Ontario College of Family Physicians projects that by the year 2026 that 1 in 4 Ontarians will not have a family doctor.

民众如果能够贡献一份力量, 现在是时候了.

2024 年 5 月 6 日,安大略省医学协会 (OMA) 与卫生部 (MOH) 之间的《医生服务协议》(医生付款谈判)进入仲裁。

我们现在从卫生部仲裁简报的公开细节中了解到,政府无意采取适当措施解决安大略省的家庭医学危机。事实上,卫生部长西尔维娅·琼斯对日益恶化的家庭医学危机的反应是完全否认存在任何危机。她的评论指出“医生供应减少并不令人担忧”,并且“留住和招聘不是主要问题”。这对安大略省人来说是一个沉重的打击,特别是对安大略省 230 万无法获得家庭医生的人以及那些由于资金不足和行政负担增加而最近或即将失去家庭医生的人。安大略省家庭医生学院预测,到 2026 年,四分之一的安大略省人将没有家庭医生。

这些言论既不敏感又危险。它们还表明安大略省政府已经放弃解决安大略省人民的医疗保健需求,这相当于拒绝承认安大略省人民获得全民医疗保健的基本权利。因此,OUFP 呼吁公众支持要求安大略省卫生部长 Sylvia Jones 立即辞职的呼吁。



Ramsey Hijazi 博士、Alex Duong 博士和 Vakar Khan 博士代表

虽然不是医生, 但是医生被欺压, 不爽, 你我都别想好过. 很多人在为此丧命. 受罪. 失去亲人.

没少缴税, 所以, 签字了.